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Temples of Blackmoor (BMPG Analysis)
The Blackmoor Player's Guide lists the following number of temples spread around the towns of the Kingdom of Blackmoor:

Archlis: 8
Blackmoor: 11 (Major Temples to Baldin, Pacuun and Odir)
B. Bottom: 7
Booh 4
Bramwald: 9 (Major Temple to Fronaus)
Dragonia: 10
Erak : 9
Glendower: 9
Jackport : 9 (Major Temple to Elgath in the outskirts of town)
Kenville : 8 (Major Temple to Sollus)
Maus : 9 (Major Temples to Mwajin and Phellia)
L. Gloomy : 7
Newgate : 10 (Major Temple to Henrin)
Ramshead : 10
S. Pim : 7
Vestfold : 9
Williamsfort: 9

Now, looking at the populations of each of these small towns and villages, the number of temples found in each town does not strike me as very realistic. Although there are towns in Europe with ridiculous numbers of churches, these churches were in most cases built over a period of nearly 2000 years. The Thonian Empire has only been around for 1030 years.

How to read this:
I suggest that "temple" should simply read as a very small shrine, in many cases found within another temple. Major temple OTOH, is a significant building in that settlement. This means Blackmoor has 3 actual temples, which is perhaps not so bad. It is perhaps more surprising that Vestfold has no major temple, but OTOH this is a town dominated by Wizards and mundane powers rather than the servants of the divine.

Another thing of note is the presence of a Major Temple to Sollus in the small town of Kenville. This is really helpful in getting more of an impression of that town. It seems that Druids have a significant presence there for instance.


Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
Havard, I would have to agree with your conclusion.
[Image: Sven.png]
Baetho an Elf
The Vales campaign
Thanks for commenting Greg! Smile

This will also help us visualize what the individual towns and villages in the North look like. I had a hard time picturing fairly small towns with 9-12 large temples. Probably most settlements will have a temple near the center of town, with those larger towns and cities like Blackmoor will have several large temples, and perhaps also a few smaller ones, in addition to multiple shrines within each temple.

The Thonian Pantheon
I consider all the Deities listed in the Blackmoor Campaign Sourcebook (d20) to be part of the Thonian pantheon with the following exceptions:
1) the Deities of Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings
2) the Evil Deities
3) The Deities of the Peshwah
4) The Dragon Deities (uncertain about these too, they definately seem to be respected in the North).
5) Kadis and Khoronus are linked specifically to the Duchy of Ten, but I prefer including them in the general Thonian Pantheon. Probably they have only a very small following outside the North.

The Holy Thonian Church
Without making comparisons that would be too uncomfortable, I see the Holy Thonian Church as an organization that would have many similarities to the RW Catholic Church of the middle ages. The Holy Thonian Church follows basically a Polytheistic religion, though perhaps the individual Deities in some cases can be compared to saints. As a Christian Church could be dedicated to a single saint for instance, a Thonian Temple could be dedicated to a single deity, though worship of the other deities of the pantheon would be welcome. Many non-Clerics may choose to pray to different deities at different occasions, though Clerics have to follow a specific deity. The Holy Thonian Church is much less powerful than the RW medieval Church, having little chance to oppose the Thonian Emperor within the Empire. In the North the Church is probably ranked third after the King/Regency Council and the Wizards Cabal. The Church in the north has supported King Uther which has helped keep the Cabal in check. When it comes to Blackmoor vs. Thonia however, the Church cannot take position, the official line being that it will not interfer in worldly conflicts. They are clearly willing to make an exception when it comes to Wizards, however.

IMC, each province of the Empire has its own Patriarch, with the North counting as a province. There is a High Patriarch in the Province of Synobia, but each Patriarch is fairly independent. Each deity has its own little hierarchy and there is some rivalry between the different orders on who will get which positions. The most prominent positions are usually held by Clerics of one of the major deities though, such as Odir, Pacuun, Fronaus etc.

Within the North, the following Clerics hold important positions (as per the BMPG):

Order of Odir & Province Patriarch of the North: Bishop Garamond Bolitho, Blackmoor
Order of Baldin: Maldern Springsong, Blackmoor
Order of Fronaus: Flanagan Torvek, Bramwald
Order of Henrin: Flanagan Torvek (again???), Newgate
Order of Hersh: None
Order of Kadis: Marta Rost, Duchy of Ten (Currently in hiding)
Order of Khoronus: Galid Bronzures, Duchy of Ten (Currently in hiding)
Order of Mwajin: Floral Kyle, Maus
Order of Pacuun: Clemet Forz, Blackmoor
Order of Phellia: Valerie Songbird, Maus
Order of Sacwhynne: None
Order of Sollus: Halgerd Leafstream (Druid!), Kenville

PS: Some of the original ideas on the Holy Thonian Church, including the name are based on work by James Mishler.

Comments are welcome as usual! Smile

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
Havard Wrote:Order of Fronaus: Flanagan Torvek, Bramwald
Order of Henrin: Flanagan Torvek (again???), Newgate

While the BMPG offers no explanation for this, it may not be a mistake. According to the same book, the Order of Henrin is only loosely organized with no formal leader. Since Henrin is by some believed to be the younger brother of Fronaus, it would make sense that the leader of the Order of Fronaus would be accepted as speaking for the followers of Henrin as well. Flanagan would have to share his time between Bramwald and Newgate, but this could be beneficial for the Cleric, given that the two towns now find themselves on both sides of the Imperial border.

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
Getting back to this topic,
there are three Monasteries in Blackmoor:
  • Bramford Abbey
  • Fairfield Abbey (Brother Richard, 50 Monks)
  • The Abbey of Fitz

Has anyone used these locations in their campaigns? Did you associate them with any specific deity?

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
Havard Wrote:Getting back to this topic,
there are three Monasteries in Blackmoor:
  • Bramford Abbey
  • Fairfield Abbey
  • The Abbey of Fitz

Has anyone used these locations in their campaigns? Did you associate them with any specific deity?

In the recent Burrower Wars Blog articles I ended up connecting Bramford Abbey with Khoronus.

The reason for this is that I wanted to connect Fred Weining's work on Greyhawk's Blackmoor. I am making the assumption that Weining's Broomsage Abbey = Bramford Abbey, and that Greyhawk's God of Time = Khoronus.

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
Havard Wrote:Within the North, the following Clerics hold important positions (as per the BMPG):

Order of Odir & Province Patriarch of the North: Bishop Garamond Bolitho, Blackmoor
Order of Baldin: Maldern Springsong, Blackmoor
Order of Fronaus: Flanagan Torvek, Bramwald
Order of Henrin: Flanagan Torvek (again???), Newgate
Order of Hersh: None
Order of Kadis: Marta Rost, Duchy of Ten (Currently in hiding)
Order of Khoronus: Galid Bronzures, Duchy of Ten (Currently in hiding)
Order of Mwajin: Floral Kyle, Maus
Order of Pacuun: Clemet Forz, Blackmoor
Order of Phellia: Valerie Songbird, Maus
Order of Sacwhynne: None
Order of Sollus: Halgerd Leafstream (Druid!), Kenville

Add to this the following Clerics:

Brother Richard: controls Fairfield Abbey along with 50 monks. (DA1, played by Richard Snider in the origial Campaign).
Gregor Mendicamp: 12th level Cleric operating in secret in the Duchy of Ten (DA4)

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
Hem... where is Kenville? :oops:
He's a real Nowhere man, sitting in his Nowhere land,
making all his Nowhere plans for Nobody.

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