How many named Skandaharians are there?
- Thorsen One-Tumb (DA1), known as the First Jarl
- Arn Yonson (DA1) - Not officially a Skandaharian, but his name and helmet do suggest this origin
- Moorkok the Slayer (DA1) - Prince of the Egg
- Sigurd Gustafson (DA4 p 18), captain of the Ghost Maker
- Marfeldt (DA1, FFC) - not officially a Skandaharian, but being a barbarian, he could be related to them?
- Iver Zvenzen - a Skandaharian who settled in Blackmoor and became a farmer. Father of the Great Svenny. (From the Great Svenny's backstory)
- The Great Svenny - Son of the Skandaharian Iver Zvenzen. (FFC, DA1, Greg's notes)
- Spirit of the Moon - A Skandaharian Werewolf ruling a tribe of Lycantropes in the Wolf Wood. His rival is the Prince of Wolves who also leads a tribe in the Wolf Woods (DAB p 142). In my campaign, this character's birth name is Mani Torgeirsson.
- Krimmean the Wolf King - The Archdruid of Elgath, based in the Wurm Wood of Blackmoor.
- War Chief Slygon (Return to the Black Moor, Foundations of Blackmoor)
- Janne the Blue - Skandaharian explorer of the Western Seas, created by James Mishler for the Mystara Blackmoor Epic.
Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign