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The Empire of Thonia - Havard's Version
What follows is my take on the Thonian Empire. While much of it is based on canon information from the DA modules and the FFC as well as some ZGG material, the final interpretation is my own. I make no claim for it being any official interpretation. Thanks to Rafael, LoZompatore, Aldarron, James Mishler, Agathokles, and many unnamed members of the Mystara Commuinity for research and ideas that was used in this writeup. I'm posting this in a separate thread as not to clutter up other topics on the same subject.


Sometimes referred to as the Republic of Thonia or the Great Kingdom, Thonia is the largest Empire known to man. Founded over 1000 years ago by King Robert of Geneva, the Empire today stretches from the Jungle Realm of Tangor in the South to the Northern Marches in the North.  Its current ruler is Emperor Iyx I. Uther’s Rebellion in 1015 NC meant a significant reduction in the size of the Empire, which now consists of ten major Province (The Rand, Bleakwood, Bolgerie, Synobia, Salik, the Western Plains, the Eastern Marshes, Mirakos, the Grey Woods and Cirkhosia) as well as the Imperial Province, which is home to Mohacs, the Capital. Each Province is ruled by an Imperial Governor  and is made up of 2-3 Duchies. The Duchies are ruled by Dukes who in turn are served by Imperial Wardens (similar to Barons).


The Rand - Edge of the Empire
This northeastern province borders on the realm of Blackmoor. The most important duchy in the Rand is Borno, ruled by Duke Taha Marcovik. The most important city is Marban.

This northwestern province is a wild region. Magic and monsters is more common here than anywhere else in the Empire.

Imperial Province - Old Genova
This small province is seat of the Imperial Government and home to the Emperor in the capital of Mohacs. In additional to Emperor Iyx I, the Assasins Guild is an important force in the capital.

Bolgerie - Gateway to the Jungle Realm
This Province in the far south is mostly jungle and populated by dark skinned humans called Bolgers. The largest city is called Balfredsburg after an explorer from the north. Other inhabitants include Tigerfolk and Lizardmen.

Synobia - Bastion of Faith
This province is known for its spiritual people. The most important city is Brill, seat of the High Thonian Church. Clerics and Monks are common here.

Salik - The Southern Desert
This is a desert realm in the southern part of the Empire. Its rulers are powerful magic users worshipped as Gods by the people.

The Western Plains - Grasslands of War
This region on the western border of the Empire consists of vast steppes. They are dominated by a race of horsemen called Kurgans who follow the ways of Calelrin.

Eastern Marshes
This is one of the more traditional parts of the Empire. It is sadly plagued by Vampires and other monsters. Dragons are also more common here than elsewhere in the Empire. Partusia is the most important Barony in the region.

This coastal province is known for its magnificent sailors and swordsmen.
  • Many are followers of Hersh.
  • Mirakosian Saber fighters are employed as mercenaries throughout the Empire.
  • One of the Islands here is called Oland.

Grey Woods
This forest heavy region is home to many creatures. It is believed to be home to a large population of reclusive elves. Ordana is the most widely worshipped God in this region.
  • The King of the Grey Woods has been subjugated by the Thonian Emperor, though the Empire generally stays out of this Province, as long as tribute is paid.
  • This realm is the source of Fey Presence on the continent. Since the arrival of the Wizard of the Woods, more Fey have left Thonia for the North however.
  • The Grey Woods is closely linked to the Elven Deities

Cirkhosia - Isle of Legend
Known as the Isles of Legend, this island province is home to some of the best merchants of Blackmoor. Many elves make their home in the dense forests of the larger islands. Mwajin is the most widely worshipped God in this Province.

The Free City
Not officially part of the Empire, the Free City is an important center and meeting place for many who wish to avoid Imperial Entanglements. The Walworth noble family are the rulers of this City.

The Church and Wizardry
The Wizards Cabal holds no power in the Empire. That does not mean that all manner of sorcerers get a free run in the realm, however. The High Thonian Church is a key supporter of the Emperor and is given privileges in return for its services. Practitioners of Arcane Magic are sworn into the service of the nobility. Those who refuse are persecuted by the Church. The High Thonian Church is ruled by its High Patriarch. While the Patriarch supports the Emperor, he has given surprisingly free reigns to Bishops in the Duchies outside of Thonia, such as the Bishop of Blackmoor. The policy of the Church seems to be loyalty to local leaders regardless of relations between the realms, preferring to stay out of politics if possible.

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign

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