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What are you reading right now? - Printable Version

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What are you reading right now? - Rafael - 12-25-2010

Ah, the holidays, time to take out a good book.

Right now, at Greg's advice, I'm reading Dumas' "The Three Musketeers".

Surprisingly witty and entertaining!

On the shelf rest "The Voyage of the Space Beagle" (!!!),
and Henry Rollins' "Do I come here often?".

- RobJN - 12-26-2010

If you like The Three Musketeers, give The Count of Monte Cristo try. Only book I had to read for high school that I thoroughly enjoyed.

I'm working my way slowly through Elizabeth Haydon's Elegy of a Lost Star while I wait for the next Dresden Files book to hit the bookstore...

Also, Lindqvist's Handling the Undead on the iPad.

- Rafael - 12-27-2010

I got to say, I didn't particularly like The Count, mostly to the overamount of characters and side plots.

However, I might give it a second try as an audiobook; about six months ago, I got myself a subscription at, and it's become my gateway to stuff I'd otherwise not read.

As to Dumas, I'll try "The Last Cavallier" before I get to Monte Cristo,
as an audiobook. Smile

Next will be the end of David Farland's "Runebound" series, a fantasy circle that I kind of liked.
(I'm not into fantasy at all, at least usually. I only read this kind of literature, if I absolutely have to.)

- Havard - 12-28-2010

Space 1889 Red Sands, Savage Worlds Edition, just arrived in the mail. Pure awesomeness.

I should really start reading literature again, but these days its mostly RPG stuff 8)


- DungeonDevil - 12-30-2010

Besides work-related stuff...

The Jester at Scar (one of the "Dumarest" books by E.C. Tubb)
Dragons at Dawn (liking it so far!) + Chainmail + First Fantasy Campaign.
A pdf of Stars without Number (excellent SciFi RPG...and free to boot!)
Mote in God's Eye (probably one of the best SciFi books I've ever read.)

- sheridan - 01-02-2011

Epiphany by Josepha Sherman and Susan Schwartz (Spock, Saavik, Chekov, Scotty, and Uhura in the Next Generation time period)
D&D Essentials Rules Compendium (my wife got it for me for Christmas)
The Old Testament (I'm currently in Sirach, the final Book of Wisdom)

Re: What are you reading right now? - poi - 01-17-2011

Just finished Propsero Burns by Dan Abnett.

Now on The Tank Lords by David Drake.

Re: What are you reading right now? - Havard - 01-17-2011

Welcome to the Comeback Inn mr Poi! Smile


Re: What are you reading right now? - Rafael - 01-17-2011

May I make fun of his username, Mastaaaaa?

[Image: igor_movie.jpg]

Re: What are you reading right now? - Havard - 01-17-2011

Rafael Wrote:May I make fun of his username, Mastaaaaa?


