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She tells you her name is Mema and that she is the apprentice of the enchanter Enthymesis. She knows little more than you of the reason why the village is deserted. She has stayed hidden in the cupboard for the last couple of days, since her master left. Before going, he told her to remain hidden, and he coated her in the green paste, which he said would protect her.She tells you that the evening before his departure, Enthymesis had been very worried by a divinationhe had performed. He had told her that he had to undertake a dangerous journey to seek guidance from Aletheia the Sage who dwells in a shifting forest near the borders with the plains of Hak. Then he had insisted that she she should stay hidden. Sure enough, she had remained cowering in the cupboard while a terrible din came down upon the settlement. Terrified, she listened to the hideous shrieks of the townfolk. "Finally silence descended on the village, then you came".
What do you do?
He's a real Nowhere man, sitting in his Nowhere land,
making all his Nowhere plans for Nobody.
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" Come join us?" The Wizard asks the girl." There is nothing left for you here and there is strength in numbers. We are heading north across the border. Maybe we can help reunite you back with your master."
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Mema agrees happily to go with you, and she says that she knows the way to her parents' village. It is a bit back the way you came from and then go east.
Holding Mema's sticky hand you make the way back to your horses. Will you take her on your saddle, even if she's still covered in green slime? Where will you go?
He's a real Nowhere man, sitting in his Nowhere land,
making all his Nowhere plans for Nobody.
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Hororin allows the girl to go on his saddle. Though the girl is covered in slime he sees no other faster way to travel with her." What is the name of your village?" The wizard asks the girl.
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Mema guides you back along the road which bought you here. You turn off the road leading back to Vestfold ans ride swiftly along a narrow, dry path which winds up in the middle of swamps.
Your way gets slightly elevated over the surroundings, and you can see the lands a bit far about. Off on your left a lazy plume of smoke drifts into the sky from Mema's hamlet. She says it's called Three Willows. A settlement so tiny that isn't shown on your map.
Your attention is drawn to the far end of the swampy plains below you, way off to your right. You shiver involuntarily and the hairs on the nape of your neck rise. Your horse shies and whinnies in terror. A thick stench fills your lungs. The sparse slopes are being slowly enveloped by an advancing wave of black lava... or so it seams. Your eyes adjust to the distance and you see that the oozing black mass is not liquid, but a seething ocean of people. Even as you watch, it sweeps closer, spreading like a dark stain.You have found the invading army, bbut will you survive to make use of your knowledge? There are many more people in the horde below than in Blackmoor's entire army.
What do you do?
He's a real Nowhere man, sitting in his Nowhere land,
making all his Nowhere plans for Nobody.
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Joined: Oct 2012
Please have a look here: viewtopic.php?f=82&t=8040&start=40
He's a real Nowhere man, sitting in his Nowhere land,
making all his Nowhere plans for Nobody.