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  Ye Wisdom of Ye Olden Times
Posted by: Rafael - 01-28-2010, 02:22 PM - Forum: Archived Discussions (Members Only) - Replies (3)

Dear visitors,

Please enjoy this collection of historical Blackmoor threads.

- Please don't open any new post on this board, though.

We intentionally leave the old threadsopen to encourage further discussion on them, but any new threads really belong to, well,
the fora with the new stuff.

Your trigger-happy banmaster,


  Rafe's Timeline Project - OVERVIEW
Posted by: Rafael - 01-28-2010, 01:28 PM - Forum: General Blackmoor Discussions - Replies (1)

Hi all,

So, the idea is to put together a timeline that makes the setting more coherent and accesible to people that do not know or aren't able to access the old materials.

To give the timeline a frame, I have placed Blackmoor in the Wilderlands' universe, basing my assumptions on material published by Judges Guild.

You are invited to add your own suggestions to the threads displaying my own (first) version of the respective eras.

- However, you might notice that I keep the timeline so far focused on the frame from the creation of the world until approx. two hundred years BEFORE Blackmoor traditional campaign time.

This is because I am, more than anything else, a dungeon master on these boards here, and many of the events in BM's immediate past touch the events in my campaign.

So, let's leave that out until the game is more advanced... :wink:

However, any details you send me via PM or email, I will gladly include in the second draft of our BM timeline, due some time this summer...

  Rafe's Timeline, Part III: Ye Olden Age
Posted by: Rafael - 01-28-2010, 12:49 PM - Forum: General Blackmoor Discussions - No Replies

So, I am trying to build a coherent timeline of all the events leading up to the events of "The Promised Land".

Everyone, please help me to improve this third part, dealing with the earliest recordings of our world of Blackmoor.

The Age of Auld

The roots of modern civilization.

The time of the first written records, and the time of the first human legends.
Ruins of this age are today revered as sanctuaries,
and people who lived by then are worshipped as saints or as gods.

0 BCCC           [-3403 NC]Dates meant as approximations.    Corrected Creation Date Beginning of “Balozkinar's Corrected Commoner's Calendar”,the most popular human calendar out of Thonian territory, counting from the alleged creation of the world.

101 BCCC       [-3302 NC]    Founding of the City State of Viridistan
115 BCCC       [-3288 NC]    First written record of the kingdom of Karak
120 BCCC       [-3282 NC]    Founding of Valon
322 BCCC         [-3080 NC]    According to the lyrical epics of the Ursai, mythical of the forging of “Mjolnir”, the “Hammer of Gods”

800 BCCC       [-2503 NC]    First crossing of the Valley of the Ancients by Valonian settlers
1101 BCCC       [-2302 NC]     Founding of Thracia II, over the ruins of Thracia I
1204 BCCC     [-2200 NC]    First records of regular Valonian trade with human settlements east of the Valley of the Ancients; territory of modern Thonia described as a realm ruled by an alliance of sorcerer-kings, united as “The Red Coven”

1560 BCCC       [-1843 NC]    First record of the Ironwood Forest as home of the Cumasti Elves

First records of Starport as the capital of the Red Coven’s realm

3147 BCCC     [-400 NC]    Birth of the Elven knight Maroon
3075 BCCC       [-328 NC]     Founding of Normoot, later known “The City State of the Invincible Overlord”

3205 BCCC     [-198 NC]    First record of a Karakhian expedition to Skothar:
First accounts of settlements near today's Marban and Marcovia

3388 BCCC     [-15 NC]    Legendary date of birth of Robert of Geneva

Records of an upheaval against the Red Coven,                                                       in the entire realm of their rulership

  Rafe's Timeline, Part IV: Earliest Thonian History
Posted by: Rafael - 01-28-2010, 11:59 AM - Forum: General Blackmoor Discussions - No Replies

So, I am trying to build a coherent timeline of all the events leading up to the events of "The Promised Land".

Everyone, please help me to improve this fourth part, dealing with the the rise of the kingdom of Blackmoor, and the age of the Genevans, and the rise of King Robert.

The Age of Geneva

The rise of the Great Kingdom.

The kind of tales that bards sing their songs about,
and that are told when children ask about the making of the world.
Numerous accounts and chronicles exist, though their knowledge is reserved to the greatest sages.

0 NC    Founding of Thonia and Beginning of the Northern Calendar
An alliance on tribal Altanian chieftains overthrows the sorcerer-king of Castle Arnesia and declares Robert, chieftain of the Geneva clan, king of the “Thonians”, meaning “Armored Riders” or “Knights” in Old Altanian. [3403 BCCC]*

*From now on, the BCCC/Wilderlands-related calendar will only be used if the date is of uttermost importance for both settings, not if the entry deals with BM-related lore only.

3 NC    First recordings of a settlement at the location of modern Blackmoor Town

4 NC    The Cumasti knight Maroon binds his soul to the magic sword that will bear the same name
The magic sword is then given to one of Robert’s warlords.

17 NC    Blackmoor Town made royal residence
Inauguration of “The Round Table” as council of human and non-human chieftains from all of Robert's realm. (Except for the Westryn, who have yet to reveal themselves to the world)

21 NC    Killing of Robert’s sons by the Green Knight

24 NC    Forging of the magic blade “Grief”, given to Robert’s surviving son Rogar, later Rogar I. of Thonia.

26 NC    Robert’s final victory over the Red Coven
Starport remaining as the last dominion of the red wizards, a tributary state to the new kingdom of Thonia

38 NC    Death of Robert in a military campaign against the Orcs of Ohmfet

100 NC approx.     Thracia II abandoned by its human population
Former Thracians go on to found settlements at today's Starmorgan

134 NC    First record of Westryn sightings in the human realms

289 NC    Valon and Dearthwood temporarily conquered by Orcs
from the Valley of the Ancients; first recorded contact between a kingdowm of the Pazidan region and the North

431 NC    First recordings of Dwarven settlements in the Stormkiller Mountains

510 NC    Records of punitive expeditions against followers of the demonic Id cult in the territory of Blackmoor and the Old Land

512 NC    Destruction of the Id cult and its temple, one day west of Blackmoor Town.
During the Blackmoorian assault on the temple, the magic sword Maroon is lost.

525 NC    First Valonian records of a “Duchy of the Peaks”,                                      north of the Great Glacier, around the city of Starport,                                also named “the city of the flying ships” in that chronicle
[3928 BCCC]

599 NC    Skandaharian invasion of northern Thonia
Skandaharian conquest of Marban
Marmellus of the Skandaharians weds the last heiress of the Genevan tribe,
becomes “Great King of Thonia and the Northern Marches”

613 NC    Founding year of “The Coven”, the Thonian Guild of Thieves, in allusion to the historic alliance of mages; “Coven” favors feudalism, as opposed to the centralistic Thonian monarchy

619 NC    Destruction of the Westryn enclave of Kol’gobsula in the Stormkiller Mountains, by a Dwarven army from the Regency of the Mines

649 NC    Birth of Menander Ithamis, later High Lord of Ringlo Hall

679 NC    Upheaval against the Skandaharian line of kings
Skandaharians pushed out of Thonian territory, after the revelation of the dragon Chamber on the Thonian's side

  Rafe's Timeline Project, Part II: The rise of Man
Posted by: Rafael - 01-28-2010, 11:57 AM - Forum: General Blackmoor Discussions - No Replies

So, I am trying to build a coherent timeline of all the events leading up to the events of "The Promised Land".

Everyone, please help me to improve this second part, dealing with the earliest recordings of our world of Blackmoor.

The Age of the First Men

The mythical era of the High Elves and the Dragon Kings, and of the rise of Man.

Only the very eldest immortal beings surviving to this day hail from this period.
If you dig your way to the deepest bottom of the deepest dungeon in the most remote of all places,
you might maybe find a small and tiny glimpse that this time once existed.

-8600 BCCC [-12000 NC] (Dates meant as approximations.) Founding of the city state of Kelnore
-5000 BCC      [-8400 NC]     Era of the Reptilions in the Northen Marches; Founding of Thracia I in the area that will later be known as “The Duchy of Ten”

-3700 BCCC   [-7100 NC]     End of the Kelnoran Empire
-3500 BCCC   [-6900 NC]    Last record of the High Elven city of Aroro’ Esti in the Northern Marches
-600 BCCC
[-4000 NC]    Dragon Wars in the Roglaroon
- 500 BCCC
[-3900 NC]    Destruction of Thracia I and Fall of the Immortal King
- 200 BCCC
[-3600 NC]    Sealing of Insellageth, the City of the Dragonfather
-100 BCCC
[-3500 NC]    Kingdom of Altania on the Pazidan recorded as the first human-ruled realm in the known world

  Rafe's Timeline Project, Part I: Pre-History
Posted by: Rafael - 01-28-2010, 11:51 AM - Forum: General Blackmoor Discussions - Replies (3)

So, I am trying to build a coherent timeline of all the events leading up to the events of "The Promised Land".

Everyone, please help me to improve this first part, dealing with Blackmoor's proto-history.

The Age of Ghenrek

When Gods walked among Men.
The time of the Sar-Aigu, the Chtons, and the Macrabs.
The landing of the Egg on the world of Blackmoor.

There are no existing records about this time and age.
No mortal being, however schooled, smart, or enlightened,
can know about this at the present point in history.

  [WFI Repost] IM Modules
Posted by: Havard - 01-26-2010, 03:14 PM - Forum: Archived Discussions (Members Only) - No Replies

http://wayfarer.myfreeforum.org/posting ... f=41&p=110

has ANYONE EVER played one of these three modules?

[Image: dd-im1.jpg]

[Image: dd-im2.jpg]

[Image: dd-im3.jpg]

i guess that never a character in a campaign has achieved immortal status, but perhaps you have played them as one-shots?

i've gotr them all, and i'd like to give them a try - any suggestions which one i could use first)


A friend of mine has played an immortal PC once. If I remeber well he has used the immortal storm.

However, I have to say that my friend didn't have very much fun playing an immortal. Don't talking about the DM, they have played only for 2 sessions! The DM didn't like the fact my friend was able to do anything, he didn't have the fear to die and he got in the most dangerous situation without second thoughts. There was not the classic fear, what will happen if I open the wrong door etc.

Of course I don't want to say what to do or not, I just said an experience I know.

Have a good time! :king:


Never played IM level, never even heard of anyone doing so. I think it could be great fun, if done properly, but hard to wrap your head around.


As the DM there VAN, I remind you that we had lots of fun.

Also it is not the only time we have played immortals. He was just harassing everything and everyone in every world. It was a fun game but he didn't "think" as a God... only as a powerful mage. Using d20 rules he was a 25th level wizard/15th level cleric and a god... and he went after 7th level paladins, avoiding their armies. It was quite fun.

As a sidenote: I bought the Immortal set a few days ago... It is quite good but not as good as the other sets IMO. OK, your PC is a God... and you still want to go adventuring in forgotten ruins? ! ?

Managing your own plane though is awesome and has very good rules. I have been using a (sorry to admit) better system for Gods that grew over to be usable in the 3rd edition and has many similarities with that game. I'm still adapting my homebrew rules to the ideas I got from the immortal set.


In many ways, the second version of the immortals rules (Wrath of the Immortals) is more playable, but it lacks the scope of the original set. Best, I think, treat that first set as a very loose set of guidelines rather than a hard and fast set of rules.



If you end up using IM1, I'd replace New York with something less recognizable, but still futuristic. Actually, I' suggest making it a preserved version of High Tech Blackmoor.

I own all these modules, but never played or ran any of them. In one of my first campaigns (as a player), we all made it to 36th level, conquered the entire Known World and began questing for Immortality. The campaign died at that point, however. :idiot2:

That is as close as I have ever been to using the Immortal rules in play with the brief exception of the time when I was GMing the HWA Trilogy...



it seems there might be an rpol-immortal-game in the near future... :tchin:

http://www.dragonsfoot.org/forums/viewt ... 453#409453

ExTSR (Frank Mentzer):
I've mentioned this before, but this is a new hangout, so...

The Marketing Department sent me a memo. They had named the 1st Immortals module (The Immortal Storm). They needed somebody to write an adventure based on that title. They wanted it to be me.


So IM1 is sort of an intro to play at that level. While it takes you to fantastic places, it also takes you to present-day New York and Chicago. That's deliberate, and unlike one of the posters above, I do not recommend that you change it, for psychological reasons (unless it truly destroys your plan for the multiverse, which is highly unlikely).

I asked my buddy Bob Blake, who wrote and ran most of the AD&D Open tournaments in the late '70s to early '80s (and had things published through Judges' Guild), to do the second one. And I'd always enjoyed the work of Ken Rolston on other projects, so I was very glad to see him do the third. Both top-notch authors did real good jobs, imho.

I agree wholeheartedly that my boxed set is more Guidelines, and sketchier, than the subsequent Wrath set. I left various things unfinished (or not even begun) when I left TSR to join Gary in a new company; the Rules Compendium was one, and further expansion of Immortals was another.

So it goes; there just isn't time in life to do everything you want. At least I found the time to visit Napoli and Venezia, and spent a whole week in Firenze...



  [WFI Repost] Richard Snider's Powers & Perils
Posted by: Havard - 01-26-2010, 03:08 PM - Forum: Archived Discussions (Members Only) - No Replies

http://wayfarer.myfreeforum.org/viewtop ... f=41&t=140


Hi all,

What an amazing find I made on the web:


As it appears, the game is still alive and kicking! :-D

Go check it out! *Dances around!* Soooo cooool! :-D




Richard Snider
Blackmoor is not part of the Powers and Perils world. As Greg said, part of the reason was I made my own world. The other is I produced the work while working for someone. Making tacit references to a competitors product in mine would not be prefessional or, I think, wise.

As to the rewrite mentioned, I have looked into the rights for my game. Wizards of the West Coast told me to get lost. That means the second edition start I made is for those interested in the game only. It can only be found on Wout Broere's site. There will be no publication of it.

At this point in time, if I got back into serious FRP work it wouldn't be paper and pencil. I'd get some real programmers backing me up and put it out as a computer mega-opus. Would be damn interesting. :razz: :-D

Richard L. Snider


Hi Richard,
It is nice to see that you found Rafael's forum's site.

I hope we can do better at staying in contact!

Your friend,


Welcome, Mr Snider! Smile

I enjoyed reading about your heroic deeds as a Blackmoor player and read a bit into your P&P material, which I happened to like so much I instantly installed a sub-board here. Smile

Richard Snider wrote:
Blackmoor is not part of the Powers and Perils world. As Greg said, part of the reason was I made my own world. The other is I produced the work while working for someone. Making tacit references to a competitors product in mine would not be prefessional or, I think, wise.

From what I read, I couldn't have told any but superficial similarities to Blackmoor. The Indian-style cultures reminded me a bit of Blackmoor's Peshwa, but apart from that, I could find few thing s that were comparable. Smile

Richard Snider wrote:
As to the rewrite mentioned, I have looked into the rights for my game. Wizards of the West Coast told me to get lost. That means the second edition start I made is for those interested in the game only. It can only be found on Wout Broere's site. There will be no publication of it.

So, WoTC owns that license as well? - What a mess... However, the P&P website that hosts your material is very well done, and seems to cover a lot of topics about the setting and the game. Smile So, at least P&P is not lost to the gaming community.

Richard Snider wrote:
At this point in time, if I got back into serious FRP work it wouldn't be paper and pencil. I'd get some real programmers backing me up and put it out as a computer mega-opus. Would be damn interesting. :razz: :-D

I took some time to read into the culture book and must say that the setting sounded very interesting to me. I will most definitely use it for my next campaign! ...If only WotC wasn't so unfriendly about IP. (As you might have noticed, another classic gaming line I like a lot is DragonQuest from SPI, on which WotC likewise holds the IP lock.)




Thanks for the great link and Great site you have here. I am quite enthused to have found that it also has not one but two players from Dave Arneson's own campaign. It has always been difficult to find out much about Dave's campaign.

I have a copy of The First Fantasy Campaign(copyright 1977 92 pages), The First Fantasy Campaign (copyright 1980 64 pages smaller print) and Adventures in Fantasy(acquired after unsuccessfully bidding on the copy Richard sold) and a copy of Powers & Perils that I purchased after exchanging a few emails with Richard. RL prevented me from following up on those emails and will limit my time on hear for the near future.

I hope to be able to participate in what I hope will be a long and fruitful conversation here.

Cheers to all,


Gsvenson ( Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:57 am )
Richard Snider passed away peacefully last night after battling cancer.


I'm sorry to hear this. I have only recently began investigating Richard's impact on RPG history. There are so many questions I would have liked to ask him. My thoughts go to his friends and family.

I wrote a eulogy of sorts on my blog. Hope it doesn't come off as disrespectful.

Rest in Peace.


Nicely done, thanks Havard. Richard was also a Sci-Fi author, having written about 35 novels, although only one, The Leather Rose, was actually published.


Here is his obituary:

Richard Leonard Snider
Mr. Snider, age 56, of Mint Hill, died Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at his home. Born August 29, 1953 in Albuquerque, NM, he was a son of the late Leonard Alfred Snider and Elizabeth Moody Snider. Mr. Snider was a self-employed landscaper.
A prayer service will be held 11:00 a.m. Saturday, November 21, 2009 at St. Luke's Catholic Church.
Survivors include his wife of six years, Najwa; and eight siblings, Paul, John, Clare, Richard, Kathy, Mary, Tom and George. In addition to his parents, Mr. Snider was preceded in death by a brother, Peter.
You may join in celebrating the life of Richard Leonard Snider by visiting his memorial at www.MeM.com. Through the personal Guest Book on this site, you are invited to share your thoughts and memories with his family.
Arrangements by McEwen Funeral Service - Mint Hill Chapel, 7428 Matthews-Mint Hill Road, Charlotte, NC 28227 (704-545-4864).
Published in Charlotte Observer on November 20, 2009



  [WFI Repost] Raskal's Blog
Posted by: Havard - 01-26-2010, 02:59 PM - Forum: Archived Discussions (Members Only) - No Replies

http://wayfarer.myfreeforum.org/viewtop ... f=40&t=325


I have started a blog dedicated to rpg with a large part for Blackmoor setting.
I will write messages to speak off alternative Blackmoor in the multiverse
But i am only at the first step of the trek :wink:



Looks interesting monsieur!
I will add a link to my site on the next update!

How popular is Blackmoor in France? Where are you in France BTW? I used to spend my childhood summers in the Languedoc(spl?) region Smile

I am afraid that we are few players of Blackmoor setting in France (at my knowledge).
My group is made of 6 persons : 1 master (me) and 5 players.
I am based on Paris neighberhood, so very far from Languedoc. :evil:

My next messages will speak of Blackmoor & Mystara and Blackmoor & Wilderlands. My main source is the (wonderful) works of Havard


Yeah Blackmoor is known only to a few, at least outside the US, but that makes it even more special Smile

Yikes, didn't mean to step into any French regionalist feuds here Wink
We went to Paris one year too, but I was very young. I remember being up in the Eifel Tower though and being amazed looking at the little cars down in the streets below. Smile

Thankyou, thankyou Smile
I do love praise, ofcourse. I'm looking forward to seeing your future installments!



  [WFI Repost] Corruption of the Wizards Cabal
Posted by: Havard - 01-24-2010, 04:13 PM - Forum: Archived Discussions (Members Only) - No Replies

http://wayfarer.myfreeforum.org/viewtop ... f=40&t=313

I am planning on eventually using a variant of the plot from DA1 where agents of the Wizards Cabal kidnap the king. The problem is that the current Cabal isn't evil. Now, Im thinking, what if it is slowly getting corrupted, having the good forces within the Cabal being driven out, leaving an utterly evil organization around with influence in every court in Blackmoor? Any ideas for how to incorporate this in a campaign mainly dealing with the war against the Afridhi? Smile



Okay, here are some thoughts:

* The Wizard's Cabal made a deal with Uther. Every nobleman in Blackmoor has a Court Wizard from the Cabal. This deal serves both groups: The Cabal provides the nobility with all the arcane services a nobleman could ever desire, but at the same time they get a heavy influence within the courts. The Wizards are even privy to many of the innermost secrets of the nobility and this is before taking into account the chance of unauthorized mind scanning magic used on employers. The influences of the Cabal also extend to other groups like powerful merchant houses and even some mercenary bands.

* The Cabal Inquisition not only hunts down Sorcerers, but also has an internal branch which can be used to control the members of the Cabal itself. I'm thinking of portraying them like the Babylon 5 Psi Cops.

* People like Sildonis, the Fetch and Robert the Bald are good-hearted people, trying to make sure the Cabal remains a good organization serving the interests of Blackmoor, but other forces are working against them, which is why Robert the Bald has generally isolated himself from the Cabal working on his own.

* The Church of Blackmoor is the major check against the Cabal as it denies them monopoly of magic. Not sure how this would play in. Also not sure how much I would want a Cleric vs. Mage situation. The fact that many of Blackmoor's enemies are religious fanatics might weaken the positicion of the Church. (Though it could also strengthen it).

* The Egg of Coot might easily be behind the corruption of the Cabal. Wizards are likely to become fascinated with the technologies possessed by the Egg.



think that it's the best choice : Cabal is organize to promote internal conflictd, and struggle for power.

Imagine that some Cabal members thinks that the King becomes upset by actions of the Cabal against innocent sorcerers (if innocent sorcerers can exist Big Grin ) and want change this thing.....


Never even touched the WC in my games. -They're surely there, but way away from the focus of my campaigns... [smilie=pdt_aliboronz_23.gif]


Quote:raskal wrote:
I think that it's the best choice : Cabal is organize to promote internal conflictd, and struggle for power.

Yeah, you are right. It is only the natural next step to make the conflicts spread from being internal to influencing Blackmoor as a whole.

Imagine that some Cabal members thinks that the King becomes upset by actions of the Cabal against innocent sorcerers (if innocent sorcerers can exist Big Grin ) and want change this thing.....

I could certainly see good forces within the Cabal, especially if some of the PCs are members, but I am interested in taking it to a very dark place, slowly becoming a puppet for the Egg. There could be redemption for the Cabal at a later stage however once Uther & Co take charge.


Quote:Never even touched the WC in my games. -They're surely there, but way away from the focus of my campaigns... [smilie=pdt_aliboronz_23.gif]

Same with me. But I feel that such a central element seemed unexploited. Also, having the Cabal go bad, at least temporarily would allow for me to use the modified plot from DA1 (Kidnapping of Uther).

