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The Adventures of Halgred Forestwalker
First off, let's talk about that better in person, next time we skype!

With the transition to Spain near,
I will be too busy for the next few weeks to post as much as I did during the last few days.

Havard Wrote:My timeline isnt too different from yours. I have a Glacial period lasting until ca -5000 NC, meaning that before this there is little activity in the Blackmoor area before this. That does contradict your ideas about Thracia, but it does not prevent activity to have taken place to the South, ie in the Wilderlands region long before this. From my reading of your timeline, most events prior to this (except mentioned Thracia stuff) mainly involves the Wilderlands.

Yeah, but the Thracian timeline in itself is way longer - I just didn't put it there because I thought it would blow up
the timeline unnecessarily. Just let me say that you can't have a pseudo-Atlantean society there and have them live from air and water. :wink:

Quote:"First" should not be taken too literally. I have Uhlmar be the first elven king in the North (Blackmoor map region), not the first elven king ever. I have Halgred be the first Druid, but this could easily be read as the first in the modern druidic tradition. There could have been druid-like people before, but modern druids in the North follow Halgred's ways.

ok. Smile

Quote:I also use the WL, but it is adjusted to my other ideas rather than get in the way. That said, I don't think there is much conflict with WL canon either.

The story of King Uhlmar was a way to explain the origins of the divide between Westryn and the Cumasti. However, if the Maiden Timeline assumes that this split occurred earlier (I can't find anything about this?), Uhlmar could simply be the Cumasti King ruling between the years 1-500, ending up being betrayed by the humans in his war against the Temple of Id.

Actually, I try to leave the split between the Elves open. I'd say, since two sister races have developed, it's definitely than just two Elven generations. Aroro Esti in my timeline vanishes around 7000 years before even the beginning of the timeline.

I would date the split around the End of the Dragon Wars, at least, if not earlier.

However, I don't think that should be overdeveloped, as I write in the timeline about the "Age of Auld":

Only the very eldest immortal beings surviving to this day hail from this period.
If you dig your way to the deepest bottom of the deepest dungeon in the most remote of all places,
you might maybe find a small and tiny glimpse that this time once existed.

Quote:I'm still searching for ideas on this one. I picture Halgred sort of like how Beorn appears in the Hobbit. Since many of the stories I have presented so far have been tragic, I think Halgred's story should not be. His tale should be about exploring the wilderness, defeating monsters and building the druidic tradition. His adventures take place in the first decades of the Thonian Empire, witnessing the founding of Blackmoor and so on. My current idea is that he would spend most of his time in the North, not going much to Thonia oir

Sounds nice enough. Let's what you cook out... Smile

Quote:Hurghast and Herutu become the first leaders of the Peshwah

Calelrin conspires with the Thonians and kill Hurghast and Herutu. Calelrin is cast out by Hak and forced to seek shelter among the devils of the Hells. Cult of Calelrin is founded

This is something I could see Halgred getting into! The main problem is that I don't see the Thonians doing something like this while Robert I is king. OTOH, there could be Thonians acting against Robert's wishes. They were in league with fairly nasty deities afterall. I could see Robert I and Halgred helping the Peshwah get rid of these murdering Thonians, possibly even being instrumental in driving Calelrin off to the Hells.

All open for you to develop. Smile On a side note, I hate the Peshweah as treated in the official books.

Quote:Side note: There are pits near Blackmoor said to contain a gate to Hades. Was that where Calelrin was bannished?

Conflicts with my idea of planar travel and the Well of Souls, but otherwise, probably...



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