05-31-2011, 09:58 AM
Marco Dalmonte Wrote:A side note: i have many appendixes to classify immortals for quicker reference, and one of these is particularly interesting and useful. It details immortals in order of ascension through the Mystaran timeline.
I can therefore state that during the period of Blackmoor (ca. 4500 BC) the following immortals were already active:
Beginning of Multiverse (before BC 100.000)
Hel, Ixion*, Korotiku, Odin, Ouranos*, Pax*, Protius, Skuld, the Four Elemasters, Thalia, Thanatos*, Tyche, Urd, Valerias, Verthandi*, Zugzul
* these were the High Hierarchs at the beginning of times
Prehistory (BC 100.000 - BC 30.000)
Arik, Terra, N’grath, Great One, Simurgh, Ordana, Ssu-Ma, Ka, Luca
Carnifex Tyranny (BC 30.000 - BC 19.000)
Demogorgon, Faunus, Fugit
Giants Era (BC 19.000 - BC 10.000)
Bastet, Ninfangle (BC 15000), Kagyar (BC 11000), Zalaj (BC 10200), Gorrziok (BC 10000)
Rise of Civilizations (BC 10.000 - BC 4.000)
Razud (BC 4400), Khoronus (BC 4050), Aracne Prime, Nyx, Stodos, Land
Blackmoor Era (BC 4.000 - BC 3.000)
Guidarezzo (BC 3930), Ninsun (BC 3400), Asterius (BC 3200), Garal Glitterlode (BC 3100), Sinbad
Era of Rebuilding (BC 3.000 – BC 2.000)
Rathanos (XXX century BC), Djaea (BC 2930), Cochere (BC 2920), Cretia (BC 2850), Utnapishtim (BC 2800), Slizzark (BC 2740), Saasskas (XXIV cent. BC), Tarastia (BC 2330)
XX century BC
XIX century BC
Ilsundal (BC 1800), Kallala, Saturnius
XVIII century BC
Thor (BC 1750), Calitha (BC 1730), Diulanna, Loki
XVII century BC
Frey & Freyja (BC 1660), The Korrigans (BC 1640), Tahkati (BC 1620), Ilmarinen (BC 1610), Saimpt Loup, Wayland, Yagrai
XVI century BC
Pflarr (BC 1540), Maat (BC 1530), Atzanteotl (BC 1500)
XV century BC
Malafor (BC 1440), Hymir, Polunius
XIV century BC
Chardastes (BC 1360), Bachraeus (BC 1320), Talitha
XIII century BC
Wogar (BC 1263), Eiryndul (BC 1200), Forsetta
XII century BC
Bagni Gullymaw, Bartziluth, Iliric, Jammudaru, Rafiel
XI century BC
Chiron, Sharpcrest, Minroth, Raith, Urtson
X century BC
Koryis & Kersy (BC 990), Pharamond (BC 930), Halav, Ranivorus
IX century BC
Zirchev (BC 870), Palartarkan (BC 840), Saimpt Malinois (BC 830), Alphatia (BC 800)
VIII century BC
Atruaghin (BC 795), Tiresias (BC 780), Danel (BC 770), Hattani (BC 760), Petra
VII century BC
Brissard (BC 630), Ahmanni, Karaash, Masauwu, Taroyas
VI century BC
Brindorhin (BC 572), Coberham, Eternal General, Idris
V century BC
Kiranjo (BC 480), Noumena (BC 460), Arnelee (BC 456), Mahmatti (BC 452), Gorm (BC 444), Finidel (BC 410), Hircismus, Kurtulmak, Lornasen
IV century BC
Vanya (BC 380), Madarua (BC 345), Usamigaras (BC 333), Crakkak
III century BC
Mealiden (BC 250)
II century BC
Buglore, Marwdyn
I century BC
I century AC
Oleyan (AC 60), Paarkum, Macroblan
II century AC
Idraote, Infaust, Twelve Watchers
III century AC
Shaper (AC 240)
IV century AC
Carnelian, Raven, Tourlain, Soubrette
V century AC
Mrikitat (AC 491), Bemarris, Harrow
VI century AC
Alphaks, Opal, Palson, Saimpt Mâtin
VII century AC
Nob Nar (AC 690), Saimpt Ralon
VIII century AC
Yav (AC 758), Patura, Ruaidhri Hawkbane
IX century AC
Diamond (AC 800), Rad (AC 855), Turmis (AC 880), Pearl
X century AC
Kythria (AC 910), Lokena (AC 920), Saimpt Clébard (AC 954), Liena (AC 996)
XI century AC
Al-Kalim (AC 1001), Benekander (AC 1002)
Source: http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/ ... _Immortals
For the Blackmoor Era, this gives us the following:
Beginning of Multiverse (before BC 100.000)
Hel, Ixion*, Korotiku, Odin, Ouranos*, Pax*, Protius, Skuld, the Four Elemasters, Thalia, Thanatos*, Tyche, Urd, Valerias, Verthandi*, Zugzul
* these were the High Hierarchs at the beginning of times. Ouranos would already have disappeared by the time of Blackmoor.
Prehistory (BC 100.000 - BC 30.000)
Arik, Terra, N’grath, Great One, Simurgh, Ordana, Ssu-Ma, Ka, Luca
Carnifex Tyranny (BC 30.000 - BC 19.000)
Demogorgon, Faunus, Fugit
Giants Era (BC 19.000 - BC 10.000)
Bastet, Ninfangle (BC 15000), Kagyar (BC 11000), Zalaj (BC 10200), Gorrziok (BC 10000)
Rise of Civilizations (BC 10.000 - BC 4.000)
Razud (BC 4400), Khoronus (BC 4050), Aracne Prime, Nyx, Stodos, Land
Blackmoor Era (BC 4.000 - BC 3.000)
Guidarezzo (BC 3930), Ninsun (BC 3400), Asterius (BC 3200), Garal Glitterlode (BC 3100), Sinbad
Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign