Important note: Undisputable world power doesn't mean as strong as before, Havard! It just means Thyatis doesn't have an opponent.
It is mentioned that Thyatis is weaker than before the war, however it is the most powerful nation left... and there are mentions that Thyatis will probably be it's own most important and dangerous enemy.
They have:
1. Vast territories they either just recovered or just conquered.
2. Alphatian regiments in their own army.
I.e people that were their enemies a year ago and that they have been
proven to be not loyal (or they would remain Alphatian)
3. No powerful enemy to their way of thinking to keep them on focus. I.e they underestimate everyone and think that they can now do
whatever they want. While they
are the most powerful nation left, they are weakened, tired and they certainly cannot take on the whole world.
4. Their own way of thinking: I.e fight, fight and then fight some more. With no clear enemy, they will start turning on each other. Baron fighting count, and Count fighting Duke.
5. They have intrigue in their blood. That means that without any clear threat (and along with 4) those that chose to not fight, will sit on their thrones starting to fend off assassination after assassination attempt, plot, maneuver and ignore threats.
On the good side: Thyatis holds a vast area... The "unstable" areas don't have any clear/powerful enemies nearby and the main Thyatian land is very well defended and prepared for war.
Still a crisis is looming.
Thyatis seems to be failing to see that. There are
other powers rising to fill the void left by Alphatia along with Thyatis.
Example: Thyatis holds the
whole Isle of Dawn, and there are not enough Alphatians left to take it back...
But what if the local Lords decide to side with what is left from Alphatian armies (in
both empires) and with the Locals in the Isle of dawn and renounce their allegiance to Thyatis, creating their own empire? Can Thyatis fight their former troops as they did with the protectorates they lost in the war last year?