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Star Wars: The Old Republic Cinematic Trailer - E3 2010 - Printable Version

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Star Wars: The Old Republic Cinematic Trailer - E3 2010 - Havard - 05-01-2011 ... ature=fvwp

I hadn't seen this trailer before. Looks very impressive, but as with the first trailer it seems like it cheapens lightsabers/sith by having them everywhere.


Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic Cinematic Trailer - E3 2010 - RobJN - 05-02-2011

Thing is, lightsabers were everywhere in the days of the Old Republic. Couldn't toss a womp rat without hitting a Jedi, it seemed Wink

I like how they pretty much turned the Maul/Obi-wan duel around in the cinematic.

I'll agree with the cheapening of the Sith -- two per planet is about as many as I'd use, and certainly wouldn't waste them on leading an occupation force....