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Of Kings and Chronologies
One thing I love about this forum is I’m always challenged to think better, and more complex, about the setting.

Havards excellent post on Walworth and too little sleep had my mind wandering, and something occurred to me.

Henry, Philip, William, etc etc, all names royal and noble, recur throughout modern and medieval European history, across countries, borders, and empires. How many King Henry/henri’s have there been? How many king William/Guilliame/Willhelm’s? Lots right?
In the world of Blackmoor, given the European – ness of the setting and naming conventions we’d pretty much expect the same, at least for Thonian nobles, I think.

It is our recent discussions of Robert Ist that I’m thinking of here. I’ve been arguing that while Robert Ist of Geneva, is a clearly tribute to Rob Kuntz, it doesn’t follow that Robert 1st is intended as either an emperor or founder of the Great Empire, and that the founding of Blackmoor as a fief should not be pushed back so far in time.

Havard and Rafe have countered that it is well established in fandom that Robert Ist is the emperor of Thonia and at this point it is fiat accompli.

Thing is, it doesn’t have to be an either/or; it can be both: Robert 1st “The Great” founds the Thonian Empire, assisted by lords and companions Walworth and Myrlund.

Some 450 years later, during the first of several periods of decline in the Great Empire (DA series) Robert 1st , King of Geneva, forms a break away polity - the Empire of Geneva – and begins an aggressive colonization effort in the wild north resulting in the foundation of the fief of Blackmoor.

Yes, both “Roberts” are characters of Rob Kuntz, which might seem odd, but Blackmoor has a ton of such multigenerational characters played by one person – Svenny and Sol, Dave wisely barbarian, and half elf granddaughter etc.

Thoughts? Hateit?, Like it?
I think this works quite well. I definately see it being several King Roberts and a long line of Walworths. Many of the other noble houses can also trace their lines back for centuries. Again, first names will also often be repeated.

I probably won't use the 450 date for the founding of Blackmoor in my version, but that doesnt mean its not a valid interpretation.

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
Well, what I did was to assume that there is a logical progression in this fantasy world - that people thousand years ago lived like people, well, lived like thousand years ago if Blackmoor's year 1000 was the same as real world's year 1000 AD...


Start with Episode III, and there you'll see. I even work Wrath of the Immortals in, so PRAISE ME!!! :twisted:
Rafael Wrote:Well, what I did was to assume that there is a logical progression in this fantasy world - that people thousand years ago lived like people, well, lived like thousand years ago if Blackmoor's year 1000 was the same as real world's year 1000 AD...

I think this helps if you want to successfully integrate the information from Dungeons of Castle Blackmoor for instance.

Quote:Start with Episode III, and there you'll see. I even work Wrath of the Immortals in, so PRAISE ME!!! :twisted:

Not sure if that is a good thing Wink

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
:twisted: Actually, I think it was you who gave me that idea... :twisted:
FWIW, my own treatment of Robert I follows a model, at least loosely:

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