04-20-2015, 08:33 PM
Havard Wrote:Thanks for sharing this anecdote! I find it curious that Blackmoor's Dragons speak a language know to the Dragonlords of Tekumel! Does that mean they came to Blackmoor from Tekumel or that both come from a third Plane of Existance? Or perhaps Blackmoor's Dragons simply visited there?
Sorry for the late response BTW. I have been super busy, but things are looking a bit less busy now. I was happy to see some photos of Gertie from GaryCon, but I did not see any on your blog. You have been busy there though! Do you have a link to the specific article?
Who owns the Gertie miniature these days?
Thank you for your reply!
1) Given the circumstances, the very high probability of our immediate and complete personal extinction, I wasn't going to complain. According to a great Sro-dragon I happen to know (who can normally be found on the bridge over the Missuma in the Jakalla Underworld) the Great Dragons of Blackmoor are cousins to them, and to the supposedly mythical Gaichiyal dragons of Tekumel. (The latter were the mounts of the all-conquering Dragon Lords, from whom I am descended, and which appear in one of Prof. Barker's novels.) The Great Dragons seem to have little trouble traveling between the worlds; the Gaichiyal share this ability, while the Sro seem to find it more difficult. They all seem to inhabit their own worlds, and just drop by for what amount to social calls to visit with the cousins.
Personally, I tend to dive for cover at the very notion.
2) I have not posted yet my pictures of Gertie on my blog, and I will do so as soon as I can. You can see her in one of my photos that I've posted on my Photobucket page; there's a link to this at the bottom of the left-had column of my blog. She's there in all her grey Plasticine glory!
3) As far as I know, Gertie is currently in the hands of Paul Stromberg, who had her on display as part of his fortieth anniversary of the publication of "Dungeon" at Gary Con. I will see about getting more photos of her, next time I see her.
yours, chirine