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GenCon 1976: Tindell's Adventure in the Blackmoor Dungeon
DungeonDevil Wrote:I agree. RPGs and Wargaming in competitive conventions create a lot of bad blood and frustration over hobbies which revolve around confusing rules with lots of clashing interpretations and implementations. It's best to remove the competitional aspect and just have fun with like-minded folks. Smile

Yep. I used to think I didnt like the winning aspect of the game, but I do like winning in the sense of working as a team overcoming the obstacles set up by the DM, but not the competition between the players.

Quote:one hobbit thief (with a paladin! Good heavens!)


Good observation! I wasnt sure if this was one of Arneson's friend or just someone signed up for the game at the Convention.

Hmm, maybe Svenny automatically triggers a morale check (fear check) among any orcs and goblins in the vicinity.

Would be a good way of handling it. Smile

Quote:This Bozero is new to me. Is he mentioned in the FFC?

Bozero is a known nickname for John Snider. In the FFC I think he is only referred to along with his brother as "the Sniders". In DA1 the Sniders are detailed separately as "Bozero the Drunkard" and "Brother Richard the Flying Monk".

Quote:I think that the idea of Funk's Rulership over all Orcs could probably be compared to the High Kings of Ireland though.

That's exactly what I envision! Maybe there is an Orcish Lia Fail that one has to stand on to see if one will become the Ard Ri! :lol:


Svenny teleported?! Confusedhock: How? I'm guessing it was a magic-item.

I'm guessing that too.

Quote:Very entertaining! Thanks for posting it and your great analysis!

Thanks! Smile

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign

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