I will gladly consider breasts at any time, especially in the name of science! :lol:
My prime visual reference for female centaurs would be Disney's "Fantasia", and they clearly have boobs on their chests - so I would say that is where the nipples would be. I can't recall any depictions of female centaurs from Classical art, and I can't recall any female centaurs being present at the Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs in Ovid's Metamorphoses (the ultra-gory brawl happened at a wedding party, so there may have been female centaurs there that I cannot remember).
Suckling a baby centaur would certainly be more difficult if the nipples were located on the underside, being as a centaurs humanoid portion would be longer than a regular colt's head and neck, so it appears the Disney depiction is logical. In this case, a centaur would only have two nipples.
I want to try svartost now, I quite like every other kind of goat cheese that I have tried.
I've never had cheese made from horse milk, so I can't quite imagine what centaur cheese would taste like. I'd try it, though. It's got to be better than troll cheese, right?