What happend to Marfeldt? |
Posted by: aldarron - 02-07-2010, 11:12 AM - Forum: General Blackmoor Discussions
- Replies (6)
Marfeltd "The Barbarian" was a wizards creation that took matters into his own hands. Warrior extraordinaire, short of temper, and very disciplined, he kills all who offend him and converts those to his way of thinking who stay too long in his presence. Marfeldt swore to destroy the Egg, and has apparently not been heard from since. What has become of him?
[WL] Wilderlands Deities in the Age of Blackmoor |
Posted by: Havard - 02-07-2010, 09:24 AM - Forum: Other Worlds & Blackmoor
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Alot of people use the Wilderlands Setting in connection with Blackmoor. I'm compiling a list of Gods from the Wilderlands Setting. Did I miss any?
Babylonian Pantheon (Tarantis, Lenap, Tlan)
Celtic Pantheon (Tharbrians)
Chinese deities of Shang-Ti (Viridistan)
Egyptian Deities (Desert Lands)
Finnish Mythos (Rare)
Greek Mythos (Altanis)
Indian Mythos (Karak)
Norse Gods (Skandiks, Tharbrians)
Sumerian Mythos (Ament Tundra, Ghinor)
Armadad Bog, God of Viridians:
Athena, Battle Goddess of Wisdom
Harmakhis: God of Death
Mitra, God of Justice, Fire and Law
Mycr, the Unknown
Nephtlys, Goddess of Wealth
Odin, Battle-God of Knowledge
Set, God of Evil and the Night
Thor, Battle-God of Lightning and the Storms
Seker: God of Light
Thoth, God of Learning
Adorak Tau, Sun God of the Gishmesh (Gishmesh)
Alinah, Goddess of the Moon
Amala, Warrior Godess
Aram Kor, God of Ice and Knowledge (Valon)
Beytnorn, God of Trees
Bondorr, God of Swords
Braz-Kazon, Battle-God of Smoke
Bukera, God of Desert Mountains
Cilborith, God of Elves (Elves)
Coriptis, Goddess of Battle, the Berserker Goddess
Dunatis, God of Mountains (Dwarves)
Dyratil, God of Alchemy
Feninva, Goddess of Blood
Grimsal, Guardian of the Underworld (Gnolls)
KaleKala, the FireGod.
Kazadarum, God of Dwarves (Dwarves)
Kolrak Mar, Troll God (Trolls, Goblinoids)
Kutrilogy: Kotalagon, Kutabold, Kutienna (Gods of the First Men)
Kuvartma, God of the Moon
Manannan, God of the Sea
Midor, Orc God
Mondorent, Gnoll Goddess of Tombs
Vala Tar, Sea-Mother
Godlings and Demi-Gods
Angall of the Perpetual Void
Modron, Demi-Goddess of the Estuary of Roglaroon
Mokmalla, Demi-Goddess of Love
Morg, Demi-God of Order
Gods of Pegana (Mana, Yood and Sushai)
The Toad, God of the Mermist Swamp
Zin Naou, DemiGod of Disease
[MY] Mystaran deities active at the time of Blackmoor |
Posted by: Havard - 02-07-2010, 08:13 AM - Forum: Mystara & Blackmoor
- Replies (1)
I'm compiling a list of these as they might come in handy when developing other parts of the world:
Hel: Known to the Blackmoorians as Hella
Ixion: Known to the Blackmoorians as Pacuun or Sollus
Korotiku: Known to the Blackmoorians as Hersh
Odin: Known to the Blackmoorians as Odir
Pax: Patron of Peace
Protius: Known to the Blackmoorians as Mwajin
Skuld, Urd and Verthandi: The Three Crones
the Four Elemasters: Lords of the Elements
Thanatos: Worshipped in Blackmoor under that name
Tyche: Known to Blackmoorians as Sachwynne
Valerias: Known to Blackmoorians as Phellia
Zugzul:Worshipped in Blackmoor under that name
Arik: Known to the Blackmoorians as Volketh
Terra:Worshipped in Blackmoor under that name
N'grath: Evil Patron of Earth Elementals
Great One: Known as the Father of Insellageth.
Simurgh: Patron of winged creatures
Ordana: Worshipped in Blackmoor under that name
Ssu-Ma: Known to Blackmoorians as Yoosuf
Ka: Known to Blackmoorians as Fronaus
Luca: Patroness of Jelly Ochres
Demogorgon: Known to Blackmoorians as Tyrhm
Faunus: Worshipped in Blackmoor under that name
Fugit: Known to Blackmoorians as Temrin.
Bastet: Patroness of Catfolk
Ninfangle: Patron of Catfolk
Kagyar: Known to Blackmoorians as Hemgrid
Zalaj: Patron of Cloud Giants
Gorrziok: Patron of Sea Giants
Khoronus: Worshipped in Blackmoor under that name
Aracne Prime: Patron of Spider-like races.
Nyx: Patroness of Undead
Stodos: Known to Blackmoorians as B’rr’bt
Land: Patron of Earth
Guidarezzo: Known to Blackmoorians as Baldrin
Ninsun: Patroness of Fertility and Magic
Garal Glitterlode: Known to Blackmoorians as Mieroc
Utnapishtim: Known to Blackmoorians as Henrin
Blackmoor dungeon history |
Posted by: aldarron - 02-07-2010, 07:16 AM - Forum: General Blackmoor Discussions
- Replies (35)
The zgg blackmoor dungeon book is a really interesting document because it gives great insight into what Dave thought about his dungeon over the years. But, the history given in it seems a little hokey with half a dozen races building it, including dgragons and giants. Wheras if you read the descriptions of the first few levels it's clear arneson thought of those as typical human constructions. So for lower levels to be older and non human in Origen there must have been other cave entrances. So I would simplify the history to something like levels 10-20 were constructed from sea caves up into the rock and into existing caverns with one or two cliff face entrances big enough for a dragon. At some point a band of dragons come along and drive out the sar aigu. They are killed by Rob I and the castle is built and caves sealed. Various barons add deeper and deeper levevls until the lower levels are rediscovered. what do you think?
The Northern Deluge |
Posted by: Havard - 02-06-2010, 04:06 PM - Forum: General Blackmoor Discussions
- Replies (1)
Snorri's mapsbased on the earliest Blackmoor maps have drawn my attention to what Blackmoor was like before the Rise of the Egg. The Great Flood caused by the Egg changed the surface of Blackmoor.
What was the North like before the Great Flood? When did this happen? In my writeup of the Black Sea, I suggested the lands changed around a century ago (Ca 830).
At the time, the elven realm was much larger. What else was different in the North?
Mapping Thonia |
Posted by: Havard - 02-06-2010, 02:37 PM - Forum: General Blackmoor Discussions
- Replies (2)
Okay, its no secret that I am working on a map of Thonia. So far I have been ignoring David Ross' suggestion of having a "mediterrean ocean" for Thonia. The idea was that this would make the Thonian Rand and the Brno Province more of an outskirt of the empire, but I'm not sure if I'm really buying that logic, as bodies of water would work to bring the Empire closer together rather than separate it.
Instead I am borrowing some features from Greyhawk's Great Kingdom, as well as trying to stay fairly intact with my previous maps of the region.
The big question has to do with names. I could use Greyhawk names, or I could look elsewhere. One other source that would be interesting is to use some of the names from Richard Snider's section of the FFC.
Any thoughts?
Condensed list of deities |
Posted by: Havard - 02-05-2010, 03:47 PM - Forum: General Blackmoor Discussions
- Replies (24)
Some discussions on the Piazza made me think about how many of the deities in the D20 DAB Sourcebook are very similar. Could they be the same god with different names according to the culture worshipping them? This list may be controversial, since I have been quite determined to merge various deities:
Baldin (NG)
Baldin, the patron of poets is only worshipped under that name, though in the future he will be known as Guidarezzo or Bragi.
Fronaus (N)
Fronaus is known as Raelralataen to the Peshwa. In the future he will be known as Ka or Bahamut.
Hersh (CN)
Hersh the trickster is only known by this name, though in the future he will be known as Korotiku.
Henrin (LG)
Henrin is known as Pathmeer to Dwarves and Gnomes. In other parts of the world he is known as Utnapishtim.
Kadis (N)
Kadis is known as Ferros to the Elves. Dwarves and Gnomes know him as Hemgrid. In the future he will be called Kagyar.
Khoronus (LN)
Khoronus is not known by any other name at this time.
Mwajin (NG)
Mwajin is known as Hydros to the elves. In the future he will be known as Protius or Manwara.
Odir (LG)
Odir is known to the elves as Aeros. Dwarves know him as Dhummon. Gnomes as Charis. Peshwah know him as Hak. In the future he will be known as Odin or Wotan.
Pacuun (CG)
Pacuun and Sollus are actually the same individual. The deity the elves know as Fiumarra is also the same individual though humans and elves disagree on the deity's gender. In the future this deity will be known as Ixion or Solarios.
Phellia (NG)
Phellia, lover of Pacuun is also Tilla, patroness of the Docrae. In the future she will be known as Valerias.
Sacwyhne (CG)
Sacwyhne is known to Dwarves and Gnomes as Kela. In the future she will be known as Tyche.
Temrin (dead)
Temrin was killed by Thanatos, but as a patron of Time, he may still appear in different periods that he travelled to before his death. Elsewhere he is known as Fugit.
Elgath is known as Faunus or Sylvian by the elves. In the future the name Faunus will be the name he is best known by. Rumours that this deity is associated with the Egg of Coot are false.
In this age, Tyrhm is mainly known by this name. He is a patron of Skandaharians and Frost Giants.
Thanatos (NE)
Thanatos is only known by this name and feared by all.
Hella is normally known by this name. In the future she will be known as Hel.
Volketh (CE)
Volketh is known as Gorrim by Dwarves and Gnomes. Peshwa know him as Calelrin. In the future he will be known as Arik.
Zugzul (Afridhi Pantheon) (LE)
Zugzul is best known by this name.
Brr'bb't is also known as The Frog or Tsauthoggua. In the future some will call him Stodos.
Chamber (NE)
Chamber is only known by this name. In the future she will be replaced by the Pearl Dragon.
Insellageth (NG)
Insellageth is known by this name only. In the future he will be replaced by the Diamond Dragon.
Tsartha (N)
Tsartha is known by this name only. In the future she will be replaced by the Opal Dragon.
Io the Great Dragon is absent from Blackmoor. In the future he will be known as the Great One.
Hadeen is a deceased god, known by no other name.
Dealth is an elven deity. In the future she will be known as Verthandi.
Ordana the forest mother is another elven deity. She will always be known by this name.
The elven deity Terra is known by the dwarves and gnomes as Shau. In the future the name Terra will be the one most used.
The dwarven deity known as Korzuun is known to the Peshwa as Yoosef. In the future he will be known as Ssu-Ma.
Mieroc is the patron of Gnome inventors. In the future he will be known as Garal.
Evil deity from the Peshwah Pantheon. In the future he will be known as Cretia.
References to "the future" refer to Mystara sources. While "merging" deities may be problematic, I actually like a smaller list especially since many of the portfolios of these deities overlap anyway.