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Where are you coming from? (Game-wise)
Havard Wrote:These should be of interest to you:

I think I have more somewhere too...


Quote:Sorry, the GeoCities web site you were trying to reach is no longer available.

Hope you saved them on a hard drive somewhere. Smile
[Image: JamesPren.png]

Davey Carter Human Swordmaster
Tales from the Vales

View my maps on flickr | Blackmoor Maps on Dropbox | Wilderlands Maps on Dropbox
Dave L Wrote:
Havard Wrote:These should be of interest to you:

I think I have more somewhere too...


Quote:Sorry, the GeoCities web site you were trying to reach is no longer available.

Hope you saved them on a hard drive somewhere. Smile

Reocities might have the files (and if they don't they would like a copy of your entire Geocities website).

I tried hacking the URLs, and changeing "g" in "geocities" to "r", but couldn't get them to work. But I do know that there are several ways to index Geocities pages, and Reocities only just managed to grab as much content as they could get away with, before Geocites pulled the plug. They are still attempting to rebuild the shortcut URLs to this day.
Dave L Wrote:
Havard Wrote:These should be of interest to you:

I think I have more somewhere too...


Quote:Sorry, the GeoCities web site you were trying to reach is no longer available.

Hope you saved them on a hard drive somewhere. Smile

Fixed Smile

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
Havard Wrote:Fixed Smile

I got the cached version, when I first clicked the link! :o

Luckily it updated to your changed page after I refreshed. Whew! Big Grin
Good grief!

The green and the blue - my eyes!

The hexes in the first four maps are a weird shape too, but we can fix that.
[Image: JamesPren.png]

Davey Carter Human Swordmaster
Tales from the Vales

View my maps on flickr | Blackmoor Maps on Dropbox | Wilderlands Maps on Dropbox
I am not familiar with Pelinore at all, but a bit of Googling turned up with this:

I just downloaded it and took a quick look, and I must say that the building maps are wonderful! I love the style, and including a drawing of each building's facade in the map is sheer genius! 8)

Very very cool, I must give it a whirl for my own maps.

As for the main topic...

My favourite system would be the mish-mash of rules that I use in my own campaign. I would be hard pressed to tell you if it was more BX/BECMI or AD&D 1e; but there are elements from OD&D (d6 HD, non-variable weapon damage, Illusionists have their own magical language), AD&D 2e (specialist wizards, Thieves get double xp for stolen gold, things from The Book of Humanoids), 3e/d20 (multi-classing), MERP/Rolemaster (experience awards), Tunnels & Trolls (experience for saving throws) as well as several omissions (no proficiencies, kits or prestige classes) and many of my own homebrew rules.

My favourite system as written would probably have to be Pendragon. Its systems make me feel the romance of the setting. Absolutely beautiful!
Really though, I have enjoyed playing many systems. Mechanically, I don't like White Wolf's games. I don't like the World of Darkness setting, either... but having vampire, lycanthrope, mummy, ghost and fairy PCs is fun!

The best setting ever done? My own homebrewed worlds, of course! :lol:
They don't quite compare to the grandeur and depth of Tekumel, however. Needless to say, I dig Blackmoor. And Greyhawk. And Ravenloft. And Dark Sun. I'm not so keen on The Forgotten Realms, but parts of it are cool. Also, with apologies to Haavard, Mystara doesn't interest me very much. :oops:

I steal stuff from modules, but the only module that I have ever run in its entirety is Castle Amber. I did try running Dragonlance once, ages ago, but after an hour or so I was using the whole stack of modules for nothing more than maps and pre-rolled stats. That campaign ended up being quite fun, but it certainly bore very little resemblance to the modules and books.

The best fantasy novels ever written are by James Branch Cabell (everybody, go read Figures of Earth and The Silver Stallion NOW!!!). To look at my bookshelf, however, it is evident that I very much enjoy Micheal Moorcock, Fritz Leiber, Lord Dunsany, Algernon Blackwood, William Morris and Karl Edward Wagner. I prefer the Silmarillion to The Lord of the Rings, and I adore the appendices in LotR. Eddison's The Worm Ouroboros is an absolute masterpiece, and I enjoy reading it much more than LotR for many reasons, but Eddison's world building simply does not compare to JRRT's.

The best body of mythic literature would be the old Norse Fornaldarsogur (The Ancient Old Stories), full of enchanted swords, trolls, barrow wights, disguised gods, mighty wrestling, daring raids, freaky giants, playing board games for days on end, bloody battles, magic dwarves and teenage girls making a hobby of being a forest bandit. Awesome stuff! I read The Song of Roland, Orlando Furioso (hilarious!), Homer and The Lay of the Host of Igor again and again, too...

I used to read a lot of comic books as well, but it became too expensive and confusing for me, heueh :oops:

I don't watch television any more, but I like Doctor Who, Star Trek and Coronation Street. Sesame Street is excellent, too. :wink:

Whew, that's a lot of gushing. Tongue

Quote:Also, with apologies to Haavard, Mystara doesn't interest me very much. :oops:

I am shocked! Wink

No seriously Garolek! Good to have you back and posting again!

BTW, I moved this thread to the Freehold. It seems like a more appropriate place for it Smile

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
The rule systems I know and like the best are D20/Pathfinder, AD&D 1E/2E, Alternity, Mutants & Masterminds

To me, the best rule system ever devised is D20/Pathfinder
The best setting ever done is pre-4E Forgotten Realms
The best adventure module is The Mud Sorcerers Tomb
ANGEL TARRAGON (aka Neko Princex)
Click on my name for my socials.
Good to have a Pathfinder expert at this Forum! Welcome aboard TAD Smile
Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
Twin Agate Dragons Wrote:The rule systems I know and like the best are D20/Pathfinder, AD&D 1E/2E, Alternity, Mutants & Masterminds

To me, the best rule system ever devised is D20/Pathfinder
The best setting ever done is pre-4E Forgotten Realms
The best adventure module is The Mud Sorcerers Tomb

Is there any chance that one day this forum might get some sort of subsection where people can talk about converting Blackmoor stuff to other settings (inc Pathfinder, C&C and others).

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