06-16-2011, 05:30 PM
Havard Wrote:Congratulations! Sounds like you have all the material you need to run a gerat campaign. BECMI is my personal favorite edition of D&D so if you will be using that ruleset, I am almost jealous
Thanks for the welcome. I strongly considered using BECMI and 1E AD&D as well. I even briefly looked at the new Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game. The whole idea for playing in Blackmoor was to play something nostalgic and retrograde for fun. I don't want the game sessions to be about learning a new system so we will probably end up using Fourth Edition D&D rules but I intend on trying to emphasis the "old school" factor. Probably only going to allow traditional 1E races with the Eladrin as a stand in for Gray Elves and I might allow the new race in the 4E Blackmoor book. I found this website from doing various searches on Blackmoor and classic D&D fonts. I always make up a campaign pack booklet to hand out to all the prospective players before we start a campaign. I am going to make this one up in all 1970's and early 1980's D&D style. I plan on using old style character sheets as well but with 4E information. I will probably print them up on golden rod, blue, or green paper.
Havard Wrote:Basically this is correct. There are also links to the Wilderlands Setting from Judges Guild. Although I am a huge fan of the BECMI world (Mystara) and of connecting settings in general, I would recommend just focusing on Blackmoor itself.
I think I am going to focus on the main Blackmoor region. Since this is the first "nostalgia" game on a world I hardly know I want to keep my options open for the future. It may be interesting to be able to visit some BECMI gazetteer locations later on or even the wilderlands. This campaign is probably the best vehicle for that to ever happen in my game group. Seems some hokey time traveling scheme was used in the DA modules to bring people back and forth but I can worry about that later. Does the old DA series and new d20 material use the same in-game calenders?
Dave L Wrote:My thing is maps. Feel free to check out the Blackmoor section of my flickr page - you'll find reproductions of the DA module maps as well as Dave Arneson's 1977 FFC map.
If you can use them in your campaign, feel free.
Thanks! I will check them out. I will be looking around and I am sure I will have a lot more questions.
I need to find some quality D&D character sheets for fourth edition rules that look like first edition or BECMI ones. Otherwise, I will have to make them up.
Thanks and Good Gaming.