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The Cthonian Age
Rafael Wrote:Thanks! Now, how to work that into the timeline? - Hmmmmm...

I RULE that in our version of Blackmoor, the Cthons shall be VAMPIRE-LIKE creatures.

WHat about making them proto-dwarves?

As the civilisation at the time of the Cthonic era, I already set the reptilions/Thracians.

Patience my friend! Smile

As I said I have ideas for about 100 pages on this subject. A reptilian civilization fits very well with my ideas for the Cthonic Era. Working Vampires in might be trickier, but can be done.

In my version, "Cthonians" does not refer to one race, but a wide range of entities with links to the Egg of Coot and the God of Id. The name is probably derived from a race of huge burrowing worms which lived underground. At the end of their age, the worms fell into a deep sleep, but through their dreams they still sometimes influence people on the surface, leading them to the path of evil.

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign

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