03-19-2011, 09:21 AM
For the record, I've abandoned that Baron Regscott idea in favor of your dog duke story. It fits the material more faithfully.
I like the equation of Raddan Goss to "Bloody Duke" but having taken a closer look at DoCB's level 11, I see a lot of details that seem impossible to fit.
Level 11 has a fair few details about the man, except oddly, for his name.
He's described as a human (Thonian) male with a sadistic love of torture.
His ghost is meglaomaniac and a liar.
He was overpowered by 13 of his victims and guillotined in torture room #13 on the 13th day of the month. His ghost is now terrified of the number 13. (odd detail that, I suspect Arneson's idea).
He claims to have been the "grand creator of the dungeons of Castle Blackmoor" (p184-185). He definetly is responsible for some rooms on level 9 and many on level 11. It would suggest he was an early expander of the dungeons and had controll of all the levels at least down to 11 while he was duke.
Most of that will still fit with Raddan - except for his death. Again oddly, DoCB says its "rumored" that the Bloody Duke was Guilotined but its clear that the rumor is meant to be true, given the ghost has a bloody neck and fears number 13.
Probably, this duke dates to an earlier time in Blackmoor's history.
I like the equation of Raddan Goss to "Bloody Duke" but having taken a closer look at DoCB's level 11, I see a lot of details that seem impossible to fit.
Level 11 has a fair few details about the man, except oddly, for his name.
He's described as a human (Thonian) male with a sadistic love of torture.
His ghost is meglaomaniac and a liar.
He was overpowered by 13 of his victims and guillotined in torture room #13 on the 13th day of the month. His ghost is now terrified of the number 13. (odd detail that, I suspect Arneson's idea).
He claims to have been the "grand creator of the dungeons of Castle Blackmoor" (p184-185). He definetly is responsible for some rooms on level 9 and many on level 11. It would suggest he was an early expander of the dungeons and had controll of all the levels at least down to 11 while he was duke.
Most of that will still fit with Raddan - except for his death. Again oddly, DoCB says its "rumored" that the Bloody Duke was Guilotined but its clear that the rumor is meant to be true, given the ghost has a bloody neck and fears number 13.
Probably, this duke dates to an earlier time in Blackmoor's history.