
The Thanegioth Archipelago
The Thanegioth Archipelago is located to the far south of Mystara's Known World, stretching from the Serpent's Peninsula in the west and almost to the oriental lands of Ochaela in the east. The western part of the archipelago is home to a group of islands known as the Serpent's Teeth.
The Serpent's Teeth
The Serpent's Teeth is the name of the islands surrounding Feeport. The region of the Serpent's Teeth is just over five miles across.

  • A'Val
  • Leeward
  • Windward
  • T'Wik

    City Overview
    On A'Val, the largest of the islands the City of Freeport rises above the jungle. The place is home to both unlikely heroes and other duious characters. Constructed by Pirates, this city is composed of many different districts, reflecting its diverse population and rich history. You can read more about the city here

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