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SWA Campaign Map and Key
Last month I started a Dragons at Dawn campaign for the monthly 'thons at the Schenectady Wargamers Associaton . Of course I'm using a Blackmoor setting so I thought i'd share it with y'all. Basically I have once again reworked the "before Thonia Blackmoor" map and its still very crude. Once I'm sure I won't change it again, I'll make a nice hand drawn version. If anyone can suggest kingdoms etc that should or could be added, or if there are any glaring geographical mistakes, please speak up! As pointed out before, I began with Havard's map and mucked about in a paint program.
[Image: AgeofId.jpg]
And here is the Key (Edit - see new key below for "Age of the Id")

The Schenectady Wargamers Association Dragons at Dawn /Blackmoor Campaign

Timeline – History is vague and poorly known by the players. Meaning the DM is free to spin tales as needed. There is a general notion that very long ago the world was more wet and the Sar Aigu were a dominant force. Eventually Dwarves, Elves, and to a lesser extentTrolls, Orcs, Goblins and Dragons dominated the land. However, eons ago humans learned the technologies that have allowed them to become by far the foremost species.

Elves – Elves are not territorial and do not carve out kingdoms. They adopt a clan leader, a matriarch or patriarch Archon and live in “citiesâ€
Interesting map/writeup Dan, but quite different from how I see Blackmoor's surrounding lands.

I especially like the inclusion of Salik, but I see that land more as what you have for Cirkhosia.

The Land of Thralls as hypothesized by David Ross has nothing to do with the Egg's Thralls. Rather it is where the slaves of the Duchy of the Peaks come from.

But always interesting to hear about different takes on Blackmoor. Thanks for sharing! Smile

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
Havard Wrote:Interesting map/writeup Dan, but quite different from how I see Blackmoor's surrounding lands.

I especially like the inclusion of Salik, but I see that land more as what you have for Cirkhosia.

The Land of Thralls as hypothesized by David Ross has nothing to do with the Egg's Thralls. Rather it is where the slaves of the Duchy of the Peaks come from.

But always interesting to hear about different takes on Blackmoor. Thanks for sharing! Smile


Salik/Cirkhosia could be a good as sister kingdoms or perhaps even better would be to have Salik as a principle city of Cirkhosia which would also fit well with the Gins morals, given thst I'm basing Cirkhosia on the Chimu. Trouble is, I got no names for those kingdoms east of Rhun Sad You guys got any suggestions?

"land of Thralls" is problematic because its a description rather than a name. So, taking a cue from Wiglaf's characterization of Geatland at the end of Beowulf, I thought it might be a kkingdom or area that had gained a reputation for cowardice and become a target. Thus, as an easy target it made sense for the Egg to Rise there off that coast and that puts it north of Blackmoor. Its really more of an attempt to explain the location of the egg, than anything. The other thing I'm doing with that is preserving Blackmoors original FFC geography - no sinking lands, or rather, any sinking land would be on the "land of Thralls" side of the channel.

What do you think of making the province of Bolgerie a group of Islands?

Any issues with how I characterized The Vales?
Aldarron Wrote:Salik/Cirkhosia could be a good as sister kingdoms or perhaps even better would be to have Salik as a principle city of Cirkhosia which would also fit well with the Gins morals, given thst I'm basing Cirkhosia on the Chimu. Trouble is, I got no names for those kingdoms east of Rhun Sad You guys got any suggestions?

I guess I can reveal some more of my own ideas on this: IMC, I am changing the Gin's title to the "Prince of Salik". I dont really like the term "Gin", but it clearly indicates some kind of arabic flavour to the character, which I am keeping.

I don't think I have any other kingdoms for now. It depends on what you want to base them on. I have expanded my Blackmoor by integrating Wilderlands and Pre-Mystara lore.

Quote:"land of Thralls" is problematic because its a description rather than a name. So, taking a cue from Wiglaf's characterization of Geatland at the end of Beowulf, I thought it might be a kkingdom or area that had gained a reputation for cowardice and become a target. Thus, as an easy target it made sense for the Egg to Rise there off that coast and that puts it north of Blackmoor. Its really more of an attempt to explain the location of the egg, than anything.

I guess that is possible. The way I've seen it, the Egg didnt really choose so much where to rise as I assumed it was buried deep beneath where it currently resides. Yours is also a valid interpretation though.

Quote: The other thing I'm doing with that is preserving Blackmoors original FFC geography - no sinking lands, or rather, any sinking land would be on the "land of Thralls" side of the channel.

You mean the original map (as replicated by Snorri?) or the one that came as a poster map with the FFC?

I am also using this map, but for an earlier point in Blackmoor's history.

Quote:What do you think of making the province of Bolgerie a group of Islands?

Sure, why not? Smile

Quote:Any issues with how I characterized The Vales?

No, that sounds good. I might be doing an extended writeup on my view of those lands later. For now, suffice to say that I see the Vales as a Celtic/Druidic culture. Your inclusion of elves into the culture seems appropriate, though the term Valemen, seems to suggest that the Vales are dominated by humans...

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
Havard Wrote:I guess I can reveal some more of my own ideas on this: IMC, I am changing the Gin's title to the "Prince of Salik". I dont really like the term "Gin", but it clearly indicates some kind of arabic flavour to the character, which I am keeping.

Yeah that's true, and there his flying carpet too. I will move Salik to Cirkhosia.

Quote:You mean the original map (as replicated by Snorri?) or the one that came as a poster map with the FFC?

I am also using this map, but for an earlier point in Blackmoor's history.

Yep, the original map snorri used. I had to fudge a little on the sw corner of BM where the Great kingdom, the Desert, and the Northern Delving all meet.

Quote: No, that sounds good. I might be doing an extended writeup on my view of those lands later. For now, suffice to say that I see the Vales as a Celtic/Druidic culture. Your inclusion of elves into the culture seems appropriate, though the term Valemen, seems to suggest that the Vales are dominated by humans...

I love your write ups and you have access to a much wider range of material than I do si I'll prolly steal your description. Wink
I updated the map in the first post but rather than erase the old key I'll update it here with this post. Contains new info from our discussions including a location for Quasqueton. Names are sometimes changed to reflect an older pronunciation as I imagine it and to give me some freedom to recast the campaign world. Wink


The Sudreys – a group of small islands west of Afridi and south of the Boralean Wastes. (These are my invention for the campaign and do not deriver from any source but me. Specifically the coastal village of Sant Syrus on the central isle (Ymus). The islands somewhat resemble the Faroes in appearance. Culturally the inhabitants resemble late medieval/early modern Irish/Welsh. They live in Skaara Brea/Welsh Wheelhouse type semi subterranean dwellings clustered in small villages. Life is cold, wet and harsh but community bonds are strong. Livilihood is primarily from fishing and sheepherding. These islands are mostly ignored by the rest of the world. At times barons have arisen in the islands but, politically speaking, the are currently fragmented, with local Townchiefs being the closest thing to authorities. There is however a titular king of the Sudreys, descended from a Skandariarian conqueror long ago, who lives in a fishing shack and answers to the name of Hadi. Out of politeness, the king is sometimes consulted on matters of particular importance, but, beyond officiating the occasional wedding, the position has no real authority.

Port Karssis – The only major settlement in the Aifridi lands and a freewheeling den of scum and villainy. Port Karssis (again not original Blackmoor but invented by me for my campaign) was founded originally by Cirkhosian traders and is ruled by several competing factions of Merchants. Port Karssis is built on an estuary, about 45 miles inland.

Emizho– Culturally similar to Ainu, and physically related to the Hak. Emizho live in small settlements which are in turn part of a larger clan, usually based on river valley territories. Occasionally they can be united by a single strong leader who can shape them into a very effective fighting force. They are great hunters, fur traders, and warriors. The lands are rugged (think Sakhalin, and Hokkaido 17th century) and the Kush mountains to the east are filled with monsters and Goblins whom they constantly war with. Architecture is reminiscent more of Nuristanis – flat roofed house clusters on rugged mountainsides. Some agriculture practiced by females. Males often engage in “longhuntsâ€

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