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[ZGG Repost] Dinosaurs in your Blackmoor?
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The FFC and other Blackmoor sources suggest that Dinos are still alive and kicking in the Age of Blackmoor. I havent seen any references to them in the ZGG material though. Do you use dinosaurs in your Blackmoor campaigns?
Only if it is a feindish dire vampire half-troll half-dragon t-rex of legend. With 5 rounds of buff spells applied first.

I can recall battling T-Rex's several times in Blackmoor, including a recent encounter south of Kenville on an adventure a couple of years ago when I was playing as Svenny's son Sol.

IMC, dinosaurs roam the upper Great Dismal Swamp. Also, since I located Caverns of Thracia in the North, reptiles of all kind are fairly common.
Thanks for your thoughts guys!

My own is something I've been thinking about alot of things with Roleplaying Settings these days. Either I include it or I dont. And If I do, it needs to be important. Blackmoor can be played as a dull standard run of the mill fantasy campaign, but if I want to bring in some of the elements that set Blackmoor apart from all the others, I want to do it in a big way. This goes for races, technology, monsters and all of it. If its not going to play a significant role in that campaign, I'll probably leave it out.

I liked how Mystaros' Blackmoor timeline created an almost Dino-wars like atmosphere at one point in Blackmoors future when the people of Blackmoor mounted gunpowder armed cavalry on dinosaurs fighting the Beastmen and Dragons. OTOH, I'm not sure if I want to go there IMC. And if not, perhaps I should just leave it alone?

Other ways to make dinos an important part of the campaign?
Smile I would highly recommend you to check out Caverns of Thracia, in any case, for it simply presents the idea of an ancient reptile/snake empire that was defeated when beastmen and men began to settle in the region. Plus, JG deity Thanatos plays a big role, and Thanatos in the end is also a BM deity...

I am currently in the process of writing my own BM timeline, which will include all the modules I want to have included into the setting so far. When it's finished, I can detail you this a bit more. Wink
Hmmm... dinos + yuan-ti... interesting ideas for villains there. Maybe add a flame theme with salamanders too, do the whole fiery snake pit of Hell...

When I'm designing for a home game, I tend to say 'Canon? What canon, I AM canon!'

As to yuan-ti, do you know about Ghostwalk? - That's indeed a scenery I might very well incorporate into my BM home game. The version presented there has much more flair than the FR stuff available for 3e, if you ask me, AND it works well with Thracia... Wink

Yes, I've got that book. My book library is rather... extensive, shall we say. The FR stuff I don't use for flavor but rather for stat ideas; mainly monsters and spells, some feats.

Ethereal flaming snake pit of Hell? I like it... (ghost salamanders and yuan-ti, oh my)
Hehe, mine as well... Although I am proud to say I am more the real oldscholler and d20 Player, for the smallest number of my books really were published by WotC...

Although I have also fallen into shame and bought some FR d20 books this year - especially The unapproachable East works perfectly woth my BM stuff, as does *Lost Empires of Faerun* - sorry if the titles are inaccurate, btw. I use the Spanish editions... Very Happy
Interesting. I guess this could easily be linked to the Frog and the various denizens of the Great Dismal Swamp? I didn't know Thanatos was part of the JG setting. He is ofcourse one of the major players in the Mystara setting, so more the reason to mix it all together Smile

Looking forward to seeing it!
Either just after the holidays, or during carnival celebration, but I'll get this one done! Smile

umping this thread. In my upcoming campaign I have decided not to include Dinos, at least not on a regular basis.

Instead I have decided to go for Ancient Mammals, mainly Wooly Mamoths, Wooly Rhinos, Saber Toothed Tigers, Cave Bears and Great Eagles. I can easily see the Afridhi using some of these creatures as mounts, perhaps the Skandaharians do aswell.

The Great Dismal swamp IMC is more like a great north-European marshland, rather than a Louisiana-style swamp which was my first association with the region. Crocs and Gatormen probably won't make an appearance, though I am toying with giant salamanders. Froglin are definately in there, though I am considering portraying them almost like the Deep Ones from Cthulhu, giving them a really creepy feel.

No the Great Dismal is like the Louisiana, The Barrier Swamp is the European marsh land.
That is my impression too, from the way things are written. However, I decided to change it for the sake of internal consistency and being able to avoid the "Its Magic" explaination.

I'd like to know though, if people think this sort of conceptual thinking that I am doing is having any merit, or whether it just gets in the way of Maximum Gaming Fun. I am mostly concerned about creating a consistant feel for my campaign, and I also think it can provide me with some adventure ideas rather than get in the way of them.
Well for the record Rotfoot is not a European marsh gnome. But how would making it magic turn it into a steamy swamp, it could all have to do with elevations and such. Or fire elemental cities under an illusionary territory of swamp heating up the rest of it.

All of those work. Another likely explaination could be the EGG, which has been known to cause climatic changes.

For my own campaign though, I want to emphasize the Blackmoor region as "The North" in all senses of the word, thus the change in the Dismal Swamp.

What do you think of making Lost World mammals commonplace?

I actually like it, kind of makes it like when the last Ice Age hit during the dark ages. Albiet now it has big stompy bitey furballs.

Dinosaurs... The Egg.... Idea

Dude! You do not realize what you just unleashed on the MMRPG.

Twisted Evil Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha Twisted Evil


Hmmm...I kinda like the idea of having some influence over those things Wink

But then again I hope there won't be hordes of MMRPG players hunting me down because of it.... Rolling Eyes


You SON OF A @#$!%!!!!!!!!

*hides in shadows* Wink

Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign

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