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Peshwah Tribes - Printable Version

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Peshwah Tribes - Havard - 12-08-2010

I'm trying to get a clear overview of the different Peshwah Tribes. Here's what I've got so far:

The Adiel aret he archetypical Peshwah. They are the most numerous tribe and know to be master horsemen. Many Adiel prefer the Sickle sword in combat.

Briela (Not on map)
The Briela are a kind of Gypsies, travelling all over the world. They are known as storytellers and diplomats. For centuries they have devoted their lives questing for the Bow of Hadeen.

The Bortai are the most savage of the Peshwah, living like the horsemen did in the earliest days. Interestinly they are not xenophobic however. And due to Peshwah na Shepro, they have formed an alliance with Blackmoor. Man Bortai use a special hand axe called the Bullova.

Unlike most other Peshwah, the Falleem are city dwellers. They are a religious lot and good merchants. Many Falleem use scimitars in battle.

The Irfat are grim warriors. They see themselves as “The Black Ridersâ€

- sheridan - 12-08-2010

Briela = Tharbrians?
Yeah, I know, it's my second reference to Tharbrians in a week. You can see what direction my campaign is going in. Smile

- Havard - 12-09-2010

sheridan Wrote:Briela = Tharbrians?
Yeah, I know, it's my second reference to Tharbrians in a week. You can see what direction my campaign is going in. Smile


Aren't the Tharbrians a Celtic-inspired culture of the Wilderlands? If so it might make more sense to have them related to the Valemen. OTOH, if there is a connection between the Tharbrians and the Peshwa, I am not sure if the Briela are the best candidate. I think it might make more sense if the connection is older than that, going back to the very origin of the Peshwah, which may have its roots in the Wilderlands, or as I suggested elsewhere, in Karakh. It is possible that the Tharbrians and the Peshwah have common ancestry from those earliest days?

By the way, I would be very interested in hearing about your campaign, perhaps in a separate thread? Smile
