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SWA Campaign Map and Key
Aldarron Wrote:Salik/Cirkhosia could be a good as sister kingdoms or perhaps even better would be to have Salik as a principle city of Cirkhosia which would also fit well with the Gins morals, given thst I'm basing Cirkhosia on the Chimu. Trouble is, I got no names for those kingdoms east of Rhun Sad You guys got any suggestions?

I guess I can reveal some more of my own ideas on this: IMC, I am changing the Gin's title to the "Prince of Salik". I dont really like the term "Gin", but it clearly indicates some kind of arabic flavour to the character, which I am keeping.

I don't think I have any other kingdoms for now. It depends on what you want to base them on. I have expanded my Blackmoor by integrating Wilderlands and Pre-Mystara lore.

Quote:"land of Thralls" is problematic because its a description rather than a name. So, taking a cue from Wiglaf's characterization of Geatland at the end of Beowulf, I thought it might be a kkingdom or area that had gained a reputation for cowardice and become a target. Thus, as an easy target it made sense for the Egg to Rise there off that coast and that puts it north of Blackmoor. Its really more of an attempt to explain the location of the egg, than anything.

I guess that is possible. The way I've seen it, the Egg didnt really choose so much where to rise as I assumed it was buried deep beneath where it currently resides. Yours is also a valid interpretation though.

Quote: The other thing I'm doing with that is preserving Blackmoors original FFC geography - no sinking lands, or rather, any sinking land would be on the "land of Thralls" side of the channel.

You mean the original map (as replicated by Snorri?) or the one that came as a poster map with the FFC?

I am also using this map, but for an earlier point in Blackmoor's history.

Quote:What do you think of making the province of Bolgerie a group of Islands?

Sure, why not? Smile

Quote:Any issues with how I characterized The Vales?

No, that sounds good. I might be doing an extended writeup on my view of those lands later. For now, suffice to say that I see the Vales as a Celtic/Druidic culture. Your inclusion of elves into the culture seems appropriate, though the term Valemen, seems to suggest that the Vales are dominated by humans...

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign

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