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The Weird Wood
Very interesting! Or you could set it in my version of Beakwood, south of the Valley of the Ancients? Smile
Currently Running: The Blackmoor Vales Saga
Currently Playing: Daniel S. Debelfry in the Throne of Star's Campaign
That's an option as well  Cool

I recommend you add this adventure module to your Blackmoor campaigns  Idea
He's a real Nowhere man, sitting in his Nowhere land,
making all his Nowhere plans for Nobody.
On the first run of this adventure the group had a fatality and did a retreat to avoid risking a TPK, but they will try again after regrouping and rethinking their strategies, as with this adventure you also need to think quite a bit.
He's a real Nowhere man, sitting in his Nowhere land,
making all his Nowhere plans for Nobody.
I located the Blood Wood on the western shores of Lake Blood (you can find it in this DA1 map: and the name of the lake arguably comes from the red clays that colour its waters.
Do you think there may be better options (initially I associated the Weird Wood adventure to the Wet Wood, south west of the Peaks of Booh, but then Aldarron convinced me that the Blood Wood is probably a better option - I think that a version of the Bleakwood south of the valley of the Ancients is a bit too far from Elven forests, and the background of this adventure involved the Elves)?
He's a real Nowhere man, sitting in his Nowhere land,
making all his Nowhere plans for Nobody.

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