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Secrets of Blackmoor Documentary Now on Kickstarter - Printable Version

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Re: Secrets of Blackmoor Documentary Now on Kickstarter - gsvenson - 12-08-2018

I am actually quite excited to see this being published. I thought it was totally lost...

Re: Secrets of Blackmoor Documentary Now on Kickstarter - Havard - 12-11-2018

Blog Update:

Blackmoor Documentary Successfully Funded!

Great news! Secrets of Blackmoor, the documentary about the history of Blackmoor has been successfully funded on Kickstarter. Out of all the D&D history documentaries in the works, it looks like Secrets of Blackmoor may now be the first to see the light of day.

Griff, Chris Graves and the rest of the team are already talking about adding more Stretch Goals. The Kickstarter still as 13 days to go so it is not too late to sign up. Secrets of Blackmoor is set to be released in March 2019.


Re: Secrets of Blackmoor Documentary Now on Kickstarter - Secrets of Blackmoor - 01-23-2019

Sorry I haven't been on the forum in a while Havard.

Lots to do with the KickStarter as far as reaching out to people who aren't in the loop in places like this forum.

The KS went so well that it went beyond our expectations. We are in edit mode now. Yet, at the same time, we're stil digging up odds and ends on the history of the Twin Cities gamers. just the other Day I received some scans of old letters that pretty much made my jaw fall to the floor, and I am waiting back on some emails I sent out relating to it. It could be what I read is nothing at all, or it could be that a lot of what we have always assumed is wrong and may be much more complex. Either way, this is all good to know.

in the Meantime, this new research may change how the film's last section is edited and I am already in a re-edit of that section.

Hopefully everyone who got a movie screener draft was pleased to see what is already in place.


Re: Secrets of Blackmoor Documentary Now on Kickstarter - finarvyn - 01-25-2019

Secrets of Blackmoor Wrote:just the other Day I received some scans of old letters that pretty much made my jaw fall to the floor, and I am waiting back on some emails I sent out relating to it. It could be what I read is nothing at all, or it could be that a lot of what we have always assumed is wrong and may be much more complex.
Damn, Griff, but that's a real teaser. Hope you can say more soon... 8)

Re: Secrets of Blackmoor Documentary Now on Kickstarter - rredmond - 09-01-2019

Yaztromo Wrote:
robertthebald Wrote:Paul Stormberg has arranged for me to run some Blackmoor adventures at GaryCon XI in March.
8) 8) 8) 8)
How did this go?