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Wizards Cabal and the Empire
Havard Wrote:Its interesting how the Wizards Guilds thing goes back to BTPBD. I wonder if this was part of the motivation for the re-writing of the Wizards Cabal in the d20-line? OTOH, the 3E Wizard/Sorcerer divide sure was an influence as well.

Having rivaling wizardly organizations drive mages away from the Thonian heartlands fits fairly well with the pattern of many different groups emigrating to the North to get away from Thonian dominance. The Wizard groups may easily have squabbled over the good-will of the Emperor. DA3 suggests a very tightly controlled Empire, at least by 1025.

OTOH, the mages were also drawn to the north because of the strong magical energies in the region, most likely caused by the magic infused minerals of the region.


I was reading DA1 earlier today and was struck by how different the Wizards' Cabal is in that adventure vs. the D20 line. Does anyone know exactly why the Cabal was so dramatically rewritten, other than the 3E wizard/sorcerer divide?

In DA1, the Cabal is a subversive organization funded by the Iron Duke of Thonia, with a goal of destroying Blackmoor from within. That is a completely different concept from the relatively benign version of the Cabal in D20. This is why I am surprised to see that some readers interpret the Cabal as an evil organization in D20. The Cabal of DA1 would seem to be much more evil and villainous, especially with a commitment to destroying Blackmoor.

In contrast, the Cabal in D20 might be a bit oppressive or heavy-handed in its opposition to sorcery, and there might be a few older members who still believe wizards should rule the world, but it otherwise seems supportive of Blackmoor and King Uther, and willing to help defend the kingdom.

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