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Running Blackmoor with OD&D?
raskal Wrote:Do you write the rules to adapt C&C to Blackmoor setting ?
Long time away from the thread.

Here's my big question: what's the difference between OD&D and C&C? I would argue that C&C has more structure, has more spells and classes, but that essentially the games are quite similar in the way they run. C&C is a lot like AD&D, and AD&D is a lot like OD&D restructured and enhanced. This means that (to me, at least) the games are nearly interchangible.

When I run Blackmoor, it's more like the FFC version and I don't spend much time agonizing about the various human races and such. To me, Blackmoor is an area map, some dungeons, a handful of interesting NPCs, and an attitude. I can convey this with pretty much any rules system, but the "lighter" the better.

What I'm saying is that I don't really need to "convert" Blackmoor into C&C.
Marv / Finarvyn
Member of The Regency Council
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OD&D since 1975

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