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[Settlements] Kings Crossing
:roll: Seems we are all slipping up on this one. I failed to notice that in the reems of stuff in the back of episode 37 (yes the one right before 38) there is a complete write up about the town, pages 30-33.

Pity it doesn't make any damn sense.

It says Kings Crossing is at "the juncture of the Ramshead and Newgate roads... founded in 990 and recognized by King Uther in 995 ... on the spot where King Uther crossed the river and surprised the (Afridhi) enemy."

Given that uther was maybe 5 years old in 990, that date is a tad bit impossible. Maybe add 25 years? Leaving that aside...

Okay, the Ramshead and Newgate roads are the Hell and Faery roads - no problem there except the "juncture" occurs at different spots depending on which map you use. Its a safe bet the CG hexmap from the 3.5/d20 Blackmoor was intended. So that puts Kings Crossing on the north shore of Blood Lake. Most of the other maps have the roads meet at this spot also, including Bob Bledsaws map in the FFC. The roads meet just above the unlabeled patch of woods west and north of Boggy Bottom, which must be the Blood Wood. There's plenty of swamp nearby too.

So that's okay so far except the bit about "where King Uther crossed the river" and this "The Key feature of Kings Crossing is the Bridge that spans the river. An engineering wonder built by dwarves...." p31.

There's no way anyone would build a bridge across Blood lake.

Things are further confused in that twice in the text Kings Crossing is called "Kings Port" - which could make sense if its on the north shore of Blood lake and not the Root river.

There's really no solution that fits all the facts given. I see four possibilities:

1. Ignore the date and the brigde and the river references and rename the town Kings Port.

2. Follow the 4e handdrawn map. Unlike all the other maps, the 4e map shows the juncture of the Newgate and Ramshead roads occuring just above the Root. Trouble is, this is almost exactly where other maps put Boggy Bottom, including Bledsaws, map in the FFC. So Boggy Bottom would have to be slid a little further west, closer to the south end of the Long Lake and the Blood wood would then have to be added between the ramshead and newgate roads (which wouldn't really make Boggy Bottom "below" the Blood Wood as it should be).

3. Draw a whole new map lengthening the Root a little and moving Blood Lake a little further west.

4. Ignore the placement at the road juncture and move the town to where I suggested in the previous post. Unfortunetly, I think this gets furtherest from what the game designers intended though.

What do you guys think?

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