01-15-2019, 04:30 PM
By: Kris Wade and and Martin Knoff
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By: Kris Wade and and Martin Knoff
Quote:A close friend is due great honors, but he is missing. His wife begs for help, but something
is wrong with her as well. Which is stronger for you, friendship or truth? Part 5 in the
"Holidays for Heroes" series. Best for characters that have completed one episode in the
series or DAB037: Contagion. Otherwise the character must have at least one Nobility
point. Characters using non-detection items will not be contacted, and thus may not
participate. A Dave Arneson’s Blackmoor adventure for heroes levels 11 to 13.
Quote:Ascendance: A revered and holy time. Ascendance is a three day religious ceremony for most of theEdited by: Lisa Lawitzke and Jae Walker
North’s religions. High priests are announced, common folk flock to temples, and powerful items of holy might
are created. By edicts of the king and temples, no work is performed on these holy days under penalty of
imprisonment and a heavy monetary fine. Priests, paladins, and druids observe Ascendance by passing out
alms and tending to the starving and sick.
Get the episode here.
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Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign