09-02-2012, 03:22 AM
Havard Wrote:Minor nitpick: The catastrophe is called the Great Rain of Fire. The Radience is the name of a powerful artifact that somehow survived the disaster, not the disaster itself.
I also wrote some ideas for a campaign more immediate after the Great Rain of Fire called the Years of Fire (scroll down).
Sorry Harvard and thinks for setting the name straight, I know the event was called the great rain of fire but I thought Radiance was Blackmoors version of radiation or something. I've heard it referred here and there as something that caused Blackmoors final days. Also your Years of Fire stuff is interesting, I might pull ideas from that of all things to build the ruins of my P-GRoF game.
Though I'm a lover of mutants in my post apocalypse and as I asked earlier do you htink the effects of the radiation would activate latent blood of outsiders forming 'mutants' of outsider blood? Or do you have ideas for good mutant races besides the result of beastmen? Also do you have any advice of possible mutant monsters? You pointed out typical creatures but do you have any ideas? I love you work Harvard.