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Experiences with the Redwood Scar?
I liked it. I ran it as part of the MMRPG campaign along with the prequel (Episode 3: Redwood Distraction) and one of the sequels (Episode 16: Funeral For A Hero) and thought they fit together great. I also played in one of the sequels (Episode 37: Contagion). The whole series of adventures were as follows:

Curse of the Westryn

Episode 3 DAB – WC01 Redwood Distraction by Dawn Coakley

The southern border of the Redwoods has again become infested with orcs. The elves have dispatched hunting parties to drive them off, but with no success. A dark shadow is falling over the woods. A Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor adventure for levels 1-4.

Episode 5 DAB – WC02 The Redwood Scar by Jeffrey Quinn

Conversion of the published Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor Adventure: The Redwood Scar. Recommended for characters that have played Redwood Distraction. A Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor adventure for PCs levels 2-6.

Episode 37: Contagion By: David Brainard

Hard times can call for harsh measures, even from those who would be heroes. When a lurking evil is revealed, can mercy survive? A Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor adventure for heroes level 2-10. Recommended for well-balanced parties.

Episode 38: Equal Night by Kris Wade

Darkness and light. Temple of good. Ruins of evil. Victorious heroes and cursed victims. Life and unlife. Celebration and failure. At a time when night and day are equal the seekers must choose. But first they must overcome. Part two of the Curse of the Westryn series and part two of the holidays for heroes series. A Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor episode for PCs levels 4 to 10

Episode 51: Portents by Dennis Waltman

If a man turns down your help, one might let him die, but what if his death would cause your village to burn down? A Dave Arneson's Blackmoor episode for PCs levels 2 to 9

Tome's Secret

Episode 16: Funeral For a Hero by Gerry Ruiz

Plumes of white smoke can be seen over the Redwood, a sign that a friend (and a hero) has passed away. The time has come to say our final farewells. But wait something is a miss!! Recommended for characters that have played The Redwood Scar, Part One of the Tome’s Secret Series. A Dave Arneson's Blackmoor adventure for PCs levels 2-8.

Episode 40: In the Company of Rogues by Gerry Ruiz

One of the most prominent members within the Wizards Cabal is in need of your assistance. Are you willing to take on the task of saving someone who is in dire peril? A one round Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor episode for PCs levels 2 to 8. Part Two of the Tome’s Secrets series.

Source: ... play&pid=4
Check out my latest projects: The Fey Codex ( and Heart and Soul (levels 5-10,
[Image: Tolleen.png]

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