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[Pathfinder] Numeria; Golarion's Blackmoor
Golarion is a homage to Greyhawk, and since Greyhawk has a Blackmoor, it seems likely that Golarion's creators also felt the need for an equivalent of Blackmoor in their realm. That place is "Numeria".

From the Pathfinder Wiki:

Numeria (pronounced new-MARE-ee-uh)[1]: a barren, harsh land inhabited by tribes of savage barbarians and ruled over the Black Sovereign a despot leader being controlled by a manipulative group of mage who toy with forces they do not understand.

None are sure when the Silver Mount fell from the heavens and crashed into the land now called Numeria. It happened before recorded history before Numeria really had any history but an event like that is one that indelibly burns its way into a peoples collective memory. None are certain when this happened some suspect it may even have occurred over ten thousand years ago before the Age of Darkness, the tribes remember that night as the Rain of Stars. That night a metal mountain fell from the sky and lit up the plains of Numeria, modern scholars believe it to be a vessel of some sort but that night it was a raging fireball. As it streaked down chunks fell off smashing into the earth. Some chunks were the size of a fist others were the size of towns and cities. The largest chunk is called the Silver Mount and the capital city of Starfall is named that because of its proximity.[2]

The Rain of Stars is of course ancient history and much has happened since then. Before the Age of Lost Omens Numeria was a rising power in western Avistan. It was considered the largest, most powerful and most aggressive of the River Kingdoms (which it was considered a part of at the time) and many thought that it was only a matter of time before they united several neighbouring River Kingdoms and created western Avistan's first true empire. Unfortunately as with many other people across Golarion the death of Aroden and the start of the Age of Lost Omens in 4606 AR changed all this.[2] With Aroden's death the metaphysical alignment of Golarion shifted causing a tear in the fabric of reality in the neighbouring barbarian kingdom of Sarkoris. The consultation of ancient text reveals that during his mortal years Aroden on one of his many journeys had vanquished and destroyed a vile demon worshipping cult dedicated to Deskari, Lord of the Locust Host and in doing so had forever sealed the north against demonic incursion. With the death of the God of humanity mankind was no longer safe from this threat.[3] With a kingdom of demons now looming on its northern border Numeria forgot about its drive for territory and greatness and slumped back into its role as a harsh and barbaric land.[2]

Recent decades have seen the rise of a new ruler in Numeria, the man known as the Black Sovereign. Once the Black Sovereign was a true leader of the people of Numeria called Kevoth-Kul. He was a warlord of great renown whose massive greatsword cleaved through those who he could not reason with. Kevoth managed to forge strong alliances between many of the tribes of Nirmathas and many of his followers believed that he would push the borders further than they had ever been and forge a stronger nation from Numeria. Again this was not to be. Kevoth's downfall came when he claimed Starfall as his capital he listened to the honeyed words of the Technic League and soon even consumed the addictive fluids that leak from parts of the Silver Mount. Whatever these substances were they changed Kevoth-Kul he bacame a darker, more brooding man, he abandoned his quest for a stronger, better Numeria and instead began indulging in pleasure of the flesh best left unmentioned. Soon he took on his title as the Black Sovereign.


Numeria is a harsh land of windswept plains and while devoid for of valuable trade resources the land possess its own harsh, rugged beauty. Despite this beauty the land is naturally barren and only the strong live to survive and is surrounded by hard lands. The land has very few geographical features the biggest is the vast Lake of Mists and Veils which forms its north western border. The southern region also contains the northern headwaters of several of the rivers that eventually make there way into the River Kingdoms and is also crossed by the Sellen River which eventually empties into the Inner Sea. To its west lies the insular, undead haunted Ustalav, to its north the demon haunted wasteland of the Worldwound and to the south the eternal war and turbulence of the River Kingdoms. The only stable nations that lie on Numeria's borders are the crusader nation of Mendev and the northern kingdom of Brevoy.[2][4]

  • Castle Urion
  • Chesed
  • Hajoth Hakados
  • Starfall

Castle Urion
Castle Urion(City)
Region Numeria
Size Small town
Population 1,240
Source: Campaign Setting, pg(s). 115

Castle Urion is the first city most crusaders heading to Mendev (and from there to the Worldwound) see when the enter Numeria but it is far from the typical barbarian settlement that are strewn across the country. This settlement is technically under the control of the Black Sovereign but it is in reality controlled by it founders an order of knights dedicated to Iomedae. These knights built Castle Urion as a way to protect and guide those crusaders sailing up the River Sellen (or "River Road" as it is often called) from Cassomir in Taldor to Chesed. This order of Iomadae knights is particularly special as they ride trained griffons which help them patrol vast stretches of the river, certainly more than they could if they patrolled only on horseback.[1]

The huge city of Chesed (pronounced CHES-ed)[1] is the last port of call for most pilgrims heading for the fourth Medevian Crusade before they reach their final destination of Mendev. It is the final port (or first depending on the direction of travel) along the length of the Sellen River sitting where the River meets the Lake of Mists and Veils and is often shrouded by the fog that gives the Lake its name. Chesed is under much tighter control by the rulers of Numeria than some of the other cities like Castle Urion and Hajoth Hakados which belong to Numeria in name only. As the last city that pilgrims visit in Numeria the Black Sovereign, ruler of Numeria, sees this as the last chance to squeeze every drop of money from the visiting pilgrims. The Technic League who support the Black Sovereign employ a variety of methods to separate the pilgrims from their money, including gambling houses, crooked merchants and river bandits. It is not uncommon for a pilgrim who has visited Chesed to arrive in Mendev with nothing but his weapon and his faith and even that is sometime shaken by his experiences along the Sellen.[2]

Starfall is a city just as brutal and as harsh, as the unforgiving Numerian land that it is capital of. The place is a mockery of the soft capitals of the south with a level of decadence which would put even Taldor to shame. This decadence is surrounded by the filthy reek of human misery. Here the Black Sovereign rules utterly unchallenged, his ever whim catered for, while the rest of city suffers under his harsh rule. The only people who benefit are those who help the court of the Black Sovereign indulge in there carnal decadence, while everyone else in Starfall suffers to help support their ruler. Despite this his rule is absolute and his metal servants the Gearsman roam the city enforcing his laws.


Starfall was only made into the capital of Numeria when it was conquered by Kevoth-Kol now known as the Black Sovereign. He conquered Starfall with the aim of making it the crown jewel in his united Numeria. Many believed Kevoth would expand the current borders of Numeria conquering all before him and forging a new empire but the city of Starfall proved to be his undoing. With the City conquered Kevoth-Kul began listening to the words of the tainted arcanists of the Technic League who held much influence in Starfall. Their honeyed words and the strange substance concocted from substances found in the depths of the Silver Mount began to have a profound effect on him. Kevoth's moods darkened andd his aims turned from conquest to indulging in ever pleasure of the flesh imaginable, with these changes he took on the title of the Black Sovereign and began reworking his capital to better suit his desires.[1]

Technic League

Technic League (Organization)
Leader Unknown
Headquarters Starfall
Goals exploration and exploitation of the Silver Mount
Scope Local (Numeria)
Members arcanists with interest in the Silver Mount

The Technic League is a group of arcanists (wizards and sorcerers) and other lore seekers who are obsessed with the mystery of the Silver Mount. Despite having complete access to the fables Silver Mount the Technic League has only the faintest understanding of the incredible site. What little knowledge they have managed to garner has already granted them huge amounts of power within Numeria. Not only do these debased arcanist have great access to the incredible valuable skymetal, particularly adamantine which makes up the Mount, but they have also gained political power. With the help of the Technic League the Black Sovereign gained complete control over Starfall and all of Numeria and in return the Technic League have forever gained his ear.[1]

The Technic League have also gained great military power from their discoveries; less then a generation ago they discovered the Gearsman. Within a previously undiscovered chamber the members of the Technic League stumbled upon the Gearsman, constructs made of steel and stranger metals. The Gearsmen look human in shape but close investigation reveals gross proportion that are entirely nonhuman; those who have seen Gearsmen up close say that they look like something that has seen man for the first time and tried to imitate his shape within understanding. The Gearsman seem to be intelligent though whether or not they are sentient is a cause for debate. What is known is that once in a while they seem to deliberately disobey orders or do things they were not told to do; when questioned why they answer only with silence. Whatever it is the Technic League search for within the Silver Mount (if anything specific at all) they have yet to find it, and they are not the only people interested. Despite the threat of death to anyone caught trespassing on the Silver Mount, many are still willing to risk entering it for the fabulous secrets that supposedly lie within.[1]

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign

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