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Posts: 31,926
Threads: 3,236
Members: 966
Posts per day: 4.21
Threads per day: 0.43
Members per day: 0.13
Posts per member: 33.05
Threads per member: 3.35
Replies per thread: 8.87
Newest Member: Generationjla
Members who have posted: 42.24%
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Most popular forum: General Blackmoor Discussions (6,036 posts, 819 threads)
Top referrer: Havard (3 referrals)

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How to get the Good Stuff! (And Downloads) (391,106 views)
The Hello Thread! (133,727 views)
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Q&A with Jeffery Quinn (60,592 views)
[BECMI] Homebrew Blackmoor Classes (57,348 views)
Q&A with Dustin Clingman (53,140 views)
[Zenopus] Holmes' FLGS is closing (48,270 views)
[Blog] Secrets of Blackmoor Now Available for All Audiences (48,168 views)
Secrets of Blackmoor - Now Available to General Audiences (47,719 views)
Fandom Entertainment's YouTube D&D Doc (Dave mentioned) (46,968 views)
Social Media & Forums (46,905 views)
[Fan Film] Predator: The Dark Ages (46,876 views)