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New Race: Hawkriders
Aldarron Wrote:There are three kinds/sizes of Tarns in the FFC:


Yeah, I was too lazy to provide stats. In Classic D&D terms I was thinking about using the Hiak from the Hollow World boxed set. Actually the Hiak-riding Neathar in the Hollow World could be related to these folks in the Mystara continuity.

Quote:Ducy of Ten Riders would of course also have dragon mounts since the Ran breeds them.

Pre-Afridhi invasions definately. Although neither DA4 or the ZGG line mentions what happened to Ran, I imagine he took his dragons with him and fled. Or the dragons simply left when their true master was gone. Rafe's campaign provides more ideas about the post DA4 Ran of course.

Quote:I don't see flying mounts getting "out of hand" since they are difficult and expensive to maintain and since thier trainers are specialists who command a hefty fee.

Yeah that would work. Having access to flying is something DMs have to be wary of though. How many adventures do not involve travelling through wilderness? How many adventures could not become so much easier of the PCs could fly over the landscape first and get a view of the situation before going in?

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign

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