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I'm back
I haven't been around for a while, but I'm thinking of running another Blackmoor campaign again which made me think to resurface here and see what's happening.

The problem with having too many interests is that I drift from place to place and sometimes forget to come back to visit my favorite spots. I've been immersed in running a 4E game and have spent time on the WotC boards, occasioanly run my C&C game, and have also been fascinated by the prospect of Goodman Games' upcoming DCC rpg. This has pushed Blackmoor to the background.

Ironically, it was my purchase of 4E Blackmoor that caused me to stray from the True Path, since it got me reading all those 4E rulebooks.

No longer. (I hope) I just dusted off my reading copy of the FFC and figure that if I start to read it again I'll get all fired up for Blackmoor again!

Long live the king!
Marv / Finarvyn
Member of The Regency Council
Visit my Blackmoor OD&D board
OD&D since 1975

"Don't ask me what you need to hit. Just roll the die and I will let you know!"
- Dave Arneson

[Image: Giladan.png]
Glad to see you here! Big Grin
You know, you could make more time by getting rid of that 4E stuff (a.k.a. Editio Stultorum, Corrupter of Youths, Chronophagus, etc.). Wink
Welcome back Fin!

Are you thinking about something in particular to focus on within Blackmoor?

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
Havard Wrote:Are you thinking about something in particular to focus on within Blackmoor?
Hey, Havard, a few ideas are floating in the cranium, but nothing concrete yet. I find that I can only focus on a few gaming boards at a time and that I come and go based on what I'm thinking about at the moment.

Recently I just had the feeling that my gaming was drifting a bit from my "roots" and I wanted to get my mind back to where it used to be. Rafe had sent me an e-mail which got me thinking about Blackmoor again, and I realized just how long it's been since I ran my troops through a BM game. When I'm in a gaming funk the books I turn to most for inspiration are:
1) The OD&D LBB
2) The FFC

I'm hoping to sift through this place again to catch up, perhaps comment on a few things here and there, and get my brain back on Blackmoor!
Marv / Finarvyn
Member of The Regency Council
Visit my Blackmoor OD&D board
OD&D since 1975

"Don't ask me what you need to hit. Just roll the die and I will let you know!"
- Dave Arneson

[Image: Giladan.png]
DungeonDevil Wrote:You know, you could make more time by getting rid of that 4E stuff
Oh, I know what you mean. It sort of rots your brain!

I run into a couple of issues:
1. I have interest in 4E because my son wants to play it.
2. I have interest in 4E because Blackmoor has a 4E version.
3. I have frustration with 4E because of its rules-heaviness.

I ran a 4E game because I thought my group would hate it, but they like getting to do more stuff at 1st level. This led me down the slippery slope of trying to figure out how to "OD&D-ize" it, or at least simplify it a little. Somewhere along the line you realize just how time-consuming this process can be.

I have way too many 4E books and certainly will thin out my collection soon, but I don't want to get rid of anything and then wish I had it later. Pack rat. Tongue

That's part of what was driving me nuts. I just had to get away from it for a while.
Marv / Finarvyn
Member of The Regency Council
Visit my Blackmoor OD&D board
OD&D since 1975

"Don't ask me what you need to hit. Just roll the die and I will let you know!"
- Dave Arneson

[Image: Giladan.png]

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