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Let's improve the Blackmoor Wikipedia article!
Big Mac Wrote:But I know of two products/product lines that have really taken an unfair hammering (IMO). One is the Living Greyhawk stuff. This potentially, could have been transformed into a large set of freebie downloads. But some "true Greyhawk fans" insulted the authors of these adventures so much, that they would rather see their former downloads vanish from the world. The second thing is Shadows of the Spider Moon (the 3e Spelljammer adaptation). This was a mini-setting and had a lot of things cut out. And a lot of fans have not "forgiven" it for that (despite the fact that most TSR SJ products had more holes in them than SotSM).

Can't comment on SJ, but LG was crap in great part; not because the efforts of the fan had been bad, but because there were too many people involved and they lacked quality control.

For example Adri Forest and Onnwal: Two excellent campaigns.

Nyrond, Lendore, Iuz: Facepalm every time they put a new paper out.

The LG journals and the Gaz are of course another matter; they were cool, and noone disputed that.

Big Mac Wrote:And in the specific case of the Zietgeist Games/Code Monkey stuff, they do actually slap "Dave Arneson's Blackmoor" on the cover instead of just "Blackmoor". So they are kind-of making the claim that the book is more like Dave Arneson's game than other books. That is something that I think I'd like to see a review challange.

Well, given that part of the DA line is 80s was published AGAINST Mr Arneson's consent, this is pretty much as close as one could get.

Big Mac Wrote:I certainly think that the 3e product line was the perfect opportunity to "add back in" things that TSR might have cut out. But was there actually anything to add back in?

Nope, contractual obligations.

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