[ZGG Repost] Time Travel ideas? |
Posted by: Havard - 11-24-2009, 01:57 PM - Forum: Archived Discussions (Members Only)
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Time Travel ideas?
http://mmrpg.zeitgeistgames.com/index.p ... opic&t=286
am looking for ideas revolving around Time Travel which could be used to link Mystara and Blackmoor.
What would be some different ideas for means of time travel?
What could be motivations for travelling through time?
Which groups or individuals could work as allies and enemies, possibly in several eras?
Hi Havard!
I love using time travel in campaigns. For Blackmoor, the most obvious is to use the gate in the basement of the Comeback Inn, ala module DA1. I've had Mystara characters use it to go back and explore Blackmoor (which has a legendary status attached to it in my Mystara campaign).
In a seperate d20 Modern campaign based on the new Odyssey Prime setting by Eden Games/Misfit Studios, a group of dimensional explorers actually ended up on Mystara's moon (the one that revolves normally) and witnessed the Rain Of Fire from space - but didn't understand the significance of it at the time.
I have also allowed players to re-use their dead characters in a DungeonWorld (Fast Forward Games) campaign, where characters are spirits in the afterlife that have a chance at escaping back to the world of the living. Those that do escape end up in Blackmoor.
Another idea I'm toying with is having the Isle of the Dead in the underground city from module B4 have a link to Blackmoor. Per B4, the island is supposedly home to many undead. In my campaign, it's because of an unusual artifact which was placed on the island (formerly a burial site) to keep it away from other living creatures. This artifact, actually an energy source from the Beagle, is the item responsible for the creation of the undead on the island. I'm considering having passages under the tunnel lead back to Blackmoor via the space and time warping energies produced by the Beagle's still running power source that is secluded there.
To my campaign, Blackmoor was an era of high magic. The players could want to go there to "rediscover" magic spells (or even mundane clockwork mechanics) or items (a rare cure for the "Red Steel" disease) which no longer exist in Mystara (or their other "current world"). The opposite works as well - Blackmoor characters might travel to the future in hopes of bringing back advanced magic, futuristic technology, knowledge of future history, a cure for a specific disease, etc.
I like using the Egg of Coot as an enemy "across eras". I've even tied him to my Gamma World history by connecting him to E. (Edmund) Coot from one of TSR's Gamma World modules (by Kim Eastman, was it?) and Deadlands: Hell On Earth/Lost Colony history by connecting him to the Hellstrome Corporation.
In a campaign based "after" the time period of Blackmoor proper, a secret society of descendants of Uther may be plotting to return/establish their bloodline to the throne of modern nations (ala, Priory of Sion from "Holy Blood, Holy Grail"). Depending on the motivations of the party, this society might be valuable allies or opponents.
These are just a few thoughts to spark creativity, anyway. Hope you like 'em!
Take care,
-Scott Moore
Sheridan wrote:
Hi Havard!
I love using time travel in campaigns. For Blackmoor, the most obvious is to use the gate in the basement of the Comeback Inn, ala module DA1. I've had Mystara characters use it to go back and explore Blackmoor (which has a legendary status attached to it in my Mystara campaign).
Hi Scott! You are right, the Comeback Inn's basement is the most logical time travel device to use when involving Blackmoor. I am wondering if one could evoke a similar feel to that of the children sneaking into the wardrobe in Narnia with PCs sneaking into the Inn's basement not knowing what they are getting themselves into. Alternately, it could be interesting to have them wake up hung over after a part at the Inn finding themselves at a different place and time having no idea that the Inn itself was involved... Twisted Evil
Another idea I'm toying with is having the Isle of the Dead in the underground city from module B4 have a link to Blackmoor. Per B4, the island is supposedly home to many undead. In my campaign, it's because of an unusual artifact which was placed on the island (formerly a burial site) to keep it away from other living creatures. This artifact, actually an energy source from the Beagle, is the item responsible for the creation of the undead on the island. I'm considering having passages under the tunnel lead back to Blackmoor via the space and time warping energies produced by the Beagle's still running power source that is secluded there.
Thats a good idea. Have you considered using the Lightning Zombies from WotI as some of these undead? Lightning Zombies are usually created from such technological artifacts.
To my campaign, Blackmoor was an era of high magic. The players could want to go there to "rediscover" magic spells (or even mundane clockwork mechanics) or items (a rare cure for the "Red Steel" disease) which no longer exist in Mystara (or their other "current world"). The opposite works as well - Blackmoor characters might travel to the future in hopes of bringing back advanced magic, futuristic technology, knowledge of future history, a cure for a specific disease, etc.
Now you are touching upon another interesting question. Motivation. Why would PCs want to travel through time, say to Blackmoor? You offer some interesting ideas here.
I like using the Egg of Coot as an enemy "across eras". I've even tied him to my Gamma World history by connecting him to E. (Edmund) Coot from one of TSR's Gamma World modules (by Kim Eastman, was it?) and Deadlands: Hell On Earth/Lost Colony history by connecting him to the Hellstrome Corporation.
Thats a cool idea. Cab Davidson from Dragonsfoot did a writeup of the Desert Master actually being the Egg of Coot, which is sort of a similar idea.
In a campaign based "after" the time period of Blackmoor proper, a secret society of descendants of Uther may be plotting to return/establish their bloodline to the throne of modern nations (ala, Priory of Sion from "Holy Blood, Holy Grail"). Depending on the motivations of the party, this society might be valuable allies or opponents.
I like this! Prince Jaggar von Drachenfels claims to the a descendant of Blackmoor. He would surely be involved in such a group. What sort of powers would a Descendant of Uther possess?
These are just a few thoughts to spark creativity, anyway. Hope you like 'em!
Cool ideas Scott! Would like to see more!
Most definately. It's great to use the Lightning Zombies and have characters begin to make the connection between this specific type of undead and the Beagle/Radience.
-Scott Moore
Very cool
IMC I refer to them simply as Radience Zombies. I think they could also fit in a proper Blackmoor campaign, and be found perhaps in the Valley of Ancients, or near some of Stephen Rocklin's experimentation facilities...
[ZGG Repost]Blackmoor using Castles & Crusades |
Posted by: Havard - 11-24-2009, 01:54 PM - Forum: Archived Discussions (Members Only)
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Blackmoor using Castles & Crusades instead of D&D 3.
http://mmrpg.zeitgeistgames.com/index.p ... opic&t=302
I know there is some deal with Zeitgeist and the Open Gaming License that prevents them from using non-Core D&D products. However, would it be possible (other than fan-based) to have an 'official' conversion of the Blackmoor MMRPG to Troll Lord Games' Castles & Crusades ruleset? I ask this, partly, because I think Blackmoor actually translates better using C&C than using D&D 3.5. Also, because C&C is 'd20 Lite', its conversion shouldn't be all that difficult.
Have any other fans out there done their own conversions? I would be more than willing to get together on the 'Net and help others convert Blackmoor to C&C as a fan-based endeavour.
Lord Lamorek Steelguard
High Thonian
Baron of Calx Mons Montis - The Castles & Crusades Society
Officially I doubt this will happen till their license ends.
Well what Blackmoor uses from 3.5 is OGL so there would be no reason to switch really.
I doubt there would ever be an official C&C Blackmoor, but it should be easy to convert to that system. From what I know of it, C&C seems pretty interesting, so I'd love to see conversions. Maybe you want to post them here?
Lord Lamorek:
Since Castles & Crusades uses the OGL as well (I've heard it described as 'd20 Lite'), I was merely wondering. Wink
From what I understand C&C is not so much D20 lite as D20 Old School, although still probably quite a bit lighter on the rules side than 3.5. Conversions should be real easy though.
If someone is willing to make a project out of this, I wouldn't mind hosting it on my website.
Lord Lamorek:
I might take you up on that offer. I know that at least one fan over at Troll Lord's boards might be interested as well. There has already been a conversion done (and posted) over at Sovereign Stone's forums for DragonLance using Castles & Crusades.
It'll likely be a while before I could get to do this, mostly because of several other pressing commitments. I'll get back to you on this....
Aw man and I was just having fun playing a wizard with a 36 Armor Class, +9 to attack (+11 with ray spells) a DC of 16 starting, three meta-magic rods, two pearl 2nds, three pearl 1st, a couple of unique certs and an empty wallet!
Continue the smack! Heavy numbers finally came through for me after my 17 greyhawk deaths.
There's a d20/C&C conversion document posted to the Goodman Games forums. It's writen by Chris Rutkowsky, who did the conversion of the Mysterious Tower. I'd repost it here, but I don't have the author's permission, so until we get Chris' okay, we'll have to follow the link.
http://www.goodman-games.com/forums/vie ... ca3bce7a67
[ZGG Repost] Moons |
Posted by: Havard - 11-24-2009, 01:50 PM - Forum: Archived Discussions (Members Only)
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http://mmrpg.zeitgeistgames.com/index.p ... opic&t=278
After reading over Dave Arneson's Blackmoor, I could find nothing in the book that related to the phase of the moon. Or for that matter any information about how many moons that there are in the night sky.
Does anyone know?
Thanks - Very Happy
I'd assume one, since there hasn't been any mention. If your Blackmoor is part of Mystara, like mine, there would be two moons, though since one is invisible it rarely affects the way of things.
Does Greyhawk have more than one moon BTW?
Greyhawk has two. "The Great Moon (Luna) waxes and wanes in fixed cycles of 28 days each, upon which our months are based; while the Handmaiden (Celene, the small aquamarine satellite) follows a path which shows Her in full beauty but four times each year, thus showing us the time for our Festivals. When both Mistress and Handmaiden are full, things of great portent are likely to occur, depending upon the positions of the five wandering stars in the Lairs, naturally. For complete details of Astrology, I recommend the reader to such texts as Selvor the Elder's Secrets of ye Skye Revealed or Yestro Bilnigd's Astrology, Divinity, and Mankind." Regards.
Michael Falconer - http://ulmo.mux.net
"Because by fate even the gods are cast down, weep ye all with me."
Thanks Guys,
I was setting Blackmoor in its own separate world. That way I will not have to worry about any references to other game worlds. So I will assume 1 moon unless otherwise specified by the higher powers (Dave or Duston.). Using a 28 day cycle of the moon.
[ZGG Repost] Are the Peshwah based on the Sarmatians? |
Posted by: Havard - 11-24-2009, 01:48 PM - Forum: Archived Discussions (Members Only)
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Are the Peshwah based on the Sarmatians (Alans/Scythians)?
http://mmrpg.zeitgeistgames.com/index.p ... opic&t=276
lately I've been doing a bit of research on the Late Roman and Early Migration Period (aka Dark Ages) and was struck how the Peshwah would seem to be like the Sarmatians (minus kit, of course, since the Peshwah use spidersilk instead of leather back jazzerant ). As you know, I like to ask off the wall questions, so here I am asking. Wink
Does anyone know if Dave based the Peshwah on the various Roman-period Steppes peoples like the Sarmatians/Alans/Scythians (or even the Huns who absorbed the Sarmatio-Scythian groups before becoming the Slavs)?
I've heard others speculate that the peshwa are similar to scythians. I havent heard anything directly from Dave on this one though, but Dustin might be able to shed some light on it?
Joined: Mar 05, 2005
Posts: 372
I'm doing the Peshwah book.
It's a combination of elements really. Social organizatiosn are drawn from plains Indians. Miiltary tactics are drawn from the mongols, with homage to the scythians who were their tactical pre-cursors. Linguistically I've been pulling a chunk from Farsi. Peshwahar is a region of Afghanistan and the home of some very fine horse cavalry during the British Colonial era.
Pull down Bood Wind, Tower of Salt, and You Shall Know them By Thier Deeds to see what I am evolving for the Peshwah.
Tad Kilgore
Voice of the Hak
Tad L. J. Kilgore
Executive Producer
I'm glad you posted this explaination Tad,
the Peshwah have always been a bit of a mystery to me. I'm looking forward to seeing this sourcebook since hopefully it will give me some better ideas on how to involve this culture IMC. They have been taking a very peripheral role so far, so I guess its about time that changed!
[ZGG Repost] More Questions! |
Posted by: Havard - 11-24-2009, 01:46 PM - Forum: Archived Discussions (Members Only)
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http://mmrpg.zeitgeistgames.com/index.p ... opic&t=273
Korv255 (May 2006)
I went ahead and ordered the book, gotta good deal. Now, a judge is just a GM right? the one running the game? I plan to run the games here (located in lexington Ky). I will be eating quite a few of these campaigns Razz Could you direct me to a good post on eating certs?
Another question. After eating a campain I can never play that campaign with an official character correct? Can a player play a campaign, then at a later date use a different character and play the same campaign?
Also, I am signing up for GenCon games, I was curious to how many games it takes to level up? I see some games up there for lvls 4-10. i wanted to see if it was goin to be possible to hit those level requirements by the time my group (and me through eating games) gets to GenCon.
I think that is all, thank you!
Hi Daniel,
Since the best way to learn roleplaying might be to play it, what do you think about joining one of our Play-by-Post games here? Smile
Just check it out over here:
http://www.dablackmoor.com/MMRPG/index. ... opic&t=255
To gather some experience, this might be one way to begin...
The WonderingBard:
1: Judge is a DM, correct.
2: Once you run a campaing you can never play in it, correct.
3: If a player has played in a campaing he/she can not go through it ever again.
4: There are currently 25 campaines out now, but more are coming, and I know that 24 of them give 750XP if you do everything correctly, and 1 of them gives 1,500XP. The total math would be 19,500XP total for your players which would make them: 6th level just 1,500XP short of 7th level. Now that does not count for special campains like last lears "Castle Blackmoor" at Gencon or the Interactive at Megacon which gave 1,000XP.
Now for your personal character you would have a total of 13,000XP. Which would place you in the middle of 5th level. The downloads section of this website allows you to download the certs for eatting a campain.
I hope that helps.
~Smiles as the Rules Monkey on His should claps happily...hey better then throwiing poo!~
... Smile Of course, I could also have simply answered your questions like WB did... Wink
[ZGG Repost] Brand New! |
Posted by: Havard - 11-24-2009, 01:44 PM - Forum: Archived Discussions (Members Only)
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http://mmrpg.zeitgeistgames.com/index.p ... opic&t=267
Ok, so I stumbled upon Blackmoor because I was looking for games to play with my friends at GenCon. I noticed the game and did a little research. That led me here. I have read the The Official Campaign Document. The world intrigues me. I noticed many references to the Blackmoor Campaign Book. My main question is do I have to have that book to run and be involved in these games? I would prefer to not buy yet another book until I get to play it and learn my group really enjoys it. I was also wondoring about judging in Home Games. If I run these games am I qualified to sign off on my players getting the XP and item Certificates?
So just a few questions I'm sure I will have more
I'm probably not the best person to be asking about the MMRPG, but I think you can still play without the DAB Sourcebook. Having said that, I heartily recommend the book.
Ofcourse, my main reason to writing here is actually just to welcome you to the boards
Yes, a hearty hello and welcome to the boards! I have to be quick now as I'm not on my own machine, starting tuesday I'll be a regular again.
Yeah, welcome! Smile
You are currently posting on the home game section of the list. These discussions normally deal with how folks use ZG's Blackmoor product in their home games. It has been helpful to me running my own home game.
Some of your questions deal directly with the the MMRPG. No, you don't have to buy the Blackmoor Campaign Book. At some point I imagine you will pick it up, because it is very useful, but to initiate play, it is not necessary. You'll really need it to run a home game. A cheaper option is to go and buy a pdf of the text at EnWorld.
As to how to use the MMRPG episodes. If your players want their characters to be"portable" and playable at cons and with other judges, then the episodes must be played as part of a series involveing only those episodes and the certs, etc. can only be official certs issued by the campaign. Also, if you "eat" and episode, that is, if you have to judge it without having played it, you quailify for you very own special cert, "You Ate an Episode" that rewards you and your character for that selfless act in our campaign.
Feel free to email me if you hvae any questions.
However, it has been my experience that you ca ususuall find someone to come and judge stuff for you if you ask. Feel free to use this forum to do so.
Tad Kilgore
Voice of the Hak
[ZGG Repost] Schwartzkänner Elves |
Posted by: Havard - 11-24-2009, 01:41 PM - Forum: Archived Discussions (Members Only)
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http://mmrpg.zeitgeistgames.com/index.p ... opic&t=258
Havard (May 2006)
Here is another idea that popped into my head:
The Scwartzkänner Elves are a group of elves from both the Westryn and Cumasti clans who have left their sylvan ways in the pursuit of Blackmoor Technomancy. Fascinated with this new form of magic, they have completely abandoned their heritage, and become obsessed with technomantic items.
These are the predecessors of the Blacklore Elves from the Hollow World boxed set. They are described as a remnant of the elves living near Blackmoor preserved in the Hollow World, now completely reliant on technomagical toys. I thought they might be interesting to bring into a Blackmoor campaign.
What do you think? How would other elves react to this new group of heretics? Would they bring anything new and useful into the realm of technomancy?
Techno elves... way to ruin my view of Gnomes and dwarves being the technomancers Sad
I don't like elves of any sort, I never have. I take that back, I love Dark Elves from Warhammer. Maybe if they were evil techno-elves, THAT I could get into.
IMC, Dwarves and Gnomes would still be the main experts on the non-twisted type of Technomancy. The Schwartzkänner Elves might not neccesarily be evil, but they are not exactly good either. Other elves would probably see them as evil, or renegades at best. I dont know about the rest of socitety.
At this time, they represent only a small group, but as technomancy in Blackmoor becomes more widespread, more elves will be drawn into their fold. This has a sort of tragic aspect to it since becoming a Schwarzkänner means abandoning the traditional elven way, and letting go of that sylvan wisdom.
Why give up the sylvan way? Make everything of wood and magic.
I figure, withing every culture there will be some subgroup that refuses to accept the ways of its own people and become fascinated with outside influences. I doubt they will be downright villains, like the Egg, but their obsession with technomancy generally does not make them very likable. They will probably try to become better at technology than the dwarves, which will only make them less popular among the short folk - These guys do not know how to make friends, but they are still no servants of evil. Could create some interesting situations. Especially if dwarves and gnomes are forced to work with them to survive an attack by a common enemy...
Dwarves do big steam seige machines, Gnomes tinker with finer stuff and controls for the bigger stuff. I see elf technomancy more focused on developing symbiotic relationships between living things and living growing machinary. Machinary that adapts, it may not be as big and stompy as the dwarven, it may not be as fine or technical as the gnomish, but it tries to adapt to the situation and body it is working with. It can extra limbs easily or remote view points from a home tree, all of this because the body will work with it not fight it.
So basically I see them as bioengineers.
[ZGG Repost] Tainted Technomancy |
Posted by: Havard - 11-24-2009, 01:39 PM - Forum: Archived Discussions (Members Only)
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http://mmrpg.zeitgeistgames.com/index.p ... opic&t=249
Havard (Apr 2006)
Some more ideas on Technomancy (Steampunk, Clockwork etc) for the Blackmoor campaign:
To the wizards of Blackmoor, technology is nothing but an extention of magic, related to Alchemy. The Wizards and Sages of Blackmoor University work with the Uberstar Dwarves to produce the wonders of the North, including golem-like pets, servants and guardians as well as a range of other devices.
Tainted Technomancy
The other main source of Technomancy comes from the Land of Coot. The Egg, an entity of unknown origin, is a known manufacturer of technomantic devices, though these are believed to be of a twisted, dark nature. Steamtech limbs or other body parts are often placed on undead or half-dead warriors, painfully grafting blades, axes or other weaponry to their bodies. The Egg's legions are also known to have gun-powder based siege weapons and steamtech ships (See Wizard's Cabal), and these items are also believed to be of an infernal nature. The Ran of Ah Fooh, once a servant of the Egg is said to have brought this tainted technomancy to the Duchy of Ten. It is possible that such items have now fallen into the possession of the Afridhi.
Comments? Any ideas to what sort of twisted technology the servants of the Egg may possess?
Oh dear God, Rotfoot has to take a level of wizard now. I was planning on it, but now he has motivation.
Also, the book we should be looking to for inspiration here, off the top of my head, The Perdido Street Station by China Meiville. It shows exactly how the twisted part of it would all work.
Hmmm..you may be on to something there! I started reading that one a few years ago, but accidentally left it at a friend's place. I got it back later, but by then I had started reading something else. If I can find it now, ill go read it again looking for ideas for the Egg's toys.
Let me know if you can think of some more twisted technomagical devices that the Egg would make.
Ofcourse, the Egg may sell these off to the Afridhi, the Skandaharians or any other enemy of Blackmoor just for the fun of it...
Well I would say really crude versions of any cyber-punk toy would be right up the Egg's alley. Magic is kind of like science or can at least be adapted that way in the case of a super power like the Coot. In that case I would pull ideas from When Gravity Fails, anything by William Gibson, or even Ghost in the Shell. There are lots of cool ideas like the idea you can look through any of your minions eyes whenever you feel like it, or a machine to inject different potions or poisons into your minion.
Rotfoot is dead and locked in my basement... Wink
Will the gnome ever return to the Company of the Maiden? Smile
Probably not, I enjoyed doing it but I felt I was lagging behind every time I posted because there would be 12-15 other posts in the span of a day Razz
That's too bad. You will find that the pace of the game has slowed considerably, partly because of your concerns that it was moving too fast. Des is posting two or three times a week now and there is a second even slower game where he posts more like once or twice a week...
Don't exaggerate! We played much quicker than I had thought, but never THAT fast - at least I think so... *Bad memory these days...*
Well then, shall I simply have poor Rotfoot butchered or shall I somehow port him to the slower game, so that you can resume with him there when you find the time?
well I'd hate to see him murdered, but maybe his soul somehow gets trapped in a clockwork counterpart... a twisted version of himself to keep in line with the thread.
Naah, can't kill him... Will let him run off...
BTW, your new avatar looks suspicously like some new piece of artwork for CBM... Am I right?
PLEAZZZE, RETURN! Torturing the gnome was so much fun!
I remember that it was from Baldur's Gate 2, but I think they pulled artwork for that from elsewhere.
I agree. Cyberpunk toys is a great source of inspiration here. I like the clairvoyance/audience effects you mention here as well as the poison/drug ideas! Perhaps needles injecting stat boosting drugs? Ofcourse, the Tainted Technomancy would have negative effects, corrupting both the body and the soul...
What about appearances? Steamforged (Cyborged) characters need to look different than their cyberpunk counterparts. Ideas for making them more Steam Tech appropriate?
Boilers, pneumatic pistons, clockwork bits; really anything from China Meiville did in the Perdido Street Station book or the source image for clockwork in the Hardback. Anything with a clockwork timer or magic infused powers. I mean quite honestly as long as it's gnomish it can look like anything, and as long as it is Coot in can look like anything twisted.
If the source book is made it needs to be one of those books you can flip over and start from the back to look at the two different views of all this technology.
You know, good from one side evil from the other, they meet somewhere in the middle for what happens when you combine them like an evil bastard.
I believe it's from a a ...was it spellfire?... card... That D&D trading cards from the last days of 2e...
Some good ideas there! I should really get back to Perdido Street Station. Where did I put that book? I was searching on the net for some of the pics you mention or something similar, but couldnt really find anything good....
Type in steampunk or steam punk, that may work.
Richard Snider RIP |
Posted by: Havard - 11-24-2009, 06:35 AM - Forum: News Archive
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Here's a repost from my blog entry:
Quote:Richard L. Snider Has Passed Away
I am sad to have learned that Richard L. Snider passed away earlier this week, on the 17th of November. Cancer is believed to be the cause of death. Richard and his brother John were members of the Midwest Military Simulation Association in the 1970s and the Sniders became two of the original Blackmoor players. In Dave Arneson's campaign, Richard played the Cleric who became known as the Flying Monk. Richard was also active in making other contributions to the campaign and an entire section in Dave Arneson's First Fantasy Campaign is dedicated to Richard's additions to the game.
Richard also ventured into game design himself. Together with Dave Arneson, he co-authored Adventures in Fantasy(1978). In 1983, Richard created the game Powers & Perils.Richard was also a Sci-Fi author, having written about 35 novels, although only one, The Leather Rose, was actually published.
In recent years, Richard still expressed an interest in publishing RPGs, though attempts to bring back Powers & Perils on a commercial basis were blocked by Wizards of the Coast. In a post on the Wayfarer's Inn in 2007, Richard stated that he would be interested in bringing his creative ideas to the computer scene in "a computer mega-opus".
May He Rest in Peace.
And here's the obituary:
Quote:Richard Leonard Snider
Mr. Snider, age 56, of Mint Hill, died Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at his home. Born August 29, 1953 in Albuquerque, NM, he was a son of the late Leonard Alfred Snider and Elizabeth Moody Snider. Mr. Snider was a self-employed landscaper.
A prayer service will be held 11:00 a.m. Saturday, November 21, 2009 at St. Luke's Catholic Church.
Survivors include his wife of six years, Najwa; and eight siblings, Paul, John, Clare, Richard, Kathy, Mary, Tom and George. In addition to his parents, Mr. Snider was preceded in death by a brother, Peter.
You may join in celebrating the life of Richard Leonard Snider by visiting his memorial at http://www.MeM.com. Through the personal Guest Book on this site, you are invited to share your thoughts and memories with his family. Arrangements by McEwen Funeral Service - Mint Hill Chapel, 7428 Matthews-Mint Hill Road, Charlotte, NC 28227 (704-545-4864).
Published in Charlotte Observer on November 20, 2009
Thanks to Greg Svenson for providing the obituary.