03-05-2012, 08:54 PM
Here are the latest updates for our event from the past three weeks:
We are pleased to announce Ryan Costello Jr., noted for his work with Paizo, Kobold Quarterly as well as his site 3.5 Private Sanctuary to the staff of AetherCon. He will be our Guest Coordinator going forward. Welcome aboard and well met Ryan!
We’d also like to welcome Andrew Waibel, Liam Commins, Tiffany Jefferson, Sebastian Sonne and Sean Ulczycki to the AetherCon team.
It is also our pleasure to confirm that CGL’s Steve ‘Bull’ Ratkovich, Shadowrun’s Mission point man will be available for a moderated Q&A chat in our Fest Hall during the weekend.
Battlefield Press, makers of Gaslight setting books and the upcoming RPG Eldritch Skies, have taken a booth in the Vendors Hall. Welcome aboard and well met!
Events added to our schedule this time around include our Savage Worlds Tournament ‘A Justified Termination’ written by M.J. Holmes using the Gaslight setting by Battlefield Press; a Mongoose Games’ Paranoia scenario ‘Cutieness Overload’ written by Sebastian Sonne as well as a West End Games Star Wars scenario called ‘Dead In Space’ by Shawn Lovelett.
In addition artists Axel Alonso (Varda Rils) and Anton Kagounkin Magdalina (Anton ‘The Hammer’ Brickshaw) have confirmed their booth opening hours in the Artists Enclave.
At this time we’d like to congratulate Axel, who with his colleagues at Dream Zero Studios, will work with Pixar on their latest project. To infinity and beyond!
You can find all of our free downloadable wallpapers here.
The following games and GMs have recently been confirmed:
Shadowrun Tournament – Adams Zermano
Palladium RIFTS – Will Barron
Atomic Highway – Joe Edwards
The following artists have been added to the Artists Enclave:
Britain’s Mark Adams
Russia’s (via California) Anton Kagounkin Magdalina
CGL featured John E. Kaufmann
The following online communities have joined the RPG Community Alliance:
Gamerati, information brokers to the roleplaying world.
3.5 Private Sanctuary, specializing in all things Pathfinder and 3.5.
Pen and Paper Games, fine purveyors of a multitude of RPG options.
Current members of the RPG Community Alliance:
3.5 Private Sanctuary
Barrok’s Tower
The Comeback Inn – Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor
Galactic Campaigns
Mayhem Gaming
Pen and Paper Games
Swords and Wizardry
The RPG Site
The Tangled Web
You Meet In a Tavern
To date the RPG Community Alliance encompasses 54,608 members
Finally, a question: Who would you most like to see in a Q&A session at AetherCon? Check out our poll on Facebook and have your say.
Coming Soon:
Anton Kagounkin Magdalina’s Anton’ The Hammer’ Brickshaw
Brent Chumley’s Malthazas Rhyllanor
Paul Abram’s Harzgrin Stouthammer
Help us get the word out about AetherCon by liking and sharing on our Facebook event page as well as following and re-tweeting via our Twitter page.
We are currently looking for GMs to run the following games:
Savage Worlds
Call of Cthuhlu
As well as these cult favourites:
Dresden Files
Atomic Highway
Legends of the Five Rings
Mutants and Masterminds
Mongoose Traveler
All Flesh Must Be Eaten
Eclipse Phase
Macho Women with Guns
WEG Star Wars
Fantasy Craft
Pre-D20 Gamma World
Dark Heresy
If you have a cult favourite you’d like to see or run, let us know!
If you have a game yourself that you would like to run use our handy-dandy GM Pre-Registration tool on the site.
If you would like to inquire about other volunteering possibilities let us know by sending an e-mail here: stephen@aethercon.com
Stephen J. Holodinsky
Event Manager – AetherCon
Find us here:
We are pleased to announce Ryan Costello Jr., noted for his work with Paizo, Kobold Quarterly as well as his site 3.5 Private Sanctuary to the staff of AetherCon. He will be our Guest Coordinator going forward. Welcome aboard and well met Ryan!
We’d also like to welcome Andrew Waibel, Liam Commins, Tiffany Jefferson, Sebastian Sonne and Sean Ulczycki to the AetherCon team.
It is also our pleasure to confirm that CGL’s Steve ‘Bull’ Ratkovich, Shadowrun’s Mission point man will be available for a moderated Q&A chat in our Fest Hall during the weekend.
Battlefield Press, makers of Gaslight setting books and the upcoming RPG Eldritch Skies, have taken a booth in the Vendors Hall. Welcome aboard and well met!
Events added to our schedule this time around include our Savage Worlds Tournament ‘A Justified Termination’ written by M.J. Holmes using the Gaslight setting by Battlefield Press; a Mongoose Games’ Paranoia scenario ‘Cutieness Overload’ written by Sebastian Sonne as well as a West End Games Star Wars scenario called ‘Dead In Space’ by Shawn Lovelett.
In addition artists Axel Alonso (Varda Rils) and Anton Kagounkin Magdalina (Anton ‘The Hammer’ Brickshaw) have confirmed their booth opening hours in the Artists Enclave.
At this time we’d like to congratulate Axel, who with his colleagues at Dream Zero Studios, will work with Pixar on their latest project. To infinity and beyond!
You can find all of our free downloadable wallpapers here.
The following games and GMs have recently been confirmed:
Shadowrun Tournament – Adams Zermano
Palladium RIFTS – Will Barron
Atomic Highway – Joe Edwards
The following artists have been added to the Artists Enclave:
Britain’s Mark Adams
Russia’s (via California) Anton Kagounkin Magdalina
CGL featured John E. Kaufmann
The following online communities have joined the RPG Community Alliance:
Gamerati, information brokers to the roleplaying world.
3.5 Private Sanctuary, specializing in all things Pathfinder and 3.5.
Pen and Paper Games, fine purveyors of a multitude of RPG options.
Current members of the RPG Community Alliance:
3.5 Private Sanctuary
Barrok’s Tower
The Comeback Inn – Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor
Galactic Campaigns
Mayhem Gaming
Pen and Paper Games
Swords and Wizardry
The RPG Site
The Tangled Web
You Meet In a Tavern
To date the RPG Community Alliance encompasses 54,608 members
Finally, a question: Who would you most like to see in a Q&A session at AetherCon? Check out our poll on Facebook and have your say.
Coming Soon:
Anton Kagounkin Magdalina’s Anton’ The Hammer’ Brickshaw
Brent Chumley’s Malthazas Rhyllanor
Paul Abram’s Harzgrin Stouthammer
Help us get the word out about AetherCon by liking and sharing on our Facebook event page as well as following and re-tweeting via our Twitter page.
We are currently looking for GMs to run the following games:
Savage Worlds
Call of Cthuhlu
As well as these cult favourites:
Dresden Files
Atomic Highway
Legends of the Five Rings
Mutants and Masterminds
Mongoose Traveler
All Flesh Must Be Eaten
Eclipse Phase
Macho Women with Guns
WEG Star Wars
Fantasy Craft
Pre-D20 Gamma World
Dark Heresy
If you have a cult favourite you’d like to see or run, let us know!
If you have a game yourself that you would like to run use our handy-dandy GM Pre-Registration tool on the site.
If you would like to inquire about other volunteering possibilities let us know by sending an e-mail here: stephen@aethercon.com
Stephen J. Holodinsky
Event Manager – AetherCon
Find us here:
“Y’all cross me,” spits, “Y’all best better have yer affairs in order.” – Keburil Kotsboddle – Halfing Ranger and Rancher with a score to settle.