09-08-2016, 03:37 PM
Quote:4. The gnomes from Gnomes, the classic coffee table book by Wil Huygen, and The World of David the Gnome, the cartoon inspired by it, who were all twee and unpleasant.
Twee? Well, perhaps only a little. Unpleasant? Not in the slightest.
The Huygen/Poortvliet gnome is the quintessential default conception for the race IMC.
I think of them being locality-bound, the genius loci of a very specific place, e.g. an ancient tree, a brook, a grove, a large stone that dominates the landscape, a hillock, etc. and thus not ideally suited for the roving, restless sell-sword stereotype PC. That and their small stature makes it harder for them to join battle effectively. By their reclusive, retiring nature, they would make a party's hobbit look like a steroid-crazed, warp-spasming Celt out of the Slaine graphic novels. :lol:
The only difference is that I follow the description of the gnomes by Paracelsus who said that they were two spans tall (c. 18 to 20 inches) -- far taller than six inches!
Addendum: It's been a long time since I've last been here at the Inn. I'll have to catch up on all the new threads and convos over the past year. I've been too busy to even lurk much.