The Wayfarer's Inn

The Ruined Tower - Ein erstes Chat-Game in den SL
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Author:  Rafael [ Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  The Ruined Tower - Ein erstes Chat-Game in den SL

Lurkers welcome.....Players even more....
Ivid Has entered the room
Ivid[7:07:30 PM]: Hi all!
Ivid[7:07:42 PM]: Here we go! Everybody read the intro?
Casey777[7:07:51 PM]: 5) the pdf prints out very cleanly, MUCH better than most TSR scans ('cos different people made it!)
Casey777[7:07:55 PM]: allo
Casey777[7:07:59 PM]: link?
Ivid[7:08:09 PM]: sec please
Cimmerian[7:08:35 PM]: Hello, thanks Casey...and ready.
Ivid[7:08:49 PM]:
Ivid[7:08:53 PM]: Voila
Casey777[7:09:12 PM]: If you want a taste of Empire of the Petal Throne for free go here:
Ivid[7:09:10 PM]: test
Casey777[7:09:14 PM]:
Casey777[7:09:28 PM]: and download all the free articles from SR and The Dragon
Casey777[7:09:49 PM]: very similar to the Empire of the Petal Throne material (same time)
Casey777 off soapbox
Cimmerian[7:10:05 PM]: cool.
Ivid[7:10:20 PM]: how do you do that *Casey off soapbox*?
Casey777[7:10:33 PM]: type /me
Casey777[7:10:40 PM]: so /me waves
Casey777 waves
Casey777[7:10:49 PM]: it's to show actions
Ivid[7:10:49 PM]: /me jumps
Ivid jumps
Ivid[7:11:09 PM]: Ah, well, better letters
Casey777[7:11:19 PM]: oh and this box I'm currently on may get a bit flakey, if it gets TOO flakey I'll switch to a more stable connection
Ivid[7:11:28 PM]: okay, no problem...
Ivid[7:11:43 PM]: Let's wait five mins longer, then we can start, finally...
Casey777[7:12:13 PM]: post to DF that you're in channel and which room?
Cimmerian[7:12:29 PM]: Deutsch minuten or english minutes?
Ivid[7:12:51 PM]: Preussisch minutes,
Glgnfz[7:12:57 PM]: i'm here! but i can only write something every 5 to 10 minutes.
Ivid[7:12:59 PM]: There, the clock ticks you!
Casey777[7:13:15 PM]:
Ivid[7:13:20 PM]: welcome, fireman
Cimmerian[7:13:39 PM]: You know, a clock in here would be handy..
Casey777[7:14:59 PM]: there are timestamps at least
Ivid[7:15:03 PM]: Don't your names come with a time note?
Casey777[7:15:08 PM]: but yes it could come in handy
Casey777[7:15:22 PM]: 15 seconds before we move to the next in the round!
Casey777[7:15:27 PM]: etc.
Ivid[7:15:32 PM]: And here we go!!!
Ivid[7:15:49 PM]: Oh, wait, must pick music! Any suggestions?
Aramis Has entered the room
Ivid[7:16:36 PM]: Chose Blind Guardian... I AM a nerd, after all...
Casey777[7:16:47 PM]: ok posted to the thread
Ivid[7:16:49 PM]: Hi Aramis!
Aramis[7:17:01 PM]: hello
Casey777[7:17:02 PM]: for Skath's C&C game we used that Radio Rivendell
Casey777[7:17:13 PM]: lots of fantasy movie soundtracks and similar music
Aramis[7:17:18 PM]: niece just came over for visit so a bit late, had to say hello
Cimmerian[7:17:28 PM]: I took the stamps off, forgot about that.
Cimmerian[7:17:39 PM]: Hello Aramis
Cimmerian[7:18:09 PM]: Sightbindrex was listening to that last night Ivid.
Aramis[7:18:09 PM]: bows deeply
Aramis[7:18:11 PM]: heh
Casey777[7:18:12 PM]:
Ivid[7:18:15 PM]: To late, already on the quest for tanelorn!
Aramis[7:18:37 PM]: fabled tanelorn, can it be?
Ivid[7:18:50 PM]: Well, let's start - first some basic rules:
Cimmerian[7:18:53 PM]: From Moorcock?
Ivid[7:19:13 PM]: Silly, very silly song from German metal group Blind Guardian.
Aramis[7:19:41 PM]: is that rule number one
Ivid[7:19:40 PM]: 1. I am a slow typer, bear with me
Aramis[7:20:10 PM]: my typing in german is no faster!
Ivid[7:20:11 PM]: 2. I do all my rolls in secret, while you are supposed to do your rolls openly here!
Casey777[7:20:32 PM]: np, and don't worry about spelling, it's the internet
Ivid[7:21:14 PM]:
Ivid[7:21:25 PM]: No more rules, apart from that!
Cimmerian[7:21:42 PM]: Warning:
Ivid[7:21:49 PM]: So... Oh, before I forget it, can you log the chat, Cim?
Casey777[7:22:05 PM]: k (goes off to reread dice rolls protocal
Aramis[7:22:10 PM]: lets do a practice roll, as i am unclear on the terminology
Cimmerian[7:22:19 PM]: From experience, perception can cause issues...patience needed when it comes to DM's descriptions and the actions of players that result!
Cimmerian[7:22:36 PM]: Chat screws up a lot of things that would not happen at the table!
Cimmerian[7:22:43 PM]: Chat logged!
Aramis[7:22:44 PM]: true
Ivid[7:23:05 PM]: Thank you, Cim!
Aramis rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 17 (+2) = 19
Aramis[7:23:17 PM]: hit!
Ivid[7:23:17 PM]: Perfect, Aramis already got it
Ivid[7:23:29 PM]: Beware the nasty DM!!!
Aramis[7:23:53 PM]: shere? *spins around nervously*
Ivid[7:24:00 PM]: Me.
Aramis[7:24:15 PM]: Eep!
Ivid[7:24:20 PM]: Okay... Let's go into character...
Ivid[7:24:29 PM]: So...
Ivid[7:25:16 PM]: A pleasant evening in Vale. You are having a good cold ale at the Bridge Inn... What exactly brought you there?
Ivid[7:25:42 PM]: The Inn: ... e_Inns.jpg
Ivid[7:26:18 PM]: All, please explain why exactly you travelled to such a remote place and what you are doing here.
You have received a private message. If it does not open in a new window automatically, [Click Here]
Aramis[7:27:44 PM]: Greetings. I am Loramir the Red, known to many here as the Crimson Blade. I have heard strange rumours of humanoid incursions in this area, and I have come to set the world to rights (and make my fortune)
Cimmerian[7:27:46 PM]: Pious Paul the cleric paws at his mug. (Writing it..)
Casey777[7:28:15 PM]: ooc see private chat re: backup character ^^;;
Aramis[7:28:16 PM]: *waits expectantly for awe/applause*
Aramis[7:28:37 PM]: ooc how see private chat??
Casey777[7:29:13 PM]: ooc you'd get an annoying message here to click on it until you do so
Ivid[7:29:15 PM]: Click on profile and then Private Chat
Aramis[7:29:54 PM]: ooc my profile is empty
Glgnfz[7:29:54 PM]: hi! i'm astrid and i like this elfie.
Glgnfz[7:30:18 PM]: ooc: barbecue will be over in 10-20 minutes! astrid will be ready then!
Aramis[7:30:23 PM]: greetings, fair maid of the hills *bows*
Ivid[7:30:27 PM]: OOC click on somebody else's profile.
Aramis[7:31:19 PM]: ooc got it
Ivid[7:31:38 PM]: ... An old dwarf that you know as "The Patriarch", or Wayne, who is the mercenary guard that was hired to save the temple, approaches your table...
Cimmerian[7:32:43 PM]: The cleric has traveled for days looking for a place where perhaps he could do some good. Being a faithful servant and missionary of his faith. Finding the small Vale suitable at the moment. Paul extends a hand to Astrid, Loramir, and another new acquaintence. Although Paul can be very dim at times he is wise enough to see the value in making friends as a missionary.
Ivid[7:33:14 PM]: "Good sirs and ma'am, farmer Wilfred has sent me to you to ask if you can help him with an urgent problem. Seems like a wofl or something has locked itself into the stables with the swines."
Aramis[7:34:09 PM]: ooc my internet connection is blinking in and ou again, so i may miss a few lines here ant there
Aramis[7:34:21 PM]: wolf locked_himself_ in the stables?
Aramis[7:34:31 PM]: what manner of wolf do you have in these parts!
Ivid[7:34:27 PM]: "I'd do it myself, but I fear I am needed at the temple." (The dwarf obviously has no desire to fight any more this evening.
Ivid[7:35:10 PM]: - Don't ask me, youngling." [Everyone roll a d6]
Aramis rolls 6d6 and gets: 3, 1, 4, 6, 5, 5 = 24
Aramis[7:35:35 PM]: oops!
Aramis rolls 1d6 and gets: 1
Casey777 rolls 1d6 and gets: 5
Cimmerian[7:36:11 PM]: Paul finnishes off his mug, his thirst slacked. "A wolf is a most dangerous foe! Perhaps we can tempt it out with some food and see what manner of wolf it is!", Paul growls.
Cimmerian rolls 1d6 and gets: 6
Ivid[7:37:23 PM]: Paul and *Casey* know farmer Wilfred - a honourable man who brews the hamlet's ale, but can be a bit hysterical at times.
Aramis[7:37:29 PM]: i would prefer to battle demons, and dragons, as I normally do, but I will graciously help you in this matter
Ivid[7:37:33 PM]: Loramir has never heard of that man before.
Aramis[7:38:08 PM]: ooc but he has heard of me!
Cimmerian[7:38:33 PM]: Wilfred must be the key to the village's happiness!
Cimmerian Paul looks at the others assembled, waiting for any cues.
Ivid[7:39:36 PM]: The dwarf looks somewhat like if he is already loosing his patience with you. "Go or not? - Willy has granted me mug of his secret brew for this, so I called you."
Aramis[7:40:06 PM]: *Loramir pulls his pack from under his feet and ties his sword to his back*
Ivid[7:40:04 PM]: "The Patriarch" snorts and walks away.
Aramis[7:40:12 PM]: to the barnyard!
Aramis[7:40:22 PM]: Loramir heads for the door*
Ivid[7:40:31 PM]: The Patriarch: ... -dwarf.jpg
Aramis[7:40:38 PM]: come with me if you want to live
Cimmerian[7:41:04 PM]: Paul puts his pack on and grabs his mace. He heads for the door with the others.
Ivid[7:41:09 PM]: The barmaiden can be heard chuckling, as she looks towards Loramir...
Aramis[7:41:39 PM]: if this wolf can lock himself in barns, be _wary_ if you know what I mean
Aramis[7:41:42 PM]: *winks*
Ivid[7:41:48 PM]: Vale: ... wdale2.jpg
Aramis[7:41:53 PM]: Wary...
Cimmerian[7:42:25 PM]: "Perhaps a lighted torch should be readied when we reach the barn too!", exclaims Paul
Ivid[7:42:31 PM]: After a short walk over a small town square that is already bathed in the warm evening sun, you arrive at the barn:
Aramis[7:42:40 PM]: *smells the fresh farm air*
Aramis[7:42:51 PM]: *draws sword*
Ivid[7:42:55 PM]: Everything is quiet here - nobody is in sight. No wolf, no Wilfred.
Cimmerian[7:43:16 PM]: Paul takes his pack off leaving it somewhere out of the way. He fishes out some rations and gets a torch ready.
Aramis[7:43:23 PM]: loramir looks inexpertly for tracks*
Cimmerian Paul has a torch is his left hand, mace in his right.
Ivid[7:44:11 PM]: Nothing here, really. Should the dwarf have fooled you?
Casey777 looks perturbed at having to finish his wine early, but shrugs and pushes his long slouch hat up a little
Aramis[7:44:41 PM]: ooc if he did, he will pay!
Cimmerian[7:44:49 PM]: "Shall we see if it is hungry", asks Paul to the others?
Casey777 ooc going with a first level thief, "role" with it for now pleasers
Aramis[7:44:59 PM]: ooc "could" the dwarf have fooled you
Aramis[7:45:20 PM]: aye, for cold steel, I wager
Ivid[7:45:23 PM]: Paul stumbles over something spikey...
Cimmerian[7:45:42 PM]: Dowp!
Aramis[7:45:55 PM]: *looks alarmed*
Ivid[7:46:09 PM]: The wooden amulet of Odin that Wilfred is usually wearing around his neck - a gift from a lost love or something...
Ivid[7:46:18 PM]: He would never have taken it off...
Aramis[7:46:47 PM]: this bodes ill
Aramis[7:46:56 PM]: *opens the door*
Cimmerian[7:47:09 PM]: Paul grabs the amulet, what do you think of this he asks the others.
Ivid[7:47:07 PM]: An empty stable...
Ivid[7:47:22 PM]: Blood stains on the walls...
Ivid[7:47:25 PM]: Fresh...
Cimmerian[7:47:27 PM]: (IM not too bright, eheh forgot about that!)
Aramis[7:48:19 PM]: what manner of beasts did this Wilfred hostel here?
Cimmerian[7:48:31 PM]: Paul creeps forward leading with his torch. Saying a prayer as he goes.
Ivid[7:48:36 PM]: You would say pigs...
Casey777[7:48:58 PM]: ooc almost there 'scuse
Aramis[7:48:59 PM]: yet no dead pigs evident?
Ivid[7:48:57 PM]: You think you saw his fattest pig wandering over the hamlet when you walked here...
Ivid[7:49:13 PM]: OOC No worries, Casey!
Ivid[7:49:30 PM]: No cadavers, of any kind.
Cimmerian[7:50:21 PM]: (perhaps he finnished his meal!)
Aramis[7:50:43 PM]: *looks for other entrances, and tracks around other entrances*
Ivid[7:50:56 PM]: No tracks...
Glgnfz[7:51:20 PM]: okay! astrid is ready to split some helm!
Aramis[7:51:29 PM]: i think we should go up to the farm house and ensure this Wilfred still lives
Glgnfz[7:51:34 PM]: can you give me a short summary?
Ivid[7:51:33 PM]: You hear loud yelling from behind, as the Patriarch arrives, his face red, and the old dwarf breathing heavily.
Aramis[7:51:38 PM]: *heads out the door*
Cimmerian[7:51:40 PM]: (Maybe the thief could try some skills and get some info here)
Ivid[7:51:56 PM]: OOC Best you players give Glgnfz a summary
Aramis[7:52:05 PM]: ooc barkeep said mysterious wolf trapped in barn. Went to barn. No yet
Aramis[7:52:47 PM]: no sign of the wolf Patriarch, or Wilfred
Glgnfz[7:52:59 PM]: what have we found?
Glgnfz[7:53:08 PM]: i like that cute elfie!
Aramis[7:53:15 PM]: holy symbol of Wilfred, blood on walls
Cimmerian[7:53:18 PM]: (GLGnfz: Wilfred the local brewer has asked our aid to a barn where a wolf has locked itself in. I found an amulet of the owner here but he is nowhere to be seen as of yet)
Aramis[7:53:42 PM]: *smiles*
Glgnfz[7:53:47 PM]: ooc: ouch - werewolf alarm!
Ivid[7:53:56 PM]: The old dwarf almost barks as he shouts at you: "Just found that at the temple's entrance!!!"
Ivid[7:54:05 PM]: The dwarf is holding a human hand!
Cimmerian[7:54:12 PM]: (The amulet I found = The wooden amulet of Odin that Wilfred is usually wearing around his neck - a gift from a lost love or something...)
Casey777[7:54:12 PM]: ooc ok Casey is ready, sent via PM to the GM, catching up on the logs!
Aramis[7:54:21 PM]: ooc that is why i said be "wary" above. wary=were
IlexGarodan Has entered the room
Aramis[7:54:37 PM]: do you wish to "give us a hand" ?
Glgnfz[7:54:38 PM]: astrid has a look at the hand.
Ivid[7:54:50 PM]: "Hell, no, that's obscene!"
Glgnfz[7:54:52 PM]: any rings...?
IlexGarodan[7:54:56 PM]: (Yo)
Cimmerian[7:54:57 PM]: Paul makes sure his holy symbol shows.
Cimmerian[7:55:05 PM]: (hey Ilex!)
Ivid[7:55:04 PM]: OOC Hi, wanna play?
Glgnfz[7:55:30 PM]: hi!
IlexGarodan[7:55:37 PM]: (I have a half hour or so.)
Cimmerian[7:55:40 PM]: (heheh ironic set of cirumstances here Ilex, ehehe)
IlexGarodan[7:55:53 PM]: (How?)
Cimmerian[7:56:04 PM]: (Perhaps a werewolf!)
Ivid[7:56:02 PM]: The dwarf gets even more exicted: "That's Wilfred's! Where? -Ooooh, all the blood!!!"
Aramis[7:56:27 PM]: tell me of this hand
IlexGarodan[7:56:31 PM]: ((Want my stats, Cim?))
Cimmerian[7:56:34 PM]: "He has been torn apart!"
Aramis[7:56:55 PM]: whence did you find it?
Cimmerian[7:56:56 PM]: (PM them to me from the forum, & yes I do!)
Ivid[7:56:54 PM]: The "Patriarch" shouts for help! (Ilex, you can simply take over the Patriarch, an olden dwarven temple guard.)
Glgnfz[7:57:29 PM]: so - should we go to the temple?
IlexGarodan[7:57:41 PM]: "ACH! BY MORADIN'S BEARD, HELP ME!!"
Aramis[7:57:41 PM]: the help is already here dear sir, in the form of Loramir the Red, the Crimson Blade...and his boon companions
Cimmerian[7:57:47 PM]: Paul turns to respond, but then runs to get his pack back on.
Ivid[7:58:24 PM]: In the next few minutes, all people from Vale will come together to see what is happening... Better chek for any hints quickly, or the people will involuntarily destroy them...
Glgnfz[7:58:29 PM]: this elfie is soooo sweet!
Ivid[7:58:35 PM]: [Cool thing, Ilex!]
Aramis[7:58:51 PM]: might there be expert huntsman in this hamlet?
Glgnfz[7:58:55 PM]: yeah! let's go!
Ivid[7:59:25 PM]: The tall Innkeeper, Skrado, arrives and hears Loramir's question.
Aramis[7:59:51 PM]: ooc we have already searched the barn thoroughly, correct?
Glgnfz[7:59:51 PM]: i have got an axe - i don't need no huntsmen...
IlexGarodan[8:00:15 PM]: "BY CLANGEDDIN'S TWIN AXES, THE PAIN IS UNBEARABLE!! .... Wait, that's my..! AUGH!! I'VE BEEN DARWI---Awaaarrrgbleblebleble!"
Cimmerian[8:00:27 PM]: Paul keeps his lighted torch and mace in hand tikll we get to the temple.
Ivid[8:00:26 PM]: "Calahan... Calahan the Snake is said to hunt in these grounds during this season of the year. Maybe if you find him..."
Aramis[8:00:33 PM]: i have found no wolf tracks, i would like to confirm my inexpert opinion with that of an expert
Casey777 tugs his hat even higher and continues to look around the area surrounding the farmer's body, drawing his sword at the screams
Glgnfz[8:01:06 PM]: let's find him later!
Ivid[8:01:11 PM]: You have checked the barn as much as you could, just wondering if you want to do something specfic
Cimmerian[8:01:39 PM]: (it needs to be searched!)
Aramis[8:01:40 PM]: we must know the foe we face to prepare ourselves
Ivid[8:01:54 PM]: Casey finds a very scared swine cowering in behind a trunk.
Casey777[8:02:10 PM]: ./me was looking for tracks, blood trails, struggle signs...
Aramis[8:02:19 PM]: *examines hand*- human, dwarf, other?
Ivid[8:02:17 PM]: The swine is covered with blood all over, but appears not to have been hurt...
IlexGarodan[8:02:29 PM]: ((Am I still the Patriarch?))
Cimmerian[8:02:34 PM]: (IVid Are we supposed to stay here or run to the temple? DO we have enough time to search or was it urgent that we leave?)
Ivid[8:02:41 PM]: The hand is human, though already a bit like... Decayed...
Casey777[8:02:57 PM]: I seem to have found a pig. Clever pig, to hide behind a trunk.
IlexGarodan[8:03:01 PM]: (PM sent, Cim.))
Cimmerian[8:03:10 PM]: (cool)
Aramis[8:03:24 PM]: this hand is not fresh, which may indicate the severing is not recent
Ivid[8:03:25 PM]: Ilex is still supposed to be the Patriarch. Please, do as you want.
Aramis[8:03:33 PM]: *eyes the Patriarch suspiciously*
Casey777 approaches the pig cautiously, trying not to scare it even more
Cimmerian[8:04:07 PM]: Paul helps search letting his torch light the way.
Ivid[8:04:12 PM]: Actually, one finger nail is missing... and the other nails are dirty, like from earth...
Aramis[8:04:16 PM]: any blood trail outside the barn?
Cimmerian[8:04:26 PM]: (Lycanswine! ehehe)
Ivid[8:04:24 PM]: No.
IlexGarodan[8:04:42 PM]: "Ach, I be bleedin' like a twenty-gold whore!"
Aramis[8:04:44 PM]: methinks this hand is from the graveyard
Casey777 ooc assume nothing
Glgnfz[8:04:46 PM]: piganthrope...
Cimmerian[8:05:02 PM]: ehhee
Ivid[8:05:08 PM]: (The Patriarch is not hurt, jsut hysterical, because a friend of him is missing.
Casey777 ooc try and suspect everything
Aramis[8:05:35 PM]: let us head to the farmhouse of this wilfred
Aramis[8:05:42 PM]: *goes to farmhouse*
IlexGarodan[8:05:57 PM]: "Wait a sec'... I ain't bleedin..! BUT MY BEST FRIEND IS MISSING!! CLANGEDDIN BE PISSED!!"
Cimmerian[8:06:09 PM]: Looking at the Patriarch..."What is the trouble? Why are you bleeding?"
Casey777[8:06:12 PM]: If nothing else we could have a fine meal tonight, this pig is already marinaded.
Ivid[8:06:12 PM]: OOC Come on fellas, don't make me laugh! Almost spit my drink over the keyboard!
Glgnfz[8:06:18 PM]: astrid doesn'T THINK IT's a good idea, but she follows aramis.
Aramis[8:06:29 PM]: my dear patriarch, this is a trying time for you, but you must be strong in the face of this evil
Aramis[8:06:29 PM]: my dear patriarch, this is a trying time for you, but you must be strong in the face of this evil
Aramis[8:06:29 PM]: my dear patriarch, this is a trying time for you, but you must be strong in the face of this evil
Aramis[8:06:29 PM]: my dear patriarch, this is a trying time for you, but you must be strong in the face of this evil
Ivid[8:06:54 PM]: In the famrhouse, Wilfred's elderly wife, Rowena is cooking the meal. "Anything unusual, Sir?"
IlexGarodan[8:07:01 PM]: "I know, fellow Bearded Bastard, but.. Wi'out me best pal, I kinnae do me healin' spell properly!"
Aramis[8:07:02 PM]: *knocks on farmhouse door*
Aramis[8:07:17 PM]: goodwife, where is yur husband
Cimmerian[8:07:25 PM]: (Ivid: paul looks up to see if there are rafters in the barn...a 2nd floor?)
Ivid[8:07:45 PM]: He was worried about something at the stable, and called... Wayne? What is he doing out there, crying?
Casey777 sighs, leaves the pig to wallow in blood, and tags along behind Astrid, long legs at a leisurely pace
Ivid[8:08:12 PM]: The barn is a simple hut with no other levels or even a cellar/basement.
Cimmerian[8:08:24 PM]: Paul loooks for somethign he might use as a leash to get a hold of the pig.
Ivid[8:08:42 PM]: Poor pigey runs away as fast as it can!
Casey777 tugs his hat down
Aramis[8:08:56 PM]: thank you m'lady
Casey777[8:09:08 PM]: o_o
Cimmerian[8:09:09 PM]: Chase Pig, Chase Pig!
Aramis[8:09:18 PM]: perhaps we should next examine the graveyard of this hamlet, as I believe that is where this hand originated
Casey777[8:09:27 PM]: Dinner's running free!
Aramis[8:09:33 PM]: ooc puffs pipe and pulls deerstalker cap down over head heh
Ivid[8:09:48 PM]: Piggy suddenly stops and grunts towards Paul, the eyes flackering red!!!
Casey777 hearing the porker's squeals, Casey changes direction and beats feet for the bloody @#$@$ pig
Cimmerian[8:09:59 PM]: (If i can get a hold of the pig, me thinks a wolf might attack it first rather than us should a surprise happen!)
IlexGarodan[8:10:02 PM]: ((Ach! Gotta go, lads!))
Ivid[8:10:20 PM]: OOC Was all a pleasure, Ilex!
IlexGarodan Has exited the room
Casey777 drawing a throwing knife as he does so!
Glgnfz[8:10:29 PM]: astrid thinks we should go to the temple first.
Glgnfz[8:10:40 PM]: ... and then to the graveyard.
Aramis[8:10:41 PM]: lead on, dear lady
Casey777[8:10:44 PM]: Here dinner dinner dinner
Cimmerian[8:10:48 PM]: 'Careful piggy, I dont want to have to knight you!", paul readies his mace wondering if those red eyes are natural!
Ivid[8:11:07 PM]: Pig jumps against Paul and hit him down!
Cimmerian[8:11:26 PM]: Doh!
Ivid[8:11:24 PM]: Pig rolls over Paul!!!
Aramis[8:11:33 PM]: twas not a wolf, but a feral pig!
Ivid[8:11:33 PM]: [1 DAM]
Casey777 does a doubletake as he notices the glaring red eyes...and then the porker ppunch
Aramis[8:11:49 PM]: *attacks pig*
Aramis rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 2 (+2) = 4
Ivid[8:12:05 PM]: Pig sees blinking sword and fades away...
Cimmerian[8:12:14 PM]: (eheh guys. In CM's card game I have been done in several times by boars....Pigs = Cimmbane)
Aramis[8:12:16 PM]: ooc doh!
Casey777 Has exited the room
Ivid[8:12:18 PM]: Still lying over Paul, though...
Glgnfz[8:12:26 PM]: astrid attacks the pig, too.
Ivid[8:12:27 PM]: Casey?
Casey777 Has entered the room
Ivid[8:12:51 PM]: Pig is unconscious. Kill it?
Aramis[8:13:00 PM]: ooc you mean the pig is still there, but the glowing eyes fade out
Casey777 Has exited the room
Glgnfz[8:13:07 PM]: no!
Cimmerian[8:13:11 PM]: "Devil Swine! DevilSwine...Paul tries to get the holy symbol in its face! (ahahaha)\
Glgnfz[8:13:20 PM]: we can't kill the farmer's only pig.
Casey777 Has entered the room
Ivid[8:13:31 PM]: No, I meant it would ....FAINT is the right english word, I see!
Aramis[8:13:46 PM]: that which is evil I cannot abide, whether fish or fowl!
Ivid[8:13:44 PM]: Wilfred has six of them...
Casey777 Has exited the room
Aramis[8:14:12 PM]: ooc but it had glowing red eyes and now it does not?
Ivid[8:14:11 PM]: OOC Casey jumping?
Ivid[8:14:43 PM]: The Patriarch looks unsure. "To the temple with it?"
Cimmerian[8:14:54 PM]: Paul escapes as soon as he can out from under the devil swine.
Ivid[8:15:13 PM]: Devil swine farts while obviously dreaming...
Glgnfz[8:15:21 PM]: okay - temple, then graveyard?
Aramis[8:15:35 PM]: perhaps this foul fiend was possessed!
Ivid[8:15:35 PM]: OOC Off for a sec!
Aramis[8:15:53 PM]: *goes back to farmhouse*
Casey777 Has entered the room
Aramis[8:16:01 PM]: dear lady might we borrow a wheel barrow?
Aramis[8:16:12 PM]: *puts pig in wheel barrow and heads for the temple*
Cimmerian[8:16:12 PM]: "Hmmm", Paul scratches his head. Was this pig normal or abynormal?
Casey777[8:16:15 PM]: ooc sorry connection went flakey so switched
Casey777[8:16:24 PM]: ooc if you need a roll from me let me know ASAP!
Casey777 follows behind the wheelbarrow, scanning the area as he dashes on his long legs
Ivid[8:16:51 PM]: OOC: Everything alright, Casey! Swine's beaten hard!
Casey777[8:17:06 PM]: ooc yay!
Glgnfz[8:17:17 PM]: TEMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cimmerian[8:17:42 PM]: Paul gets his torch and mace back in his hands and follows, rather spooked by the deviled ham.
Ivid[8:17:36 PM]: Rowena looks puzzled and insecure as Loramir approaches. "Please, do as you want, shining hero."
Cimmerian[8:18:07 PM]: (??? ehhe_
Ivid[8:18:35 PM]: *deviled ham* priceless!
Ivid[8:19:00 PM]: So, you put the swine on the barrow and move to the temple...
Ivid[8:19:28 PM]: The temple's portal is open, which is very unusual for this time of the day...
Ivid[8:19:36 PM]: A blood track leads inside...
Glgnfz[8:20:00 PM]: astrid follows the track.
Ivid[8:19:58 PM]: Noone around seems to find anything unusual...
Cimmerian[8:20:14 PM]: Search the blood track upto the entrance
Cimmerian[8:21:01 PM]: Paul peers inside...mind you, not going in. Jst looking.
Ivid[8:21:09 PM]: As Astrid opens the door, she immediately sees a pale, bearded man lying inside - a grotesque piece of iron piercing through his shoulder...
Casey777 keeps his ears and eyes open
Ivid[8:21:24 PM]: Casy finds nothin unusual...
Casey777[8:21:35 PM]: ooooo
Aramis[8:21:51 PM]: there is evil affot!
Aramis[8:21:55 PM]: afoot
Aramis[8:22:06 PM]: *bursts in, sword drawn*
Glgnfz[8:22:09 PM]: DON'T remove the piece of iron!
Aramis[8:22:14 PM]: show yourself, evil doer!
Casey777 cautiously moves forward, examining the body without touching it
Casey777 nods
Casey777[8:22:49 PM]: I've no desire to touch whatever likely killed this man.
Ivid[8:22:46 PM]: You jump into the small temple (like 30 m²), only to find it empty...
Ivid[8:22:58 PM]: The candles in the windows burn, ghastly...
Glgnfz[8:23:18 PM]: IS the man dead?
Ivid[8:23:22 PM]: The man is still alive, as a low curse gives proof...
Aramis[8:23:30 PM]: holy man, what happened here?
Ivid[8:24:03 PM]: "Fear... Fear the Ghoul..." The man whispers, but in the sudden silence, noone can overhear it...
Cimmerian[8:24:14 PM]: I look into his do they appear?
Ivid[8:24:17 PM]: Stoned.
Glgnfz[8:24:30 PM]: still! DON'T remove the piece of iron! astrid has a closer look at the thing.
Ivid[8:24:27 PM]: That man is simply high.
Cimmerian[8:25:29 PM]: "RIght....I can fear a ghoul easily......Me thinks the graveyard is next!"
Cimmerian[8:25:52 PM]: COntinue searchign the temple for doors, anything of interest, etc.
Aramis[8:26:04 PM]: where is this ghoul? tell us where!
Ivid[8:26:11 PM]: The iron looks like a twisted blade from an ogre sword...
Ivid[8:26:23 PM]: The man faints away...
Casey777[8:26:42 PM]: @_@
Glgnfz[8:26:48 PM]: is it iron or silver? ... or gold?
Ivid[8:27:05 PM]: Outside, the Patriarch is already assembling a small crowd, armed with forks and long knives...
Casey777[8:27:17 PM]: First a werewolf, then a bloody pig, now a ghoul and an ogre?
Ivid[8:27:15 PM]: (Rusted Iron)
Casey777[8:27:27 PM]: Much evil is afoot here!
Aramis[8:27:30 PM]: *placates the crowd*
Cimmerian[8:27:33 PM]: A graveyard post perhaps?
Ivid[8:27:34 PM]: OOC Comfused? Good!
Aramis[8:27:45 PM]: Now, I know there are some rumours flying about
Glgnfz[8:27:49 PM]: then astrid removes it and calls for the patriarch to work some healing magic.
Casey777[8:27:56 PM]: ooc eep!
Aramis[8:27:56 PM]: people are scared. And that's fine
Aramis[8:28:06 PM]: but you can't take the law into your own hands
Ivid[8:28:05 PM]: The Patriarch: "Get everyone into the inn! We are under attack!"
Aramis[8:28:15 PM]: nest leave it to the professionals
Aramis[8:28:36 PM]: fortunately for you, Loramir the Red is here, and the day will be saved
Glgnfz[8:28:43 PM]: astrid thinks we should take our stand at the temple.
Aramis[8:28:45 PM]: for a suitable fee
Aramis[8:28:52 PM]: *smiles*
Ivid[8:29:15 PM]: The dwarf calls a pale, young monk of elven blood who immediately casts a spell on the poor man...
Casey777 is disappointed in there not being any portables yet aside from rusted iron and a suspect bloody pig of unknown state of mind
Ivid[8:29:38 PM]: "That's Calahan, the famous hunter we talked about earlier!"
Aramis[8:29:44 PM]: the people should gather in the most defensible place, perhaps wayne can guard them
Cimmerian[8:29:46 PM]: The cleric sees it has a chance to do some good, just what he was looking for. A quick prayer and back to the investigating.
Ivid[8:29:57 PM]: /Casey can take everything from the temple he wants...
Aramis[8:30:03 PM]: as for the rest, we heroes will take the fight to these scallywags
Unknown Command
Aramis[8:30:08 PM]: to the graveyard!
Ivid[8:30:49 PM]: Some gold coins, maybe a particularily nice candle holder... And Odin's white Lance, of course, though that might attract to much attention...
Casey777[8:31:00 PM]: Certainly, Loramir the Red, for there may be rewards to find amongst the hopefully dead.
Cimmerian[8:31:01 PM]: "The huner! Help us find this beast or ghoul or evil pig spirit! What ever it may be!", claims Paul
Casey777 wide grin
Cimmerian[8:31:07 PM]: *Hunter
Casey777 leaves what is likely the temple's funds behind, to help the wounded man if nothing else
Casey777 and hoping there is more, better, less ethically challenged loot ahead!
Ivid[8:32:04 PM]: The Patriarch looks shocked. "You... MERCENARY! Don't you have a heart! I certainly won't let you inside the inn again, money-grubbing scum!"
Cimmerian[8:32:12 PM]: Paul is relieved that the temple will not get pillaged (ahha)
Casey777 tugs on his floppy hat
Casey777[8:32:56 PM]: Pardon, I was merely examing the evidence. It seems to be all here.
Casey777 holds his hands up
Casey777[8:33:11 PM]: And we have more deadly foes outside, yes?
Casey777 indicating the graveyeard!
Cimmerian[8:33:23 PM]: Waiting on Calahan....
Glgnfz[8:33:27 PM]: ooc: i have to go and talk to our guests - i hate that when i can kill some zombies insted!
Ivid[8:33:25 PM]: Patriarch was speaking to Loramir, but including all of you...
Glgnfz[8:33:41 PM]: raf, can you play astrid as an npc?
Glgnfz[8:33:50 PM]: i hop i'll be back soon!
Ivid[8:34:06 PM]: Of course! We will be here a while longer though, so you can always come back!
Casey777 ooc has ethically challeneged "mercenary" issues
Ivid[8:34:48 PM]: /me hehehe... Time for a short break?
Ivid hehehe... Time for a short break?
Casey777 tips his hat and dashes outside behind Loramir
Cimmerian[8:35:39 PM]: Paul in tow..
Aramis[8:36:08 PM]: there is great danger ahead, Gods be praised
Casey777[8:36:28 PM]: And the possibility of rewards.
Casey777[8:36:44 PM]: My once again empty purse be praised.
Ivid[8:36:53 PM]: Vale has no usual graveyard - the bodies of the dead are burned, and their ashes are distributed on the fields, in a ritual for the harvest goddess...
Ivid[8:37:11 PM]: So, where could that hand possibly come from, if it's not Wilfred's?
Cimmerian[8:37:17 PM]: Exterminating this evil for the village is reward enough for me, well, maybe an ale wouldn't hurt!
Ivid[8:37:33 PM]: OOC - Off to the kitchen for a moment!
Casey777 slows down and sniffs the air
Cimmerian[8:37:48 PM]: (Everyone raise their right hand!)
Aramis[8:38:11 PM]: *examines the hand again* is it decayed but recently detached (i.e Wilfred fought a ghoul and lopped his hand off)
Aramis[8:38:31 PM]: holds up 2 right hands
Casey777[8:38:38 PM]: Strange folk, and the stench of death is everywhere.
Casey777 looking for fresh bodies, disturbed areas, signs of recent activity
Casey777 sword out, hat up
Aramis[8:39:47 PM]: let us ask that hunter to track the ghouls from then temple attack back to their origins
Casey777 stops
Casey777[8:40:18 PM]: Better idea, and I don't want to disturb tracks.
Ivid[8:40:24 PM]: The area immediately around the hamlet is free of any living being, except the occassional birds, or smaller animals, like badgers or rabbits.
Aramis[8:41:07 PM]: calahan, do you see any tracks?
Cimmerian[8:41:31 PM]: Paul scratches hi head, points to barn and traces an imaginery line to the temple. Scratches his head again.
Casey777 waits on the hunter, though still keeping an eye, ear, and nose out for trouble, scanning the area
Aramis[8:41:44 PM]: *muses to self* no living beings? maybe the whole town is ghouls. Run for your lives!
Ivid[8:41:51 PM]: So, you go back to the inn, and ask to get inside. (For the hysterical dwarf has already locked himself, and the other 50 inhabitants of Vale, including Calahan, in.)
Casey777[8:42:23 PM]: ooc uh oh I sense dead hunter
Ivid[8:42:21 PM]: Who asks at the door? The dwarf is not very fond of you any more, mind you?
Casey777 sighs and knocks rapidly at the front door
Ivid[8:43:30 PM]: As far as Paul could see, noone within the village was mutilated, or the like. Noone here has fought in a battle ever, except you and the dwarf.
Aramis[8:43:33 PM]: it is I, Loramir, hero of the battle of 5 vales, defender of Urgth-Garod from the dragon Swelznar, wounder of the demon Filxnad!
Ivid[8:43:44 PM]: *Laughter from inside*
Casey777 then with a flourish gestures to his companions
Aramis[8:43:48 PM]: bring forth Calahan, so that we may save this town
Ivid[8:44:19 PM]: "Why should we help you, MERCERNARY CURS?"
Cimmerian[8:44:36 PM]: (hey is Aramis level one? ehehhe)
Casey777 at the laughter shifts his eyebrows and looks at Pious Paul
Aramis[8:44:57 PM]: we are helping you, foolish innkeep, else why do we not leave this hamlet, and you to your own defence?
Ivid[8:45:17 PM]: (The hand looks definitely like it had been buried somewhere.)
Aramis[8:45:41 PM]: ooc Loramir is full of deluions of his own greatness and may be slightly insane
Ivid[8:45:40 PM]: *Trouble inside the Inn*
Cimmerian[8:45:59 PM]: Paul steps forward, "Be at ease villagers, stay in your sanctuary but if you dont let us help you who will? Now bring forth the hunter so we may deal with this evil before it tears aprt this village!"
Ivid[8:46:02 PM]: Door opens, Calahan steps out, completely healed.
Casey777[8:46:09 PM]: ooc that's why I'm looking at the other guy!
Aramis[8:46:25 PM]: gods be praised
Casey777[8:46:38 PM]: Right. Let's be about this, shall we?
Ivid[8:46:51 PM]: "Okay, let's get this straight. I am the one they call the Snake."
Casey777 lets Calahan go forward, then takes up a wide flanking position
Ivid[8:47:14 PM]: "You help me with a little thingy, and we share the loot. Fifty per cent for me,"
Aramis[8:47:36 PM]: ummm...pardon?
Casey777 stops at the haggling
Ivid[8:48:06 PM]: "I know what plagues these lands, and I can get you to find it's treasure. Yet, it's too powerful to take on alone."
Ivid[8:48:25 PM]: *Looks at the swine-wrestled Paul.* "Potion?"
Casey777 waves a hand
Ivid[8:48:50 PM]: Calahan smashes the door shut, gets out bottle of brandy.
Aramis Has exited the room
Casey777[8:49:16 PM]: Agree to the fellow and lets be on our way, we can work out the details later.
Cimmerian[8:49:18 PM]: "Can you earn 50% of the loot? At 50% you take the risks then!", explains Paul.
Ivid[8:49:26 PM]: "Anybody want? - Better than those magic drinks, eh?"
Casey777 snorts
Ivid[8:49:32 PM]: Dull grin.
Cimmerian[8:49:45 PM]: "Yes please!", Paul extends a hand.
Casey777[8:49:47 PM]: I'm certainly not going first!
Ivid[8:49:48 PM]: OOC Aramis?
Ivid[8:50:35 PM]: C ignores the hand, drinks. "That Patrimony, or however he calls it, was really starting to get annoying."
Casey777 lets somebody else drink first, carefully watching the exchange
Ivid[8:51:22 PM]: "The villagers should be save here. Mr Bonesucker was about to leave with his next victim anyway..."
Cimmerian[8:51:28 PM]: Paul takes back his hand slowly, making it all too obvious he has ben spurned.
Cimmerian[8:52:39 PM]: "Lead on then Snake, BTW, How'd you get that nickname? Snake hunting?", asks Paul
Ivid[8:53:10 PM]: "Get it going? - Maybe, we can arrive in time to save that poor farmer. I'll explain on the way."
Cimmerian[8:53:33 PM]: "Or does it refer to your percentage?", Paul turns away having let that slip out.
Casey777[8:53:44 PM]: You know much about this all, hunter...
Casey777[8:53:56 PM]: almost *too* much-
Ivid[8:54:15 PM]: Calahan looks at Paul without the slightest notion of humour. "Because of my tongue. It's split."
Casey777 his voice growing sharper
Casey777[8:54:50 PM]: ooc nice touch!
Ivid[8:55:23 PM]: "Several days ago, I found a ruin here I hadn's spotted earlier. Like half a day into the Owlwood. No idea if the farmers know."
Ivid[8:55:58 PM]: I observed a strange, flying creature entering there. Followed and fought it, but got beaten..."
Ivid[8:56:43 PM]: Collects loads of stuff there. I am sure he or whatever may also keep gold."
Casey777 lets the hunter set the pace, staying to the side some distance, and switching from his short sword to a sling, carefully placing a well crafted lead bullet at the ready
Ivid[8:57:40 PM]: I can lead you there and distract some of the lesser beings that dwell there.
Cimmerian[8:57:33 PM]: Paul puts away his torch.
Cimmerian[8:57:33 PM]: Paul puts away his torch.
Cimmerian[8:57:33 PM]: Paul puts away his torch.
Cimmerian[8:57:33 PM]: Paul puts away his torch.
Ivid[8:57:58 PM]: You enter and deal with the monster?
Casey777[8:58:32 PM]: Most certainly, though I have no desire to rush in headlong.
Ivid[8:58:26 PM]: C will wait until you clearly state that you're on his side...
Casey777[8:59:12 PM]: And the Snake can go first and run distraction.
Cimmerian[8:59:24 PM]: Paul, "Agreed"
Ivid[8:59:35 PM]: "No worries - the critter will surely be busy with sucking out the farmer when we arrive.
Ivid[9:00:40 PM]: - Okay. Let's go."
Aramis Has entered the room
Casey777[9:00:45 PM]: Well then, hunters first.
Cimmerian[9:00:55 PM]: "What manner of beasts is this? Does it have a name?", Paul ponders
Casey777 flourish of hand, slight bow, hat off then back on
Casey777 ooc yay good timing!
Cimmerian readies mace and hopes the creature doesnt get airborne!
Ivid[9:01:59 PM]: *Please, explain Aramis what he has missed.*
Aramis[9:01:55 PM]: sorry- some kind of connection snafu
Aramis[9:02:16 PM]: didnt even realise i was out for a while
Casey777[9:02:24 PM]: ooc I can PM the missing logs to Aramis
Ivid[9:02:56 PM]: OOC To the bathroom for a moment
Casey777[9:03:00 PM]: ooc sent
Casey777[9:04:02 PM]: ooc we got the hunter, the townsfolk locked themselves up, we're following the hunter (Snake) to a flying thing's lair for glory and loot...right?
Cimmerian[9:04:41 PM]: yep
Milano Has entered the room
Milano[9:05:31 PM]: Sup dood
Casey777[9:05:39 PM]: ooc waves
Milano[9:05:44 PM]: (am i not aloud to be here?)
Aramis[9:05:44 PM]: to victory, and glory, and fame
Ivid[9:06:06 PM]: *Back* - please, join in if you want! :-)
Ivid[9:06:26 PM]: @Casey: Right!
Milano[9:06:33 PM]: (No thanks, just came to watch)
Ivid[9:06:40 PM]: (Enjoy, then. )#
Aramis[9:06:50 PM]: *marches off purposefully*
Casey777[9:07:09 PM]: ooc summary for Milano "Casey777[3:03:54 PM]: ooc we got the hunter, the townsfolk locked themselves up, we're following the hunter (Snake) to a flying thing's lair for glory and loot...right?"
Aramis[9:07:19 PM]: ooc if i drop again, play me as npc (try to get my flair right! heh)
Ivid[9:07:34 PM]: Calahan leads you through dense, green forest that is called the Owlwood.
Casey777[9:07:45 PM]: ooc right, victory, and glory, and fame (and loot!)
Aramis[9:07:56 PM]: what do you know of this creature, snake?
Aramis[9:08:04 PM]: tell us its weaknesses
Cimmerian[9:08:15 PM]: (hey Milano)
Milano Has exited the room
Ivid[9:08:31 PM]: You are not sure if that's the explanation for the name, but there are really many, many spooky owls around you as you walk into the dawn of the night...
Ivid[9:08:49 PM]: @Aramis: Don't drop! :-)
Casey777 weaves back and forth as they go, hoping he finds any trouble before the rest, and before it finds him!
Aramis[9:09:34 PM]: *holds on to the internet with both hands* heh
Ivid[9:10:05 PM]: Calahan raises an eyebrow to Loramir: "If I knew what were its weak points, why would I need you, then, smartie?"
Aramis[9:10:09 PM]: kill this foul fiend and we will be back in time for tea
Cimmerian[9:10:16 PM]: Paul prays over his internet connection...
Aramis[9:10:42 PM]: because you lack the courage of a true hero?
Aramis[9:10:54 PM]: *smirks*
Cimmerian[9:11:06 PM]: ehehhe
Cimmerian[9:11:06 PM]: ehehhe
Cimmerian[9:11:06 PM]: ehehhe
Cimmerian[9:11:06 PM]: ehehhe
Ivid[9:11:18 PM]: Calahan will inform you that time to travel to the ruins takes about five hours, at busy speed. Want to rest in between?
Casey777[9:11:23 PM]: A good day's work and reward and tea time? Truely a marvelous day.
Casey777[9:11:23 PM]: A good day's work and reward and tea time? Truely a marvelous day.
Casey777[9:11:23 PM]: A good day's work and reward and tea time? Truely a marvelous day.
Casey777[9:11:23 PM]: A good day's work and reward and tea time? Truely a marvelous day.
Casey777 sincerely *is* looking forward to tea
Aramis[9:11:54 PM]: never! onward
Cimmerian[9:12:06 PM]: If we do, Paul will chow a ration.
Casey777[9:12:13 PM]: And miss tea time?
Casey777 strides on
Ivid[9:12:45 PM]: Calahan grins to Paul and points to the corpse hand in Paul's bag. "Be careful. That belongs to Mr Sucker. Sure he'll ask it back from you."
Aramis[9:12:53 PM]: it's clobbering time
Aramis[9:13:12 PM]: sucker? hmm
Ivid[9:13:12 PM]: So, eat and sleep, or run and possibly get exhausted?
Aramis[9:13:38 PM]: exhausted? we just started
Ivid[9:14:01 PM]: Calahan snorts as he hears Paul's belly grumble... "Eat while walking, man!"
Casey777[9:14:13 PM]: So is Mr. Bonesucker this flying thing? If not, then who? And how do you know Mr. Bonesucker?
Cimmerian[9:14:30 PM]: 5 hours without eating? eehhe I will not risk it and eat on the way!
Ivid[9:14:36 PM]: Mr Bonesucker, as I call him, has wings, and is possibly a revenant, yes.
Aramis[9:14:55 PM]: *prepares himself to fight the treachery Snake at the final battle*
Ivid[9:15:08 PM]: As I said, I fought him already. Not the easiest opponent."
Ivid[9:15:26 PM]: Calahan leads you on through the darkening wood.
Casey777[9:15:37 PM]: Wings, sucks bones, missing a human...somewhat human hand. Not really living.
Casey777 nods, shrugs, and goes back to silent point man mode
Ivid[9:16:04 PM]: The journey takes longer than the hunter had projected - about two hours after midnight, you finally arrive at the ruin.
Ivid[9:16:18 PM]: (7 hours after you left Vale.)
Ivid[9:16:33 PM]: ... rt-012.jpg
Buttmonkey Has entered the room
Ivid[9:16:56 PM]: (The pic is a 100% match, so ask questions, if you have.)
Cimmerian[9:17:09 PM]: (cool art BTW)
Aramis[9:17:09 PM]: *picks up free swords*
Casey777[9:17:22 PM]: ooc oooo lots of replacement swords, swap out for a better one
Ivid[9:17:51 PM]: Those swords, hundreds maybe, are bigger than human blades.... Possibly to heavy to lift.
Casey777[9:18:06 PM]: o.o Rather crowded for a deserted ruin.
Cimmerian[9:18:09 PM]: "Perhaps they are cursed or the spoils of this creatures victories
Aramis[9:18:12 PM]: not for a hero!
Ivid[9:18:23 PM]: Roll a d20, add your Str bonus, and if you come over 15, you can lift such an ogre sword...
Casey777 and definately NOT for an ethically chanllenged merchant of mercenary tastes
Ivid[9:18:39 PM]: Hi Buttmonkey, btw!
Buttmonkey[9:19:35 PM]: Don't mean to intrude. I've never played via chat and thought I'd take a peek at how y'all are doing it. I can't stick around to play, so please just ignore me.
Aramis rolls 20d2 and gets: 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1 = 28
Aramis rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 2 (+2) = 4
Casey777 rolls 1d20 and gets: 5
Casey777 tests one sword and gives up before a hernia
Aramis[9:20:46 PM]: this is probably as foully cursed as its occupant, so i choose not to lift it!
Aramis[9:20:50 PM]: heh
Cimmerian[9:20:52 PM]: Paul, "these blades are not meant for us!"
Casey777 ooc waves!
Casey777[9:20:58 PM]: Not sporting.
Casey777 tugs at the long brim of his floppy hat
Casey777[9:21:19 PM]: But they might be worth something.
Ivid[9:21:20 PM]: Calahan laughs as he watches you coping with the swords, and you can see that his tongue is INDEED split... He wears a steel ring to separate it that way...
Aramis[9:22:05 PM]: *mutters* truly a man whose word can be trusted
Ivid[9:22:20 PM]: The door of the ruined tower is of simple, bleak wood, strangely new for such a place. You can see a symbol carved in the wall that was used by one of the orcish kingdoms to the south...
Casey777 looks unsettled by the laugh...and the tongue
Aramis[9:22:39 PM]: lead on, Snake
Ivid[9:22:43 PM]: OOC Sec
Aramis[9:22:49 PM]: 2 handed sword in hand
Casey777 as a reflex, glances at the snake's back for bulges (like say, those of wings?) the next time Calahan moves ahead
Cimmerian[9:24:24 PM]: Paul waits until it is safe to try and whisper in Larmir's ear, "A snake tongue? We better watch him, perhaps he serves this beast!" (Then to Caset as well)
Ivid[9:24:21 PM]: Casey will find no bulges there, nor anything that looks unusual...
Aramis[9:24:37 PM]: your fears are well founded, shadow one
Ivid[9:25:28 PM]: Here, a pic of Calahan: ... 102040.jpg
Aramis[9:25:56 PM]: scurrilous scallywag
Ivid[9:25:59 PM]: As he enters the door, Calahan wispers: "Be careful. Very big rats..."
Casey777 a slight nod to Pious Paul and then to Loramir the Red.
Casey777[9:26:35 PM]: Rats? I hate rats.
Ivid[9:26:55 PM]: Calahan opens the door and reveals a dim-lit room. Interior funriture is all of wood, like in an usual watchtower.
Casey777 doublechecks his sling
Ivid[9:27:23 PM]: Everything broken, stinking and damaged by years of exposure to rain and weather...
Ivid[9:27:38 PM]: "Move on, quickly.."
Ivid[9:27:55 PM]: Name your marching order, please! Astrid will go last!
Cimmerian[9:28:04 PM]: Staying close, Paul follows.
Casey777 enters quietly but quickly
Aramis[9:28:20 PM]: Loramir in front with snake
Casey777 behind Loramir or beside if possible
Aramis[9:28:38 PM]: show yourself, fiend of the hells!
Cimmerian[9:28:45 PM]: Ill follow those 2..leave the thief to hide behind us, heh.
Aramis[9:28:47 PM]: we have brought you a present
Ivid[9:28:41 PM]: You'll see red eyes in the corners of the room and over you, in the broken roof...
Casey777 looking like directly behind, sling ready
Aramis[9:28:57 PM]: we thought we might...give you a hand
Casey777 ooc hey somebody has to protect!
Ivid[9:29:01 PM]: Strangely reminding you of the Lycanswine...
Cimmerian[9:29:31 PM]: Lycaneyes!
Aramis[9:29:44 PM]: you will find my mental fortress tougher to penetrate than that of swine and foolish townsfolk!
Ivid[9:30:11 PM]: "Be quiet." Calahan's eyes seem to glow for themselves, and moves forward into the darkness...
Ivid[9:30:19 PM]: ...AND VANISHES!!!
Cimmerian[9:30:31 PM]: "Show yourselves, creepers of the ruin! Paul brandishes his mace while holding his holy symbol straight out with his left hand.
Cimmerian[9:30:46 PM]: "er.." Paul shuts up.
Ivid[9:31:04 PM]: A scratching sound can be heard over you in the roof...
Aramis[9:31:23 PM]: never trust a man named snake!
Casey777 sighs and TUGS his hat on tight across his brow
Cimmerian[9:31:52 PM]: "These are for snake to deal with", whispers Paul to his firends. "We made a deal!"
Ivid[9:32:03 PM]: "You idiots, light a torch before you fall down too!" Comes an angry voice from downside...
Aramis[9:32:22 PM]: is that you God?
Ivid[9:32:25 PM]: OOC LOL
Aramis[9:32:32 PM]: *looks around bewildered*
Casey777 ooc snort "I'm coming father!"
Cimmerian[9:32:50 PM]: Paul, who is an idiot, lights his torch letting his holy symbol fall back around his neck.
Cimmerian[9:33:26 PM]: Paul gives a prayer, "let there be light!"....and hopefully there is!
Casey777 once said idiot torch is lit, decides to take Snake's place in the marching order, greatful for some light
Aramis[9:33:27 PM]: strides forward in the new light
Ivid[9:33:39 PM]: About two meters down, between the broken planks of the wooden floor, you see Calahan standing at the entrance of a cave.
Ivid[9:33:50 PM]: "Here's the entrance."
Aramis[9:34:23 PM]: you know this area well, my friend, perhaps too well
Ivid[9:34:26 PM]: As Calahan speaks, the scratching sounds get louder and louder, and more and more red eyes pop up...
Aramis[9:34:38 PM]: climbs down nimbly for a man in fullarmour
Casey777[9:34:50 PM]: I told you I hate rats?
Casey777[9:34:52 PM]: Right?
Casey777[9:34:57 PM]: I *hate* rats.
Casey777 not moving beyond the light
Ivid[9:35:12 PM]: Loramir will find that a particularly fat rat is sitting on a broken plank and watching him with obvious appetite in its eyes...
Cimmerian[9:35:29 PM]: "What are these creatures, snake?", asks a worried Paul.
Aramis[9:35:41 PM]: you will find my cold steel unappetizing, demon spawn!
Casey777 seeing that his precious light will soon leave him behind to the rats, shimmies down to examine the entrance
Ivid[9:36:10 PM]: A growling sound can be heard from above... Like the howling of a faraway thunder... But outside, wasn't there a clear sky...
Casey777[9:36:14 PM]:
Aramis[9:36:30 PM]: this bodes ill
Aramis[9:36:48 PM]: *looks for exits from the room*
Ivid[9:36:48 PM]: You hear the breaking of wood...
Casey777 gourmund rat, scratching noises, red eyes, growls of a non-storm nature, many distractions from examining the entrance
Cimmerian[9:37:17 PM]: "The ceiling!", howls Paul!
Casey777 and now breaking of wood
Casey777 is hoping that somewhere, someone is putting a kettle on
Cimmerian peers up with a ready mace.
Aramis[9:37:48 PM]: hides under a door jam*
Ivid[9:37:50 PM]: Over you, you can a LEGION of rats forming... Hundreds of red eyes, aiming at you... And hundreds of bleak, thumb teeth...
Cimmerian[9:38:29 PM]: ""Enter the cave, quick!", Paul enters it with torch leading.
Ivid[9:38:32 PM]: "RUN!" Calahan is the first one to recover his wits and jumps into the cave entrance...
Cimmerian[9:39:03 PM]: Aaaaaah the priest is faster than the snake!
Aramis[9:39:03 PM]: jumps in entrance
Casey777 needs NO prompting to RUN
Ivid[9:39:32 PM]: Then, Paul stumbles against Calahan - the hunter seems strangely quiet from one second to another... "Poison" is all he says...
Casey777[9:39:39 PM]: I REALLY HATE RATS YOU KNOW?
Casey777 following Pious Paul's torch
Aramis[9:40:16 PM]: Poison? no thanks, i am full from all of the rat i have been eating
Aramis[9:40:38 PM]: looks ahead
Ivid[9:40:38 PM]: Paul can see that Calahan has catched a long, silver needle with his chest... A needle that would promptly have decapitated Paul...
Cimmerian[9:40:43 PM]: Paul scans the snake for any darts in him.
Casey777 stops to catch his breath
Cimmerian[9:41:24 PM]: Pauls eyes-->
Casey777[9:41:25 PM]: Woah, next time don't do what he di.
Casey777[9:41:30 PM]: did
Ivid[9:41:37 PM]: "Go. I will deal with the rats. Get me my treasure." Bölood dips from Calahan's mouth as he speaks...
Aramis[9:41:39 PM]: waves the shadowy one forward to look for traps
Casey777 nods and does his "unspecified other talents" around the chest
Ivid[9:42:16 PM]: No tracks are visible in the narrow tunnel that stretches into the darkness...
Casey777[9:42:34 PM]: There may be another needle or something else here.
Aramis[9:42:41 PM]: watches for any attacks on the thief
Ivid[9:42:58 PM]: Casey can remove the needle, but has no way to heal Calahan...
Casey777 pulling a set of well maintained tools of a nature best not mentioned from somewhere on his person
Ivid[9:43:18 PM]: The hunter falls against the wall, but readies his dagger and short axe.
Ivid[9:43:24 PM]: "Go, I say."
Casey777 shurgs and gestures to Pious Paul
Aramis[9:43:29 PM]: where is this flying abomination?
Ivid[9:43:40 PM]: One more turn and the rats will catch you....
Casey777 ooc woops I thought there was a chest there misread
Aramis[9:44:18 PM]: we go
Aramis[9:44:24 PM]: although we fear no rat
Cimmerian[9:44:25 PM]: "If only you gave me that potion!", Paul says to the Snake!
Casey777 stands back up and DASHES down the tunnel
Ivid[9:44:35 PM]: "ROARRR!" With a gutural cry, Calahan jumps into the flood of rats that waves into the tunnel... Time to fight or to run...
Casey777 still wary for traps, but truting to speed now
Aramis[9:45:18 PM]: follows the thief
Cimmerian[9:45:29 PM]: Paul lets the thief get just ahead of him, ehehehe
Ivid[9:45:30 PM]: Astrid follows as well, as fast as she can...
Casey777 hand tipped to the brim of his hat as he leaves the valiant Snake behind
Ivid[9:46:31 PM]: You haste into the darkness, the sounds of the snarring rats close behind you...
Ivid[9:47:09 PM]: Suddenly Casey chokes with something, then falls back, his nose bleeding...
Ivid[9:47:28 PM]: In the darkness, you hear a howling sound, from very near...
Casey777 flails about with his free hand
Aramis[9:47:45 PM]: what has befallen you, shadowed one?
Ivid[9:47:41 PM]: Casey: 1 DAM
Ivid[9:48:16 PM]: A pair of red eyes pups out of the darkness before you! One rat, big as a small dog, has made it!
Aramis[9:48:37 PM]: attacks
Ivid[9:48:33 PM]: (Rules like in Doom. You fight, you put the torch away...)
Casey777[9:48:41 PM]: can't...breathe
Aramis rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 3 (+2) = 5
Aramis[9:48:56 PM]: damn you, gods of the dice!
Casey777 draws in what he hopes is fresh air
Casey777 fight with the torch! ooc
Ivid[9:49:11 PM]: Casey senses something hairy and wet...
Cimmerian[9:49:39 PM]: Pul throws the torch to the ground.
Casey777 ooc it's that rat bastid gormund rat...innit it?
Cimmerian[9:49:49 PM]: *Paul
Aramis[9:49:52 PM]: lloks with keen elf eyes
Ivid[9:49:53 PM]: Casey's torch has fallen out of his range... He feels small claws scratching over his face...
Ivid[9:50:20 PM]: The big rat sits on Casey's chest and tries to bite him...
Cimmerian[9:50:30 PM]: Paul swings a mace to help.
Casey777 drops his sling and scrabbles for his nearest dagger, backpedaling
Aramis Has exited the room
Ivid[9:50:56 PM]: Roll 1d2; 1=you kill the rat. 2=you harm Casey...
Cimmerian[9:51:10 PM]: (init or roll? or wait?)
Cimmerian rolls 1d2 and gets: 1
Cimmerian[9:51:30 PM]: (naturally!)
Ivid[9:51:49 PM]: Next two seconds, Casey will be busy removing rat brain form his face...
Casey777 ooc yay
Casey777 tries not to spew his lunch
Ivid[9:53:22 PM]: Before you, a wooden door with which casey has choked...
Casey777[9:53:32 PM]: many thanks Pious Paul
Casey777 will definately need a new cloak
Ivid[9:53:56 PM]: Buttmonkey, want to jump in for a little while?
Cimmerian[9:54:18 PM]: (thank the dice gods) The door caused Casey to choke?
Aramis Has entered the room
Ivid[9:54:22 PM]: Yes.
Casey777 ooc danged sawdust!
Aramis Has exited the room
Aramis Has entered the room
Ivid[9:55:38 PM]: The door is apprently locked...
Aramis[9:55:46 PM]: damn it!
Cimmerian[9:56:06 PM]: (Party, want me to kick it in?)
Ivid[9:56:09 PM]: You missed rat golf, friend.
Aramis[9:56:15 PM]: i shall do it
Ivid[9:56:19 PM]: ..:With yer head!!!
Aramis[9:56:23 PM]: any traps shadowed one?
Ivid[9:56:33 PM]: Casey cannot sense any...
Aramis[9:56:41 PM]: braces shoulder and opens door
Aramis rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 3 (+2) = 5
Aramis[9:57:12 PM]: ooc something weird, when i roll i always get that (3)
Ivid[9:57:06 PM]: Old wood, weakened by Casey already, breaks up...
Casey777[9:57:34 PM]: ooc I think I already hit the trap
Aramis[9:57:45 PM]: the strength of a true hero cannot be resisted!
Casey777[9:57:51 PM]: ooc not the recomended way to find traps
Aramis[9:57:53 PM]: strides boldly forawrd
Cimmerian[9:57:59 PM]: Paul picks up his torch and throws it into the romm beyond the door.
Aramis[9:58:10 PM]: ooc at 1st level, that is pretty much how you will find most of them
Casey777[9:58:24 PM]: ooc true
Cimmerian[9:58:52 PM]: Can anything be seen?
Aramis Has exited the room
Ivid[9:59:03 PM]: Before you, a weathered room that roughly reminds you of an old scriptorium... Wet pergament all over the tables... Old, molded scrolls and tomes in the frames...
Casey777 waits for any sounds after the torch lands, then waits a little more, THEN if there is nothing...enters cautiously sword out
Ivid[9:59:39 PM]: Luckily, the paper doesn't catch the fire... The room is to wet for it...
Aramis Has entered the room
Ivid[10:00:16 PM]: Water is pouring from the ceiling, as if you were under a lake or something...
Ivid[10:00:28 PM]: Yet, you couldn't see anything alike from outside...
Casey777 looks up, then around
Cimmerian[10:00:42 PM]: keyword luckily, the beast must not be in there and something useful perhaps.
Ivid[10:00:52 PM]: Under the many parchments, Casey can see human bones...
Cimmerian[10:01:00 PM]: Paul enters the room.
Aramis[10:01:02 PM]: searches for interesting scrolls
Aramis[10:01:05 PM]: exits>
Casey777[10:01:15 PM]: Curious, this water. Still, a lot of...books and some bones.
Ivid[10:01:14 PM]: Paul will sense a strange sting in his mind... Something is not right...
Aramis[10:01:19 PM]: exits?
Casey777[10:01:52 PM]: Human bones.
Ivid[10:01:55 PM]: One about 20 m before you, another door, half-submerged ina puddle of dirty water...
Aramis[10:02:01 PM]: missing a hand?
Ivid[10:02:00 PM]: No.
Casey777[10:02:05 PM]: There may be something here under all this damp and paper.
Cimmerian[10:02:42 PM]: Evil is afoot!
Aramis[10:02:44 PM]: examines papers for items of magical or historical interest
Buttmonkey Has exited the room
Aramis[10:03:03 PM]: if none, moves to the submerged door
Cimmerian[10:03:08 PM]: I look for any visual cues to my suspicions
Casey777[10:03:16 PM]: Or under water.
Ivid[10:03:50 PM]: More corpses lie under the paper, all bleak to the bone... But it doesn't look like they had decayed naturally...
Casey777 looks for interesting (read VALUABLE) salvagable texts or maps, or other potentially useful bits, rats, other monsters
Aramis[10:04:43 PM]: any teeth marks on bones?
Ivid[10:04:50 PM]: If examined with more time, Casey is sure that he will find a LOT of valuable stuff down here... Some wizards would surely kill to have sucha libary, even with the water damage...
Casey777[10:04:56 PM]: Could the water have hastened the decay of these bodies? However, the books are still somewhat here.
Cimmerian[10:04:58 PM]: Paul prays over the bones.
Ivid[10:05:01 PM]: @Aramis: YES.
Aramis[10:05:27 PM]: i use my arcane knowledge to sort the the important from unimportant
Aramis[10:05:47 PM]: let us return here, after we have killed he who sucked these bones dry
Casey777 will keep "digging" hoping to find something useful...and NO RATS
Ivid[10:05:59 PM]: The scratching behind you indicates the rats are coming near...
Casey777[10:06:21 PM]: This water may be recent-
Casey777 stops at the sound of scratching
Casey777[10:06:40 PM]: Right, let us move on.
Ivid[10:06:38 PM]: Casey finds a strange, heavy black book under a large pile of dirt... NECRONOMICON is written on it...
Aramis[10:06:56 PM]: these damned rats drive us like beaters at a hunt. But towards what?
Casey777[10:06:59 PM]: o.O
Aramis[10:07:16 PM]: by Al Hazared, the necronomicon here!
Casey777 gingerly drags this book out and hands it over to Pious Paul
Casey777[10:07:26 PM]: My gift to you.
Aramis[10:07:34 PM]: Shug nuggoth, baal manigaroth...
Casey777 is already moving back out in the corridor, moving along at a long stride
Cimmerian[10:07:50 PM]: Paul opens his sack and lets it fall in, not touching it.
Aramis[10:07:53 PM]: follows
Ivid[10:07:59 PM]: At Loramir's words, the book begins to glow in a ghostly white light...
Ivid[10:08:05 PM]: (No joke.)
Aramis[10:08:20 PM]: stops talking...STOPS TALKING! heh
Ivid[10:08:26 PM]: OOC Need a sec
Cimmerian[10:08:48 PM]: A quick prayer is given in hope my diety hears my plea.
Cimmerian[10:08:59 PM]: Stop this enchantment! ehehe
Glgnfz Has exited the room
Casey777 hopes he's far enough ahead of the book
Ivid[10:11:28 PM]: Paul isn't sure what it has done, but he suddenly feels stronger and more self-confident...
Cimmerian[10:11:51 PM]: Casey: Run like hell!
Aramis[10:11:51 PM]: bless you holy man!
Aramis[10:12:02 PM]: follows like hell
Ivid[10:12:11 PM]: To the half-submerged door?
Casey777 speeds up to Run Like Hell speed
Cimmerian[10:12:27 PM]: I look for hair on my back, ehehhe
Aramis[10:12:37 PM]: its rats or the door..or the book
Aramis[10:12:41 PM]: heads for the door
Aramis[10:13:04 PM]: ooc I am going to have to log off here soon lads
Ivid[10:13:01 PM]: The door is in a puddle of mudd that spans about two meters. You cannot tell how deep it is...
Cimmerian[10:13:16 PM]: I stay put for a moment, making sure I can control myself.
Aramis[10:13:16 PM]: ooc thanks for the game. Good fun
Ivid[10:13:23 PM]: OOC We areclose to the end...
Cimmerian[10:13:37 PM]: (cya)
Aramis[10:13:45 PM]: ok carry on
Casey777[10:13:46 PM]: Throw some books in this mud!
Ivid[10:13:42 PM]: OOC Was all a pleasure, hope we can repeat!
Aramis[10:14:25 PM]: bravely pokes the mud with his scabbard, does it have a solid bottom?
Cimmerian[10:14:25 PM]: A summoning pool, Paul wonders.
Ivid[10:14:27 PM]: The book don't sink to far into the dirt... Though they obviously reveal another skeleton...
Premier Has entered the room
Premier[10:14:48 PM]: ho, everyone
Ivid[10:14:46 PM]: Then, the door is slowly opened...
Premier[10:14:53 PM]: Ongoing game?
Cimmerian[10:14:56 PM]: (ho)
Ivid[10:14:53 PM]: Hi
Aramis[10:15:02 PM]: just ending premier
Premier[10:15:15 PM]: I see. And I'm just back from my RL gaming group.
Casey777 ooc waves
Cimmerian[10:15:16 PM]: BBEG time
Ivid[10:15:16 PM]: ... y_nJoo.jpg
Aramis[10:15:28 PM]: steadies sword
Aramis[10:15:47 PM]: that befouled demon cannot be natural!
Aramis[10:15:50 PM]: attack!
Ivid[10:16:21 PM]: The man's limbs seem to look as if they had been sewed to his body...
Cimmerian[10:16:29 PM]: Paul lunges at it with his mace hoping his newly refreshed self has some advantage!
Aramis rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 14 (+2) = 16
Aramis[10:17:05 PM]: maybe the taste of cold steel from a hero will change your ways, hideous fiend!
Casey777 sidesteps and tries to get around the thing, not wanting to attack it head on, esp. near this mud
Ivid[10:17:02 PM]: The monstrosity does not block Paul's and Loramir's blows...
Ivid[10:17:30 PM]: Then, its black hand reaches out and grabs Paul's throat...
Casey777 once he gets in what he hopes is a good position swings in
Aramis[10:17:38 PM]: this battle will soon be a vivisection
Cimmerian rolls 1d20 and gets: 8
Cimmerian[10:17:51 PM]: Dowp!
Casey777 1 20
Ivid[10:17:53 PM]: The monster presses...
Casey777 rolls 1d20 and gets: 19
Aramis[10:18:08 PM]: unhand him, unholy spawn of Azathoth!
Aramis[10:18:23 PM]: chops off the arm that holds the noble paul
Aramis rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 8 (+2) = 10
Cimmerian[10:18:29 PM]: I raise my holy symbol with my left hand!
Ivid[10:18:31 PM]: And Paul feels blood running into his gullet... From inside...
Casey777 rolls 1d6 and gets: 5
Aramis[10:19:04 PM]: redoubles his effort to remove the arm
Ivid[10:19:02 PM]: Loramir's blow frees Paul...
Cimmerian[10:19:08 PM]: "mphtpht help mmptmptpm!"
Aramis rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 13 (+2) = 15
Casey777[10:19:13 PM]: ooc assuming I hit with a 19 on my short sword
Ivid[10:19:19 PM]: Paul cannot speak for the moment
Aramis[10:19:45 PM]: hooray. pray retreat to whatever despicable sulfur ridden hell spawned you fiend!
Aramis[10:19:51 PM]: attacks again
Ivid[10:19:46 PM]: Cut or pierce with your swords?
Cimmerian[10:19:52 PM]: "hack hack, wheeez, thanks!", gasps paul
Aramis rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 8 (+2) = 10
Aramis[10:20:08 PM]: 2 handed slashes
Casey777 has gone silent
Ivid[10:20:19 PM]: Astrid cuts the monster into the leg with her axe---
Aramis[10:20:34 PM]: only one of us can walk away from this battle Cthulhian monstrosity!
Casey777[10:20:38 PM]: ooc with a short sword? pierce
Cimmerian[10:20:46 PM]: (Destroy the book or use the book, party members?)
Aramis rolls 20d1+2 and gets: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (+2) = 22
Aramis[10:21:06 PM]: thats more like it!
Aramis[10:21:09 PM]: doh!
Aramis rolls 1d20+2 and gets: 6 (+2) = 8
Casey777[10:21:25 PM]: ooc destroy destory the book
Ivid[10:21:23 PM]: Flesh from the Bonesucker flies through the air, but you do not seem to be able to harm it in earnest...
Casey777[10:21:54 PM]: Try a torch!

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