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looking for an original dnd game
Hello, I know my username is cheesy, but I didnt feel like being creative at the time. Anyways, I am looking for an original dnd game to run a pc in. It appears there are a few groups running on the forums, but was wondering if anyone is running sessions on a real time rpg browser, such as Open RPG or the like?
Fighter Wrote:Hello, I know my username is cheesy, but I didnt feel like being creative at the time. Anyways, I am looking for an original dnd game to run a pc in. It appears there are a few groups running on the forums, but was wondering if anyone is running sessions on a real time rpg browser, such as Open RPG or the like?

I looked into stuff like OpenRPG, but I wasn't sure how useful it was. Sometimes the hardest thing is to get everyone from different parts of the country (or world) to meet up at the same time or place. One thing I'd really really be interested in is an online character sheet storage system that can be modified by the DM, and optionally by the player. (I've seen stuff like that, but you had to pay.)

Anyway, as far as an original D&D game goes... Bahumuth's game is a "heavily modified" version of original D&D with the same original D&D feel. If you're interested, you could ask him what the differences are between original D&D and his game are. Some I know are:
  • * revised encumbrance/movement system
    * revised weapon system
    * allow multi-classing and dual-classing
It really isn't that heavily modified. The biggest changes are I added multi/dual classing, thieves get d6 hit points and can divide the points for their thief abilities how they like, and halflings get extra thief points. And really the only ones who are multi-classed are PCs.
Sounds simply like a choice few of the 2e rules incorporated into the game is all. So I take it the dms here run their sessions strickly by the forums? I am really looking for a real time gaming browser setting as mentioned above. If any dm runs their sessions in that manner, I would be most interested if there is room for another pc. If everything goes by the forums here, then would anyone know of a original dnd group/world setting that uses a chat browser gaming type of thing? Really miss the "good old days" of playing in original dnd, have been playing in a couple of 2e groups for 4 - 5 years now online. Thanks
Fighter Wrote:Sounds simply like a choice few of the 2e rules incorporated into the game is all. So I take it the dms here run their sessions strickly by the forums? I am really looking for a real time gaming browser setting as mentioned above. If any dm runs their sessions in that manner, I would be most interested if there is room for another pc. If everything goes by the forums here, then would anyone know of a original dnd group/world setting that uses a chat browser gaming type of thing? Really miss the "good old days" of playing in original dnd, have been playing in a couple of 2e groups for 4 - 5 years now online. Thanks

We played a few times using AIM, but I don't think any of us has much experience with the other pieces of software. Are they free? Besides OpenRPG, are there any others? I might take a look at them.
I know there are a few others out there, though I never have ran in them, so dont have an opinion. Open RPG is the only one I have gamed in, and yes it is completely free. Once in a while it does have troubles in letting folks on, or keeping them on, but that is not common at all. As far as the usefulness, it has its own built in die roller and lets a group have a session in real time. For folks that have never played in it there would probably be a session or two learning curve, new pcs I have been involved with previously seemed to have caught on quickly.

The largest challenge is everyone being able to make a session time/day given schedules, time zones etc. but the groups I have been in seem to be able to work it out for the most part. Not trying or meaning to reinvent the wheel here with your sessions by any means, just really looking/hoping to get into a original/classic dnd group. Thanks for putting up with my questions.
Sounds interesting. We should try it out some time.
If you are interested in looking into it. You have to download openRPG and its two supporting programs. Open RPG has its own website:

from their site you have to go to "get openrpg " I beleive it says and then follow the download instructions in the correct order and without skipping a step, choosing whichever dowload is appropriate for ones computer. Just a forewarning, at least on my computer with dial up and all, it did take quite a while for everything to load up. If anyone would be interested to see how it would fit in their campaign, I could meet on a server on Open, just have to set a day/time that is convenient.

As I mentioned, I am not meaning to try to interrupt a dm's gaming style if it is working for them, personally I have found playing dnd on Open enjoyable since it allows real time rp, combat, etc, the whole gambit of a dnd table top game. Also, the groups I am in currently both run the main sessions on Open, but also continue on a forum style as appropriate in order to continue the in game dealings that are not critical to a pcs health Wink or major results where everyone would be affected. [/url]
Thanks for the info. I downloaded and installed Python and OpenRPG, but OpenRPG doesn't seem to run on my computer.
hmm, I think the two most common reasons for open not working are to make sure one has the correct versions of the two pythons and then open downloaded exactly as they instruct and/or evidently if a security firewall is on, that can affect the software also.

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