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Ah, the sweet scent of retirement...
Hi all,

Just announcing to the public what our core gang here already knows:

For most of the upcoming months, I will be mostly unavailable to the website,
since I will spend most time between now and November on the road traveling.

Meaning, that I will be with you happy little lot whenever I am needed, but likely won't be able to hang out here much.

Meaning, if something directly concerns my personal projects here, like The Last Fantasy Campaign or Evensong, please contact me whenever necessary.

Meaning, if it's something about Blackmoor, the site, or your personal fetishes in general,
please contact my fellow colleagues from the good Regency Council in case of woe, complaint, suggestion, or inspiration.

But no false farewells yet, please. I'll be back on more than a casual level some time in autumn,
and, as one might guess, I'll have some surprises in store for you guys (and gals) here, then. Smile

So, take good care of the Comeback Inn while I... Travel the world in search of adventure! Smile


Hey mi Hermano, have a wonderful trip. Not the same without you around, but we'll survive!
[Image: Karl.png]
Thora Stormblade Dwarf of Clan Stormblade
Tales From the Vales
Ben "Doc" Perdue Human Bodyguard
The Throne of Stars
All the best! Blackmoor fandom would not have been where it is today without you. Smile

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
Hehe, thanks, buddies. I am not dead yet, though.

As it seems, I will be on the road for most of the upcoming months, until at least mid-Spetember.
Nothing fancy, just work- and family-related stuff. So, starting by the end of next week, a stable internet connection should be a rare luxury,
and before you guys wonder why I have vanished, I wanted to assure you, I'll likely be

a) On the road between Germany and Spain, driving a furniture track with my belongings and listening to speed metal.
b) Dancing at some wedding, because apparently ALL my friends have to get married before they're 30.
c) rotting in a Moroccan prison, like all evil masterminds, in which case you won't rest until you bail me out, amirite?!

Seriously, though, I don't plan to leave the site, or whatever, but instead of three visits per day,
it might just be three visits per week for me from now on until I am at the same place for more than a week in a row.
So, I won't be "gone", but certainly less wordy and available. Thought it would be good to clarify that, so people know what's up in case of need. Smile

Anyway, if you're wondering what to tell people when they find out that I am gone.. Tell them I'll be back.

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