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Rafe's Timeline, Part IV: Earliest Thonian History
So, I am trying to build a coherent timeline of all the events leading up to the events of "The Promised Land".

Everyone, please help me to improve this fourth part, dealing with the the rise of the kingdom of Blackmoor, and the age of the Genevans, and the rise of King Robert.

The Age of Geneva

The rise of the Great Kingdom.

The kind of tales that bards sing their songs about,
and that are told when children ask about the making of the world.
Numerous accounts and chronicles exist, though their knowledge is reserved to the greatest sages.

0 NC    Founding of Thonia and Beginning of the Northern Calendar
An alliance on tribal Altanian chieftains overthrows the sorcerer-king of Castle Arnesia and declares Robert, chieftain of the Geneva clan, king of the “Thonians”, meaning “Armored Riders” or “Knights” in Old Altanian. [3403 BCCC]*

*From now on, the BCCC/Wilderlands-related calendar will only be used if the date is of uttermost importance for both settings, not if the entry deals with BM-related lore only.

3 NC    First recordings of a settlement at the location of modern Blackmoor Town

4 NC    The Cumasti knight Maroon binds his soul to the magic sword that will bear the same name
The magic sword is then given to one of Robert’s warlords.

17 NC    Blackmoor Town made royal residence
Inauguration of “The Round Table” as council of human and non-human chieftains from all of Robert's realm. (Except for the Westryn, who have yet to reveal themselves to the world)

21 NC    Killing of Robert’s sons by the Green Knight

24 NC    Forging of the magic blade “Grief”, given to Robert’s surviving son Rogar, later Rogar I. of Thonia.

26 NC    Robert’s final victory over the Red Coven
Starport remaining as the last dominion of the red wizards, a tributary state to the new kingdom of Thonia

38 NC    Death of Robert in a military campaign against the Orcs of Ohmfet

100 NC approx.     Thracia II abandoned by its human population
Former Thracians go on to found settlements at today's Starmorgan

134 NC    First record of Westryn sightings in the human realms

289 NC    Valon and Dearthwood temporarily conquered by Orcs
from the Valley of the Ancients; first recorded contact between a kingdowm of the Pazidan region and the North

431 NC    First recordings of Dwarven settlements in the Stormkiller Mountains

510 NC    Records of punitive expeditions against followers of the demonic Id cult in the territory of Blackmoor and the Old Land

512 NC    Destruction of the Id cult and its temple, one day west of Blackmoor Town.
During the Blackmoorian assault on the temple, the magic sword Maroon is lost.

525 NC    First Valonian records of a “Duchy of the Peaks”,                                      north of the Great Glacier, around the city of Starport,                                also named “the city of the flying ships” in that chronicle
[3928 BCCC]

599 NC    Skandaharian invasion of northern Thonia
Skandaharian conquest of Marban
Marmellus of the Skandaharians weds the last heiress of the Genevan tribe,
becomes “Great King of Thonia and the Northern Marches”

613 NC    Founding year of “The Coven”, the Thonian Guild of Thieves, in allusion to the historic alliance of mages; “Coven” favors feudalism, as opposed to the centralistic Thonian monarchy

619 NC    Destruction of the Westryn enclave of Kol’gobsula in the Stormkiller Mountains, by a Dwarven army from the Regency of the Mines

649 NC    Birth of Menander Ithamis, later High Lord of Ringlo Hall

679 NC    Upheaval against the Skandaharian line of kings
Skandaharians pushed out of Thonian territory, after the revelation of the dragon Chamber on the Thonian's side

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