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New Blackmoor Deitie(s)? - Printable Version

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Re: New Blackmoor Deitie(s)? - Havard - 11-25-2012

Yaztromo Wrote:It is strange as they have Odir (Odin) and Hella (Hel), but no equivalent for Frey/Freya, that in Nordic mythology are very old as well.... (I accept more easily the lack of Thor and Loki, that are younger much than the previous, in that mythology...)

If you want to keep things compatible with the Mystara canon, Frey and Freyja are much younger Immortals, just like Thor and Loki.

You may also want to take into consideration that the Skandaharians are no mere traditional vikings. They are a blood thirsty lot who are more interested in deities like Hella, and Tyrhm than of deities of nature.

Ordana and Faunus may play a similar role to that of Frey and Freyja however...
