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I'm proposing to start a quick PbP adventure (as long as PbP allows an adventure to be quick...) set in Blackmoor, a few years after Uther Andahar's death.
I would like to keep the pace reasonably fast (3-4 posts per week) and I will use Advanced Fighting Fantasy (2nd ed.) ruleset, that is very simple, light and quick. This adventure can be played by one to four adventurers.
For playing this game will be sufficient knowing the Quickstart rules, that can be downloaded for free from the website of Arion Games: or from RPGNOW
Here you can find some other useful stuff to download, such as characters' sheets etc.: however, please ignore all the information related to the world of Titan, as we'll play in Blackmoor.
Soon (tomorrow, probably), I'll post something about character creation. The kind of characters that I believe are more suited for this adventure are better at scouting and fighting tasks, although there may be a magic user in the group (this will require some dedicated discussion by PM, as magic isn't very well covered in the Quickstart rules). Probably clerics types won't fit well in this particular adventure.
He's a real Nowhere man, sitting in his Nowhere land,
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Character creation
Every character begins with the following starting values in their characteristics:
These starting characteristics are then increased from a pool of 8 points, with the following caveats:
SKILL: a maximum of 3 points may be added
STAMINA: a maximum of 4 points may be added - each point increases the initial STAMINA by 2
LUCK: a maximum of 3 points may be added
MAGIC: a maximum 7 points may be added
I prefer Humans (that grant the racial bonus of +1 LUCK over previously mentioned starting characteristics), but if you would like to try other races, please contact me by PM (for example, Dwarves have instead +2 STAMINA points).
You can choose ONE talent. The full range of talents is available, for example:
Ambidextrous: Can use a weapon in each hand in combat (but no shield, of course)
Armour Training: + 1 to all armour rolls.
Attuned: May identify magical items by handling them. Only availble if character has at least 1 point in Magical Lore.
Combat Reactions: enemies do not get ambushing bonuses and no bonuses for outnumbering up to 3:1
Crack Shot: + 1 to Missile damage rolls.
Focus: Staff that adds + 1 to all spellcasting tests.
Hawkeye: +3 at all Awareness tests that involve vision.
Natural Mage: Does not need to make Spellcasting tests for all spells that cost 1 Magic Point.
Robust: Eating and sleeping restores one more point of STAMINA compared to normal.
Strongarm: + 1 to all Hand to Hand damage rolls.
Trapmaster: + 2 to Trap Knowledge or avoid trap tests.
You can choose four of them and you can add them up (for example, choosing twice the Swords combat skill will give a +2 bonus). The full rage is available (apart from Priestly Magic and with a single magic user in the group - AFF2e book required for magic user), including:
Combat Special Skills
Attacks with chosen weapon at +1
Movement Special Skills
Stealth Special Skills
Sleigh of Hand
Trap Knowledge
Knowledge Special Skills
Lore (choose specific subject)
Secret Signs
Magical Special Skills
Magic Minor
Magic Sorcery
Magic Wizardry
Second Sight
Do NOT bother with this at all - I'll take care of it at the beginning of the game.
He's a real Nowhere man, sitting in his Nowhere land,
making all his Nowhere plans for Nobody.
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If you would like to join, please send me a private message.
He's a real Nowhere man, sitting in his Nowhere land,
making all his Nowhere plans for Nobody.
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Magic - Wizardry
Spellcasting (using Wizardry or, as it will be clearer later, Minor Magic) is much like any characteristic test only using your MAGIC score instead of your SKILL and in general will use a daily reserve of MAGIC POINTS that are calculated by adding MAGIC and Magic- Wizardry Special Skill and multiply the result by two.
Hector casts a Fire-Bolt (a sell that he previously learnt) at a GOBLIN. Hector has a MAGIC score of 8 and Magic-Wizardy of 2 meaning he has to 10 or under on a roll of 2d6 to successfully cast his spell. He roll a 4 and a 5 so he makes it. It also means that he has a daily reserve of 20 MAGIC POINTS.
A spell whether successfully cast or not drains Magic Points from the caster equal to the value of the spell (in the case of Fire-Bolt, 1 Magic Point.)
Spellcasting rolls that come up double 6 mean something has gone seriously wrong; the spell fails and the wizard rolls 3d6 on the Oops Spell Failure table (it can go DRAMATICALLY wrong...).
The roll can be improved by preparing and concentrating for few rounds before casting (+2 per each round), if the surrounding is quiet (+3), but can be penalized if the caster is target of a melee attack (-2) or even just by a ranged attack (-1).
If the wizard wears an armour, then additional MAGIC POINTS must be expended for each spell cast. For example a leather cuirass will require an extra MAGIC POINT and heavier armour will require progressively more and more.
The wizardry spells known by the wizard will be communicated by the Director.
Minor Magic
Cantrips are cast exactly the same way as a normal spell except the caster gains a +6 modifier to his skill to reflect the ease of casting. Cantrips do not cost any Magic Points to cast unless the spellcasting roll fails in which case the caster loses 1 Magic Point - or 2 if a double 6 is rolled. A spellcaster never has to roll on the Opps table if a Cantrip roll comes up double 6.
The minor magic cantrips known by the magic user will be communicated by the Director.
The Natural Mage Talent
A spellcaster with this talent does not need to make a spellcasting roll so long as the Magic Point cost is less than the number of points he has in his magic skill. For instance a character with this talent and Magic-Wizardy 2 could cast Fire-Bolt (costing 1 Magic Point) without having to roll but the more powerful Force-Bolt (costing 2 Magic Points) would need a roll.
He's a real Nowhere man, sitting in his Nowhere land,
making all his Nowhere plans for Nobody.
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We have now one adventurer that is skilled in the ways of Wizardry, so I'd suggest that we avoid further magic users, unless you have a really really good reason for going for it (i.e. you manage to convince me otherwise...).
He's a real Nowhere man, sitting in his Nowhere land,
making all his Nowhere plans for Nobody.
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We'll start in about a week: you still have some time to join!
He's a real Nowhere man, sitting in his Nowhere land,
making all his Nowhere plans for Nobody.