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Q&A with Jeffery Quinn
Havard Wrote:If Quincke is indeed based on you, do you have any more ideas on what he might have been like? Big Grin Did you ever play a mage in play-test games with ZGG?

Well, if he is based on me, then he'd be grumpy, sarcastic, and flirtatious. He would have a thirst for knowledge of all kinds, is willing to go well out onto a limb to experiment, and may occasionally throw others into harm's way for a chance to observe the results or to gain a rare glimpse of forgotten lore. Those who are close to him find that he's generous, kind, and loyal to a fault. That would kind of describe the basic motivations, if he were me.

I rarely get to play, I normally run games. During playtest, I either ran games or watched the sessions and took notes. But, in one campaign I did get to make two characters to play. The first one I made was a dwarf rifleman who had been driven from his home after a series of unfortunate accidents killed his family and he was the only suspect (banished under the law since the evidence against him could never be produced). The accidental deaths occurred during a fire in his home that killed his wife and children (he was an awakened pyromancer sorcerer).

The second was a goblin wizard named Nyk (short for, Nyknahkpaddiewahkgibbadwarfahnaile). Oddball little green guy. Kinda like a cross between Yoda and Dungeon Master with a cracked sense of humor, a twinkling eye, and the uncanny ability to always have the most unusual tool or plan for any given job. I made him as weird as I could, since there was already a party dynamic in place and I wanted to play more as an outsider looking in at the strange little human bugs than as the defacto leader (no matter what character I play, my group normally likes to defer to my lead). I would give sarcastic, needlessly cryptic advice and come up with the most hair-brained, off-the-wall plans ("...and then, when the cock crows at dawn we'll cut the ropes that releases the maul to come crashing down onto the manticore's tail. They are powerless, as long as their tails are pinned to the ground and have sunlight in their eyes, you know...").
Jeffrey Quinn
Writer & Game Designer

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