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Davania in the Age of Blackmoor BC4000 (Thonian Year 1030)
Ripvanwormer recently posted some fiction set in Davanian in the year 1826 of the Thonian calendar, linking Mystara and Blackmoor lore.

What is known about the continent of Davania in the classic Blackmoor Era?

In this blog entry, I posted an early world map.

In my campaign, I have based the realms of Davania on information from the Mystaros Epic of Blackmoor, where we find the following realms:
  • Empire of Evergrun (Elves)
  • Golden Empire (Dragons, Enduks)
  • Grunland, Kingdom of (Elves)
  • Hin Kingdoms (Halflings)
  • Lizardman Kingdoms (Lizardmen): Former subjects of the Serpentine Empire
  • Naga Kingdoms (Naga) : Former subjects of the Serpentine Empire
  • Serpentine Empire (Serpentmen): Former Servants of the Carnifex

As Blackmoor and the North were once dominated by ancient creatures similar to the egg of Coot during the Cthonic Age, Davania was dominated by the Carnifex. As the Carnifex are now gone, new Empires like that of the Serpentines have grown in its wake. More details on all of these realms can be found in this article.

During the BC4000 Era (Thonian Year 1030) there is virtually no contact between the Empire of Thonia and Davania. I have speculated that there could be agents of the Serpentine Empire in the Jungle Realm of Skothar.

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign

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