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Winter Elves of Skandahar
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  Character Sheet
Posted by: sgalland - 01-13-2025, 01:26 PM - Forum: Adventures in Fantasy (1978) - Replies (3)

I was working through the rules and didn't have a character sheet, so I created one. Note that the link will take you to my Github repository, I hope to add more reference sheets in the future. To download the Character Sheet, click the "Download Raw File" button on the top right hand side of the preview.

If anyone has suggestions on how to improve this sheet please don't hesitate to let me know.


  Winter Elves of Skandahar
Posted by: Havard - 01-02-2025, 02:59 PM - Forum: General Blackmoor Discussions - Replies (8)

Note: This is a fan creation by Havard.

Some say it was the Egg of Coot that caused the waters around Blackmoor to rise and the land begun to sink. A few centuries ago, the Black Sea and the North Sea joined as lands north of Maus were flooded. The elven realm had already become divided a few centuries earlier, but now the elves living in the northern woods became separated from their cousins in the Redwood. Most of the northern elves sought refuge in the Winter Woods, north of the Gremlin Woods, stretching deep into the Skandaharian Jarldoms. Many of the elven groups living in the Winter Woods already had their own 

Most Winter Elves are somewhat taller than their Redwood cousins. They are usually fair skinned with blonde to white hair and frosty blue eyes. They wear deerskin clothes and furs. They reach maturity at 100 years and can live up to 800 years or more. Few live that long however as the Winter Elves live in a region with harsh climate and many are killed in conflict or in the struggle to survive. 

Winter Elves lean towards Neutral Good alignment, although may variations exist. 

Winter Elf culture is based around hunting. They travel often using dogsleds, showshoes or skis. They often gather around the fires and entertain eachother through song and dance. Many are pranksters, enjoying to play pranks on each other and on peoples from other cultures. 

Male Names
Thiordannar, Trudelithim, Niarlar, Niarlothim, Marlothar, Golithim, Grolithar, 

Female Names
Thiordanna, Thiorella, Truteldia, Grolithella

Lands of the Winter Elves
Most Winter Elves live in the lands north of the Black Sea. Most are found in the Winter Woods (north of the map) and the Gremlin Woods. The Winter Woods stretch deep into the lands of the Skandaharians. Most of the lands controlled by the Winter Elves are dominated by coniferous forests, but also includes lakes, hills and mountains. The most notable feature is perhaps the volcanic Mt. Fiumarra. The largest settlement is called Icehold which is the home of Lord Esthioran Windwalker, the de facto ruler of all the Winter Elves. Formally they still recognize Mendander Ithamis, even though contact between the two groups have dwindled.

Gods and Beliefs
Druids are highly respected among the Winter Elves. Gods commonly followed include Ferros (N), Hydros (N), Aeros (N), Fiumarra (CN), Dealth (CN), Faunus (CN) Sylvian (N), Ordana (NG), Terra (LN). They also follow Sacwynne whom they refer to as Skadi.

Allies and Enemies
The Winter Elves are allied with the Cumasti. They are also on civil terms with the Westryn whom they sometimes encounter in the Wolf Woods. Their relation to the Skandaharians is sometimes peaceful, but at other times they are in conflict. 

In the Mystara cosmology, these Winter Elves could be among the ancestors of the Icevale Elves, although officially those elves lived farther to the west. 


  2025 - 50 Years of Suppement 2: Blackmoor!
Posted by: Havard - 01-01-2025, 05:13 PM - Forum: General Blackmoor Discussions - Replies (1)

[Image: BlackmoorSupplement2_50Years%20copy.jpg]

Quote:Happy 2025 - 50 Years of Published Blackmoor!

I hope everyone has had nice celebrations for the New Year and are ready for 2025 to begin. 50 years ago, TSR published the second supplement for D&D. This booklet bore the title Blackmoor and was written by D&D Co-Creator Dave Arneson, edited by Tim Kask and included additional material by Steve Marsh, Brian Blume and others. It was based on the campaign Dave Arneson and his friends had been running for many years prior.

This will be as good a year as any to celebrate our favorite D&D campaign world! I hope the year will be a good one for all readers of this blog.



  Andre Norton's Quag Keep Lore and David Megarry's Maps
Posted by: Havard - 12-30-2024, 06:46 PM - Forum: General Blackmoor Discussions - Replies (4)

Revisiting various blog articles:





I find a lot of these locations and groups mentioned by Andre Norton quite fascinating. I wonder how much if it could go back to Dave Arneson's campaign?


  Howling Lords of the Midnight Hunt and the followers of Elgath
Posted by: Havard - 12-28-2024, 06:30 AM - Forum: General Blackmoor Discussions - Replies (5)

So, the deity named Elgath is one that I have been struggling with a bit. He is CN of alignment and the patron of beasts, hunters and archers. He also has this bad reputation surrounding him that the Egg of Coot is a manifestation of Elgath. The DAB book does not give us too much detail on this deity, but the BMPG gives us a bit more. 

According to the BMPG p 137, the followers of Elgath are split into various groups:

  • Druids of Elgath: Lead by Archdruid Folmeran Proteus (based in a temple in the outskirts of Jackport)
  • Hunters, Archers and Clerics: Lead by Talbert Haver (Cleric). Granted, the text could be interpreted that even this is not a single group, but just in order to not make things too complex I think it makes sense to consider them the same group. It is not clear to me what the Hunters and Archers disagree with the Druids about, but the Druids dislike Clerics being part of the order. Tablert Haver was a Ranger before he became a Cleric. Hunting in a proper and respectful way is important to this group, which has lead them into conflict with the followers of Sollus. 
  • Paladins of Elgath: Lead by Justinus Folgarth, this small group call themselves the "Hunters of Elgath". Justinius was a Druid before he became the first Paladin of Elgath. They are based in the Wet Woods. This group works to keep magical beasts under control. They give me a Witcher-like vibe.
  • The Howling Lords of the Midnight Hunt: This group is not detailed in the section about Churches, but in the chapter about organisations. More below:

This group is described in the BMPG p 200. 

Group Name: The Howling Lords of the Midnight Hunt
Known Strongholds: Wurm Wood (New Lands)
Leader: Krimean the Wolf King (Archdruid)
Patron Deity: Elgath

So this group gets 1,5 pages dedicated to it in the BMPG. This is an ancient group formed by members who were blessed by Elgath the King of Beasts. They are divided into smaller groups called packs scattered around the North. Each pack has a totem animal (bear, wolf, crocodile, tiger, hawk, and so on). They use Wild Shape or dress up with beast masks, furs and clawed gauntlets in order to  look like beasts. They also use animal companions and trained beasts who become part of their packs.  Druids, Barbarians, Rangers and Wokans are accepted members. They are on good terms with the other followers of Elgath as well as other druids. They are openly hostile towards the City of Blackmoor as they hate clockwork and steam tech. They are also in open conflict with various beastmen and gatormen tribes. Finally, they hate the Clerics of Odir for their claim of leading the people of the North, but do not engage in open blodshed with them. 

So, there are so many groups associated with one deity. I think the main religious divide is between the Druids on the one side and the Hunters/Archers/Clerics on the other, but I am not quite sure what the divide is about. The Paladins seem to be a very small group so we don't have to make a big fuss about them, but I did like that they remind me of the Witchers. The Midnight Hunt group does not seem involved in the religious divide, but they seem like very fierce hunters. Their hostility towards Blackmoor and tech are also noteworthy. 

What do you make of this group?


  [Planes] The Elemental Plane of Water and Blackmoor
Posted by: Havard - 12-16-2024, 02:59 PM - Forum: General Blackmoor Discussions - Replies (1)

Elemental Plane of Water
What is unique about the Plane of Water when it comes to Blackmoor? 

First, lets look at the gods of the Blackmoor pantheon. Several gods probably take a particular interest in the element of Water. Mwajin is a god of sailors. Hydros is the elven god of the element of water. Then there is the god behind the Temple of the Frog. I also think those swampy waters could have connections to the Elemental Plane of Water. 

Inhabitants and visitors
The Elemental Planes are home to all kinds of elemental creatures. Some resemble humanoids of all sizes. Others resemble animals. Others again, are of different forms and shapes. Water Elementals are the most common inhabitants of the plane. 

Naliseth are colossal sea serpents known to the Skandaharians. Some are seen near whirlpools that could lead to the Plane of Water. Could that be the source of origin of these creatures?

Elven Elementalists and elven Clerics of Hydros have been known to travel to the Elemental Plane of Water in order to expand their magical knowledge or seek out relics and magical items connected to that element. 

The Ordo Elementarum explored the Elemental Plane of Water early on. 

Frost Giants and Skandaharians may have travelled to the more icy regions of the Plane of Water.

On the Prime Plane of Blackmoor
Gates to the Plane of Water may exist in many places near Blackmoor. Whirlpools and underwater gateways may exist in the Black Sea and the North Sea as well as in lakes or rivers in the Dismal Swamp. 

The Sailors of Archlis may know secrets invoking elementals in order to give their ships more speed or protect them from storms. 

The monstrous Kraken could be linked to some sinister elemental power?

What other ideas do you have for the Elemental Plane of Water?


  [Planes] Blackmoor's Elemental Plane of Fire
Posted by: Havard - 12-15-2024, 01:57 PM - Forum: General Blackmoor Discussions - Replies (4)

What are some unique features that could pertain to the Plane of Fire, specifically as it connects to Blackmoor?

Several gods probably take a particular interest in the element of Fire. First there is Zugzul. He was originally the patron of Fire and Ice (as per DA1) and then reimagined as the God of Fire and Darkness in the 3E line. In either case, Fire is his thing. His followers include the Afrhidhi, but also Fire Giants as well as Efreeti and other fire elemental creatures. Then there is Fiumarra, the elven patroness of Fire. She is both beautiful and terrible. Then there are the two sun gods Pacuun and Sollus.

Inhabitants and visitors

The Elemental Planes are home to all kinds of elemental creatures. Some resemble humanoids of all sizes. Others resemble animals. Others again, are of different forms and shapes. The most commonly seen natives to the plane are the Fire Elementals. Other creatures also exist here like the Efreeti, Fire Giants and Solluxes. Many Efreeti are followers of Zugzul. The Efreheti have a tyrannical empire on the Plane of Fire. Solluxes appear as humanoids. Many oppose the Efreeti. Their most powerful warriors are known as Sun Brothers.

Visitors to the Plane of Fire include members of the Ordo Elementarum. These mages from Blackmoor have explored many different planes. Elven Elementalists are also frequenly seen here, seeking audiences with powerful elemental creatures.

On the Prime Plane of Blackmoor
Planar nexuses often form around volcanoes, or during forest fires, lightning strikes or similar events. Others are found in rivers of lava deep underground, such as deep below Castle Blackmoor. In the Barrens of Karsh, Zugzul's followers, the Afridhi have summoned Efreeti in order to construct a powerful artifact. Sun brothers have also been seen in the region, trying to oppose their eternal enemies.

What are other unique aspects of Blacmoor's Elemental Plane of Fire?


  Access to Files
Posted by: seswilson - 12-05-2024, 10:02 PM - Forum: Blackmoor Rules Discussion - Replies (1)

Hi there, Ive been away from the Inn for years and just come back.
How do I get access to the files again as I used to be able to download the files
Many thanks

  Gary Gygax Gnome Cache Novel - Blackmoor references?
Posted by: Havard - 12-01-2024, 11:32 AM - Forum: General Blackmoor Discussions - Replies (1)


Thanks to Aldarron for making me aware of this blog article from four years ago by our friend Paleologos. It details a novel written by Gary Gygax sometime prior to 1973, but never published in its entirety. It appears in Dragon #1-3 and #5-7. 

Aldarron explored this novel and its depictions of Blackmoor more closely in this article:


What do you think of these two articles and what can they tell us about early Blackmoor? Smile


  [Blog] World of Greyhawk Gazetteer Revised on DMsGuild is Amazing and Free!
Posted by: Havard - 12-01-2024, 08:35 AM - Forum: Greyhawk & Blackmoor - Replies (1)

Quote:This excellent sourcebook was recently released on the DMsGuild from Cannibaal Press. The PDF can be bought for 0 USD or more if you like the book. Also, we just learned that the DMsGuild has promised that they will allow for a Print on Demand version of this book just based on the quality of the product. It is a very professionally presented book that gives a great overview of the setting.

I came across news of this sourcebook in a discussion over at The Piazza. From what I understand, this book is aimed at new fans who want to learn about Greyhawk, though it is definitely also a very useful reference for older fans. I personally love that both Arn and Blackmoor are used to reference the region so that people who have learned about Arn from the DMG will be able to find their way to the works of Dave Arneson.

It is also great seeing so many people across the fandom having helped contribute to the book. I am not a hard core Greyhawk fan, but it is always wonderful to see the amazing maps of Anna Meyer along with many familiar names on the list of contributors for art, writing and other aspects. Seeing my good friend David "Big Mac" Shepheard (From The Piazza!) having written a Spelljammer related section for Greyspace was also very nice.

This is not a sponsored review. The PDF is free from the DM's Guild. My blog has always been and will remain a non-commercial, non profit fan undertaking. I do appreciate feedback and comments though. Have you downloaded this sourcebook yet? If not, I recommend you check it out. And let me know what you think! Smile

Cross posted from my blog: https://blackmoormystara.blogspot.com/20...ed-on.html
