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Where are you coming from? (Game-wise)
To me, the best rule system ever devised is OD&D. Amber Diceless is pretty darn sweet, too.

The best setting ever done is Middle-earth, although if we're talking gaming-only setting it has to be Blackmoor as presented in the FFC. Lankhmar is a pretty close choice as a gaming setting, even if it's also a literary setting. Argh. So hard to choose....

The best adventure module is hard for me to pinpoint since I don't run modules that much. Maybe the G-series by Gygax.

And the best fantasy novels are written by JRRT, Robert E Howard, and Michael Moorcock, based on the number of times I've bought and/or re-read them!
Marv / Finarvyn
Member of The Regency Council
Visit my Blackmoor OD&D board
OD&D since 1975

"Don't ask me what you need to hit. Just roll the die and I will let you know!"
- Dave Arneson

[Image: Giladan.png]

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